/SAPAPO/SEQ - Message Sequencing
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/SEQ: Message Sequencing.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/SEQ in software component SCM-APO-PPS-MMP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Model Mix Planning & Sequencing".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/SEQ in software component SCM-APO-PPS-MMP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Model Mix Planning & Sequencing".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | * MESSAGES (GENERAL) ************************************************ |
001 | Internal program error ( & & & & ) |
002 | Internal system error in program &. Inform SAP development team |
003 | Debugging mode of sequencing switched on |
004 | Welcome &2 to sequencing |
005 | Analysis: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
006 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
007 | Control cannot be generated. Install the newest GUI version |
009 | Planning run terminated due to error |
010 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
011 | Function Module &1 is not compatible with Planning Basis &2. |
020 | * MESSAGES FOR HEURISTICS ******************************************** |
021 | No capacity available |
024 | No orders or requirements exist |
025 | Percentage smoothing only works requirements-oriented and cumulated |
030 | No bucket determined for (order) time stamp |
033 | Too little info available from pegging ID &1 to fulfil firmed order |
034 | A suitable time stamp stamp was not found in the timing pattern |
035 | Lead time offset ends on line in the past |
036 | The planning basis for algorithm &2 is not maintained in model mix &1 |
037 | Characteristic values matrix could not be created |
038 | Restrictions or characteristics cannot be visualized |
039 | Char.values matrix (for restriction violation check) could not be created |
040 | No valuation determined for orders or requirements |
041 | No characteristic value combination (restriction) determined |
042 | Value assignment (internal no. &1) cannot be determined. No. of orders &2 |
043 | Charact. value combination &1 for restriction &2 cannot be determined |
044 | Inconsistent restriction exists. Type: &1 &2 |
045 | Type of configuration (IBASE or CDP) is not defined |
047 | Hard weighting of desired date for lot size greater than one not possible |
050 | Optimization call canceled by RFC. System exception: &1, reason: &2 |
051 | Optimization successfully performed. Fitness: &1 |
052 | Optimized order items: &1, firmed orders: &2 |
053 | Optimization not possible because of hard weighting(s) |
054 | A result that is not optimal has been transferred to planning |
055 | Optimization terminated due to inconsistencies. See log |
056 | Optimum Solution Found |
057 | Solution found, however, hard restriction could not be respected |
058 | Partial solution created |
059 | No solution found |
099 | Calling &1 for not supported application &2, only supporting &3 |
100 | * MESSAGES FOR MODEL MIX PLANNING************************************ |
101 | Restriction refers to shift &2 at &1, unknown |
102 | Activity end &1 is not located on timing pattern &2 |
103 | Master data is not assigned to the model |
104 | Reschedule error for activities. Error code of scheduler (&1) |
105 | No shift program determined for resource/production line &1 |
106 | No shift definition determined for resource/production line &1 |
107 | Order creation failed |
108 | Order &1 could not be read |
109 | Change quantity for order &1 failed |
110 | Status change of an activity failed |
111 | Deallocation of an activity failed |
112 | New order activity cannot be determined after quantity change |
113 | No complete shift exists for line &1 in the selected horizon |
114 | Production rate of line resource is 0 |
115 | LP procedure: First section not defined as planning segment |
116 | &1 orders which have already been released are moved on time axis |
117 | &1 firmed orders with lot sizes other than one are split |
118 | &1 orders in horizon &2 are split due to planning basis |
119 | Firmed order in a period with no valid production version |
120 | Internal program error (internal identifier &1) |
123 | The standard horizon and Customizing horizon do not overlap |
124 | For product &1, a production version exists that is not always valid |
125 | No planning areas determined (product/location/account assignment) |
126 | No enough information is available for a planning area |
127 | No valid production version exists for a planning area |
128 | No characteristic value assignment exists for a planning area |
129 | Two production versions exist for a planning area in the horizon |
130 | No timing pattern determined for horizon &1 to &2 |
131 | No item determined. Order lies outside the optimization period |
132 | Order must have lot size >=1 &2. Actual quantity is &1 &2 |
133 | Quantity-firmed order with quantity &1 &2 in new task list (AONEW) |
134 | Order &1 has lot size &2 |
135 | Not enough capacity in current optimization period |
136 | No orders exist in horizon |
137 | All requirements in horizon are covered |
138 | No planning version was transferred |
139 | No simulation version was transferred |
140 | No model mix line has been entered or determined |
141 | Error checking the production line |
142 | Invalid planning horizon, as horizon end lies before horizon start |
143 | Invalid Model Mix Customizing |
144 | &1 is not a model mix line |
145 | Order/requirement volume is &1 &2 |
146 | Cannot determine a source of supply for product & and location &2 |
147 | Planning basis: &1, &2 |
148 | Resource &1 has no takt at &2 in shift &3 |
149 | Invalid model mix line |
150 | Resource data invalid. Line resource &1 |
151 | Generation of timing pattern not possible. Return code: &1 |
152 | Activity of fixed order &1 lies outside of available takt |
155 | Model Mix Planning for line &1 terminated due to incorrect data |
160 | Invalid selection period for restrictions. From &1&2 to &3&4 |
165 | Not possible to post result completely because of new planning situation |
170 | Selected production line not allowed for Model Mix Planning |
171 | Selected line has no planning segment |
172 | Selected line contains more than one planning segment |
173 | The line structure includes parallel lines |
174 | The line network contains no subordinate lines |
175 | Error while reading orders in horizon |
176 | Line network has not been sufficiently maintained for Model Mix Planning |
177 | An inconsistency exists in the line structure |
178 | Line &1 does not belong to the planning segment |
180 | Horizon: &1 shift &2 to &3 shift &4 |
181 | &1 started for &2 at &3 o'clock |
182 | &1 started at &2 o'clock |
184 | &1 finished at &2 o'clock |
186 | Call of process &1 only allowed in batch run |
188 | Planning basis for process &1 must be requirements-oriented |
189 | &1 orders selected based on criteria |
190 | &1 orders deleted |
191 | &1 orders newly created |
192 | &1 orders rescheduled |
193 | No changes were made |
194 | Validity of prod. version becomes invalid when rescheduling order &1 |
195 | &1 orders were deleted |
196 | &1 orders were created |
197 | Resource &1 has less shifts than reference calendar |
198 | Make-To-Stock requirements ignored in VC for configurable product &1 |
200 | * CUSTOMIZING MESSAGES*********************************************** |
201 | Invalid single procedure selected |
202 | No parameter profile determined for equal distribution process |
203 | Procedure &1 does not exist in Customizing |
204 | Genetic algorithm: Parameter profile &1 does not exist |
210 | Only one characteristic or restriction can be specified |
211 | Enter at least one characteristic or restriction |
212 | The planning basis is a compulsory parameter |
213 | The processing profile: &1 for procedure: &2 does not exist |
214 | No processing profile selected. The default profile is used |
215 | Error occurred processing orders |
216 | Error occurred processing orders |
217 | No orders were created or deleted |
218 | Order &1 is fixed |
219 | The characteristic does not exist |
221 | Enter a column number |
300 | * VISUALIZATION MESSAGES ******************************************* |
301 | Error in calling a method in the ALV grid/tree control |
302 | Deallocation not possible as order is firmed |
303 | Function: Line &1 does not exist |
304 | Select at least one row |
305 | Select a maximum of &1 rows |
306 | Displacement not possible as target item lies in the past |
307 | Moving not possible as target item already fixed |
308 | Moving not possible as target item already released |
309 | Moving not possible as order already released |
310 | Moving not possible as more than one row is selected |
311 | Not possible to change firming, selected order is released |
312 | Algorithm cannot be started as an order occurs in the past |
313 | Algorithm cannot start as order is deallocated |
314 | Select a maximum of one row |
315 | Select at least one column |
316 | An already scheduled order cannot be scheduled |
317 | An already deallocated order cannot be deallocated |
318 | Do not select empty rows |
319 | Moving not possible as there is no order on this takt |
320 | Takt-based scheduling has not been executed for orders |
321 | Selected shifts must lie directly one after the other |
322 | Drag & Drop not possible, not enough takts are free |
323 | &1 orders were selected &2 |
324 | The takt-based scheduling requires more capacity |
325 | Function only possible in display mode |
326 | Limit the planning horizon to fewer days or shifts |
327 | Scheduling not possible because not enough takts are free |
328 | Drag/Drop from "deallocated" to "deallocated" not possible |
329 | You can only shorten by blocks at the start and/or the end |
330 | Changes will be transferred to the product planning table |
331 | Restriction violations could not be determined |
332 | Takt-based scheduling cannot be executed |
333 | Orders with confirmed activities are moved out of the planning horizon |
340 | Management of visualization profiles terminated |
341 | Expert mode: order activity status or date changed manually |
342 | Order &1 resource &2 start time old (&3) -> start time new (&4) |
343 | Order &1 resource &2 status old: (&3) -> status new: (&4) |
350 | Your data was successfully saved |
351 | Only select orders with quantities not equal to 1 |
352 | Planning run only possible in display mode |
353 | Function only possible for orders with status 'default' or 'fixed' |
354 | &1 started at &2 o'clock |
355 | &1 finished at &2 o'clock |
356 | Function only possible for orders with status 'default' |
357 | Optimizing not possible as there are no orders to be optimized available |
358 | No procedure defined for interactive call |
359 | Visualization profile as default setting for &1 removed successfully |
360 | Visualization profile sucessfully saved as default setting for &1 &2 |
361 | Visualization profile could not be saved as a default setting |
362 | No current visualization profile selected |
363 | Column has double entry with characteristic and restriction |
364 | Visualization profile (&1) created successfully |
365 | Valuation for order &1 could not be determined |
366 | Valuation for order &1 could not be displayed |
367 | Visualization profile could not be created |
368 | Restriction hits can only be displayed for configuration type IBase |
371 | Production line data could not be determined |
372 | PVS line &1 is locked as it is currently being processed |
373 | You are not authorized to read the PVS line &1 |
380 | No orders exist in the selected area. Function not possible |
385 | Invalid line selection for alternative line group &1 |
387 | Function for changing lines not possible, as no alternative is available |
388 | Change to alternative line was successful |
400 | Parameter profile &1 is invalid. Select a valid profile. |
401 | The system could not find layout "&1" for the chart "&2" |
402 | The system could not find the layout for the chart "&1" |
403 | The system could not find layout "&1" for the chart "&2" |
404 | Enter correct values: &1 |
405 | Procedure profile &1 used in optimization |
500 | *************** MESSAGES FOR MULTI-LINE PLANNING ******************** |
501 | Empty line network |
502 | Invalid relationship |
503 | Invalid indicator 'Planning Segment' for line &1 |
504 | Invalid planning segment |
505 | Could not determine products or production versions |
506 | No valid base rate exists for line &1 |
507 | No number of takts has been maintained for line &1 |
508 | Calculate available capacity from &1 to &2 |
509 | Planning preparation |
510 | &1 read iPPE |
511 | Calculate takt split from &1 to &2 |
512 | Read &1 planning areas |
513 | Clear &1 planning situation in horizon |
514 | Horizon from &1 to &2 |
515 | Read &1 orders and requirements |
516 | &1 call &2 &3 |
517 | Save &1 result from horizon |
518 | &1 RPM start explosion |
519 | RPM Explosion terminated by user |
520 | Invalid reference calendar |
521 | Invalid planning basis sequence |
522 | Invalid planning basis for procedure &1 |
523 | Evaluate procedure package |
524 | No available capacity in the horizon |
525 | Line &1 has an empty shift program |
526 | There are late, uncovered requirements of &1 pieces |
527 | Orders for &1 pieces are scheduled for the end of the horizon |
528 | Calculate period length(s) according to reference calendar &1 |
529 | Check planning situation in the total horizon |
530 | Procedure package &1 (&2) |
531 | Planning version &1 |
532 | Access via &1 &2 |
533 | Model Mix Planning run started on the &1 at &2 |
534 | Initial screen data |
535 | Invalid adjustment period between periods &1 and &2 |
536 | Invalid sequence of iPPE objects under &1 |
537 | No RPM explosion |
538 | Error occurred when explosing the RPM |
539 | Individual procedure &1 not allowed for line nets with alternative lines |
540 | Reschedule (partially) backflushed orders |
541 | Split (firmed) orders into lot sizes of one |
542 | Everything OK |
543 | Time stream of resource &1 does not cover complete planning horizon |
544 | Goods receipt processing time cannot be taken into account |
545 | Reference calendar &1 inconsistent. Repair using TA /SAPAPO/CALENDAR. |
550 | No handling resource maintained in location &1 |
551 | Prod. &1/loc. &2 without valid source in opt. horizon is not planned |
777 | Available memory on optimization server is low (available: &1%) |
800 | ******************EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION MESSAGES********************** |
801 | Communication error for &1 destination: &2 error: &3 &4 |
802 | Error in production line explosion. Function &1 production line &2 |
803 | No orders for transfer determined. Function &1, line &2 |
804 | Number of requests was not completed. Function &1, line &2 |
805 | Other errors during order determination. Function &1, line &2 |
806 | End change mode because line &1 &2 requested. Time: &3 |
807 | Line &1 is locked by a change mode in sequencing. User: &2 |
808 | Orders with a quantity not equal to ine line on the takted line &1 |
809 | Order &1 that was received last is not contained in the sequence |
810 | Transferred orders/activities could not be firmed &1 &2 |
811 | Table &1 with transferred orders not in event container |
819 | Cannot determine order with the number &1 |
820 | Cannot determine order ID (GUID) from order number. &1 &2 &3 |
821 | Master data for resource &3 could not be determined |
822 | No activity for resource determined. &1 &2 &3 |
830 | Allocation of resource &1 to line &2 not defined |
840 | Order &1 with lot size &2 &3 will not be backflushed |
850 | Sequence with &1 orders for recovery saved |
851 | Sequeunce with &1 orders from recovery successfully recovered |
852 | No sequence in recovery for line &1 saved |
860 | BAPI: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
870 | No planning segement determined (Log.Sys., Mat., Loc.) &1 &2 &3 &4 |
871 | No planning segment (LogSys., Mat.,Loc.,SOrd/Item) &1 &2 &3 &4 |
872 | For plant in R/3, there is no corresponding location in APO |
880 | Function is only possible in change mode |
881 | No new position could be found for the order |
882 | The order was brought forward to the &1 at &2 o'clock |
883 | The item does not exist |
885 | The sum of the predefined values does not add up to 100% |
886 | Inconsistent master data for product & |
887 | The dialog box has already been opened |
889 | The selection must not contain gaps |
890 | Sequencing will only be carried out in the selected area |
891 | Quantity and position restrictions are not taken into account |
892 | Number of selected orders: & |
893 | The selection must not contain any released orders |
895 | Quantity restrictions with minimum quantites are not taken into account |
896 | No planning segment determined (Mat., Loc., Prod.Version.): &1, &2, &3 |