/SAPAPO/SDP_UPLOAD - Messages for Excel Upload from Interactive Planning

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/SDP_UPLOAD: Messages for Excel Upload from Interactive Planning.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/MSDP in software component SCM-APO-SNP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application Development Supply & Demand Planner".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Contents of file &1 has been read
002Data has been checked
003Contents of a cell from the file will not be transferred
004Data transferred
005Starting data view &2 in planning book &1
006Function for uploading data has been started
007First select a valid file
008First execute the 'Check' function
009File cannot be uploaded
010Resetting indicator 'only overwrite data at aggr. level'
011Contents of a cell from the file will not be transferred; initial cell
012Data view &1 for planning book &2 does not exist
013No planning objects found for selection
014Contents of a cell from a file are not transferred; read-only
015Characteristic &1 has been deleted from the navigation path
016Error when reading technical information
017The contents of a cell from the file are not transferred; cell is fixed
018A cell will be overwritten despite fixing; fixing will be removed
019Contents of a cell from file are not transferred; cell missing in target
020Contents of a cell from the file are not transferred; value is negative
021Existing default macros have been started
022Starting any existing level change macros
023From date must be eariler or the same as to date
024You do not have authorization for displaying or changing properties
025You do not have authorization for displaying or changing settings
026You do not have authorization changing properties
027You do not have authorization to change the settings
028Data transfer is not possible in display mode
029Content of a cell not copied from file (not numerical: &1)
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