/SAPAPO/RSP_INFO - Messages for Info Center Reservation Planning

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/RSP_INFO: Messages for Info Center Reservation Planning.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/RSP in software component SCM-APO-PPS-RSP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Reservation Planning".
Message Nr
Message Text
000************Messages for Info Center Reservation Planning****************
001Error calling up user interface components
002Error when checking planning version &1
003There is no daily package run for planning version &1
004System could not read time series details for planning version &1
005Error &1 occurred when function module &2 was called up
006No daily package creation run for planning verion &1 exists
007Internal program error when saving default values
008There are no open transactions
009No order exists in the database
010Error &1 in calling up method &2
011No where-use list matrix was found in the LiveCache
012Error &1 when generating dialog box
013No restrictions found; check your selection
014There are no inconsistencies
015User &1 has already created a log of inconsistencies
016Unable to set lock
017Error when reading the characteristic values
018Error in determining log number
019Consistency check was stopped on &1 at &2
020&1 logs were deleted
021There are no further logs for planning version &1
022Log &1 does not exist for planning version &2
023Background run could not be started
024No logs were found for planning version &1
025Order number and logical system must be selected together
026Consistency Check of restrictions canceled on &1 at &2
027Error reading time series from the liveCache
028Error reading restrictions from the database
029Error in comparison of restrictions between liveCache and database
030Error closing process (see long text)
031Error when reading logs for time series initialization
032Error when reading the Where-Used list matrix &1 in planning version &2
033Consistency check of where-used list cancelled on &1 at &2
034Error in comparison between restrictions and where-used list
035Error in comparison between time series and where-used list
036Consistency check between time series and WUL cancelled on &1 at &2
037Error Reading Orders
038Error in comparison between orders and where-used list
039Consistency check of order configurations canceled on &1 at &2
040Error reading configuration for customer orders for stock
041Error reading configuration for order &1
042Consistency check for proposed order config. canceled on &1 at &2
043Error comparing tables /SAPAPO/DBORH and /SAPAPO/POSMAPN
044Cons.check DB repository for proposed orders cancelled on &1 at &2
045Select at least one check
046No inconsistencies determined in this log
047All inconsistencies already corrected or must be corrected manually
048No entries available
049No inconsistencies found in bit string restrictions time series
050No inconsistencies found in the bit string restrictions
051No inconsistencies found in the bit string time series
200########### Messages for error handling ###################
201No corresponding process was found
202Data Invalid
203Registration of process failed.
204Subprocess can not be carried out due to parallel subprocess
205Planning version could not be locked
206Subprocess can not be carried out due to dependencies
207Update of transaction data failed; &1
208Subprocess can not be carried out due to dependencies
209Transfer Either Individual Message or Table of Messages
210No valid subprocess was found
211Required data is missing.
212Error reading Customizing data for subprocess &1
213No valid process was found
214Subprocess has already ended
215Check on dependent subprocesses failed
250*********Messages From Error Handling Monitor Interface**************
251Error generating tree control.
252Error creating docking container
253Error occurred reading data
254Error deleting tree control
255Error deleting docking container
256Error deleting custom container
257Error deleting ALV grid
258Error deleting the node in the tree
259Error creating the node in the tree
260Error accessing the performance assistant
261Error calling up function &1
262Error registering TreeEvent
263Error in reading the names of processes and subprocesses.
264Error in expanding tree
265Error in selection in tree
266Error creating the custom container
267Error during creation of ALV grid
268Error in the method set_table_for_first_display.
269Error in the method refresh_table_display.
270Error in collapsing tree.
271Subprocess was ended manually by user &1
272External format not found for all orders
273Time series deleted successfully in liveCache
274Error deleting the time series in the liveCache
275Order &1 not found in restriction matrix (error number &2)
276Restriction &1 (&2) is locked
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