/SAPAPO/SDP_PC - Messages for DP/SNP Process Chains Functionality

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/SDP_PC: Messages for DP/SNP Process Chains Functionality.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/SDP_PC_MISC in software component SCM-APO-FCS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DP/SNP Functionality for Process Chains".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Program variant &1 does not exist
001No program variant has been selected
002Process variant &1 is inconsistent
003Program variant &1 cannot be used in process chains
004You should plan the process type with the selected overall alert profile
005You should ignore the due dates when planning the process type
006Job &1 cannot be deleted (used in &2 process chains)
007Loading from local file not possible in background processing
008Variant name &1 too long for DP background processing (> 10 characters)
009Generic process variant for process type &1 transferred
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