/SAPAPO/SNP - SNP messages

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/SNP: SNP messages.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/MDRP in software component SCM-APO-SNP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SNP development".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* MESSAGES TO LIVECACHE *************************************************
001No link to liveCache
002Version &1 does not exist
003Error &1 when reading from liveCache
004Error when deleting the order header data for product &1 in location &2
005Error when reading order header data &1 &2 &3 &4
006Error when reading the stock transfer orders from liveCache
007Error when reading the production orders from liveCache
008Error when reading resource consumption from liveCache
009Error &1 while reading object &2 from liveCache
010Version with GUID &1 does not exist
011No suitable entries found in PEGKEY
012Error occurred when communicating with control
013Error occurred when generating a random number
014liveCache COM routine ended with own error code &1
015COM routines call with system error &1 in liveCache
016Entry for profile &1 in field '&2' (value > &3) is not allowed
017* MESSAGES FOR MASTER DATA **********************************************
018No valid planning horizon
019A valid time buckets profile has not been chosen
020Error reading material master data for a deployment stock transfer
021Shipping date is later than date of receipt in order &1
022Error reading material master data for transport order
023Error saving transport orders to liveCache
024Resource &1 does not exist
025Location &1 does not exist
026Sublocation does not exist
027Capacity data of variant &1 for resource &2 has not been maintained
028Error saving transport requisitions to liveCache
029Error saving production orders to liveCache
030Bill of material from OLTP system does not exist
031Period type &3 is not permissible for capacity &1
032Model &1 does not exist
033PPM/PDS not maintained for product &1 at location &2, model &3
034No entry in /SAPAPO/TL for model &1, start loc. &2, and destinatn loc. &3
035Error in master data
036Error converting units
037Product &1 does not exist
038Product &1 with unit &2 at resource &3 cannot be converted
039Error converting volume unit
040Error converting unit of measure
041Error converting period split
042Product &1 in material master not maintained
043Conversion from &1 to &2 for product &3 not maintained
044Conversion from &1 to &2 for product &3 is not possible
045In PPM/PDS &1, output quantity for product &2 is zero
046Start date &2 for production of product &1 is in the past
047Activity duration of PPM/PDS &2 for production of product &1 is zero
048Negative order quantities are not valid
049* MESSAGES FOR ALERT MONITOR ********************************************
050Error transferring alerts to the alert monitor
051Error deleting alerts from the alert monitor
052Error reading location data
053Entry not allowed for profile &1 (see long text)
054SNP and TLB alert profiles have not been assigned yet
055No orders exist in liveCache
056Overflow: product &1 in period &2, production quantity too high
057Overflow: Capacity consumption for product &1 in period &2 too high
058You can only delete data from R3 and active version '000'
059No location products found
060Selection of multiple resources and locations not possible
061Resource consumption has not maintained for resource &2 in PPM/PDS &1
062No PPM/PDS has been maintained for product &1, loc. &2, vers. &3, date &4
063Members for &3 and &4 do not exist in model &1 and hierarchy &2
064Members do not exist for model &1 and hierarchy &2 with level &3
065Predecessors do not exist for &3 and &4 in model &1 and hierarchy &2
066Level does not exist for model &1, hierarchy &2, location &3 and prod. &4
067Product &1 of PPM/PDS &2 is not maintained for location &3
070Scheduling problem: Calendar: &1, date: &2, duration: &3, direction: &4
071Scheduling problem: Calendar: &1, start date: &2, end date: &3
072Invalid planning version
075No location product found with consumption group '&1'
077Subcontracting orders cannot be modified
078No valid procurement relationship chosen for subcontracting
080Problem saving data. Product &1 rescheduled
081No planning run for product &1 after &2 repetition
082No planning run for location product &1/&2 after &3 repetition
083Problems when saving the DS results after &1 attempts
084No planning run for location product &1/&2
090Component &1 used in (&2/&3) level at location &4 => No planning
091New low-level code inconsistent with current low-level code for (&1/&2)
092Interface error when accessing module &1
100* MESSAGES FOR SNP ******************************************************
101No product/location combination has been chosen
102Error deleting purchase requistion
103Error creating fixed purchase requistion
104Error in quota arrangement at location &1
105Product: &1 Location: &2
106Errors exist in locations' processing sequence for product &1
107No outgoing transportation lane exists for product &1 in location &2
108Empty demand profile ID
109Empty supply profile ID
110Empty deployment profile ID
111No valid function was chosen
112The value for days' supply must be between 1 .. &1
113No entry found for calendar ID (table TTSTR '&1')
114Demand profile not found for product &2 in location &3 (GUID '&1')
115Supply profile not found for product &2 in location &3 (GUID '&1')
116Deployment profile not found for product &2 in location &3 (GUID '&1')
117No valid location selected
118The product does not exist in any location in the selected model.
119No product selected
120All products of location &1 selected
121No source exists
122No targets exist
123Missing entry in table /SAPAPO/SNP10 (application: &1)
124No valid shipment category was found
125No key figure maintained in the logon language (table /SAPAPO/SNP08)
126Production horizon of &1 day(s) for &2 at &3 is too large. Set it to 0
127Data transfer to liveCache starting
128Data transfer to liveCache complete
129Pull horizon is 0 days. This means no demand will be taken into account
130Error occurred when calculating on the time stream
131The system processed &1 location product(s)
132Corresponding objects were not found for planning version ' &1 '
133Error in the master data in table /SAPAPO/TLMAT for MATID &1 and LOCID %2
134Stk transfer horizon &1: Too many days for &2 from &3 to &4: Set to 0
135Planned delivery time for &2 to &3 of &1 days is too large - set to 0
136Hierarchy &1 is not valid or was not created correctly
137Start date is in the past
138Source of supply does not correspond to order group: &
139Conversion of &1 to &2 for product &3 not maintained in master data
140Entry for transferred unit of measurement &1 was not found
141Resource consumption for product &1 from loc. &2 to loc. &3 too high
142Transportation quantities of product &1 from loc. &2 to loc. &3 too large
143The global SNP settings for profile &1 could not be read
144All products of the FFF class should be selected
145Check the global SNP settings
146Global SNP settings for active profile could not be read
147Enter product
148Enter location and product
149No source of supply available for location: & product: &
150You do not have authorization for this selection
151Multiple source locations are not permitted in the selection
152Invalid selection ID
153Order was not changed: Order group & contains header order
154Key figure cannot be changed
155Not possible to create order, because it is not a location product
156You cannot create order: Order group & contains header order
157All order of order group: & have been changed
158Error when changing orders of order group: &
159********** Messags for global SNP Customizing *******************
160Product &1/location &2: Maximum number of orders per period reached (&3)
161Not possible to have multiple active profiles
162At least one profile must exist (changes not saved)
163At least one profile must be active (changes not saved)
164SNP profile &1 does not exist
165No low-level code information from previous process
166Error during low-level code determination
167Low-level code not available for product &1 at location &2
168Not possible to create order, end date is not in SOS validity
169Not possible to create order, start date is not in SOS validity
170Order &1 NOT changed: Individual items cannot be deleted.
171Order &1 NOT deleted: Order was changed by another transaction.
172Specified product: &1 &2 location: &3 combination not found
173Product &1 is not relevant for SNP
179****************** SNP Consistency check messages ***********************
180Source loc. prod. &1,&2 is missing despite inbound quota argmt in loc. &3
181No means of transport exists for aggregated planning between &1 and &2
182Cycle exists in transportation lanes for model &1, product &2
183Cycle exists in quota arrangements for model &1, product &2
184Check transportation lanes from &1 to &2
185Inbound quota arrngmts not nec. for prod. &1 in loc. &2 for proc. type'E'
186Time zones for location &3 (&1) and calendar &4 (&2) not the same
187Local time zones not marked in version
188No procurement relationship found for type &1 (&2/&3)
189No orders created for plan number &1 (&2/&3)
190Time zones for location &3 (&1) and resources &4 (&2) not the same
191Many objects to be processed. Long runtime.
192Process cancelled for performance reasons
193Location &3 (&1) and means of transport &4 (&2) have different time zones
194Same source and destination location (&1) within transportation lane
195Stock transfer cannot be created without a means of transport
196For subcontracting, the system only supports one PPM/PDS per supplier
200Change data only on one hierarchy level
210Planning object (&1/&2) could not be identified for heuristic
211MRP areas cannot be considered
212No valid PPM/PDS available
282* MESSAGES FOR MASS PROCESSING ******************************************
283Planning job '&' with status '&'is not possible. Reset status
284Background job '&' could not be created
285Background job has no name
286Delete background job '&'
287Background job '&' was successfully scheduled
288Background job with number '&' does not exist
290Enter a number between 0 and 32767 for the low-level code
300No SDT profile maintained. Master data entries will be used
319* MESSAGES FOR TIME STREAM **********************************************
320Entries for time stream '&1' have not yet been maintained
321No calculation rules have been maintained for time stream '&1'
322No periods were generated for time stream '&1'
323No valid periods exist for time stream '&1'
324The calendar for transportation lane &1 to &2 has not been maintained
325Transport duration not maintained for itinerary &1 to &2
326Data inconsistency: Time stream &1 no longer in database table
330Enter the job
331Enter job description.
332Assign a variant by selection
333The specified variant does not exist. Maintain in the respective report
334Error occurred while saving data
335Information about background job &1 successfully deleted
336Check defaults for job '&1'.
340Return code '&1' when transferring 'MSNP_BAS_Value_TO_LC' to 'liveCache'
345Row number of key figure '&1' is missing in /SAPAPO/SNP08 or > '&2'
346Key figure entry for row number '&1' is missing in /sapapo/SNP08
347Variant '&1' for report '&2' could not be created
348Variant '&1' for report '&2' cannot be modified
349No calendar maintained for time stream &1
350Error generating the planning period
400* MESSAGES FOR CAPACITY PLANNING ****************************************
401No resource has been selected in the tree
402Error occurred while reading alternative resources
403Only select one product
404Selection in planning table is incorrect (internal error)
405Selection of materials from an alternative resource is not allowed
406Select a product in the capacity plan
407The value entered is not allowed
408A product is not loaded on the resource at this location
409No resource exists in the location
410No location exists in the model
411No alternative resources exist
412Transportation resources cannot be selected in this tree
413Error occurred when converting time units from &2 to &3 for PPM/PDS &1
414No lower-level resources exist in the hierarchy
415No higher-level resources exist in the hierarchy
416Select one resource only
417Select one planning version only
418Error reading resource master data
419No authorization for capacity leveling
420Capacity leveling performed for the period from &1 to &2
421The resources selected have different dimensions: &1 &2
422Backwards scheduling in period &2 ended due to productn horizn (&1 days)
423Order for material &2 could not be found in period &1
424Minimum lot size for product &2 > than the capacity in period &1
425Capacity planning with rounding value &1 for product &2
426Capacity planning with fixed lot size &1 for product &2
427Inconsistencies in the orders for period &1
428The timezone at location &1 is not set to UTC timezone
429Horizon for planning calendar &1 at location &2 is not 00:00:00-24:00:00
430Planning calendar (time stream) &1 is not set to UTC timezone
431Cal. from planning cal. &1 for production at loc. &2 is diff. frm res. &3
432Cal. from planning cal. &1 for shipment at loc. &2 is diffnt from res. &3
433Cal. from planning cal. &1 for warehouse at loc. &2 is diffnt frm res. &3
434Planning calendar &1 in periods is not always 00:00:00-24:00:00
435Order quantity &1 < fixed lot size &2 for product &3
500* MESSAGES FOR OPTIMIZER ************************************************
501Product and location data for material &1 cannot be read
502Set activity duration to &1 day(s) in production process model/PDS &2
503Resource &1 cannot be read from LC
504Error reading production orders
505Optimizer: &1.
506The optimized total costs are &1
507Unit &2 cannot be converted to &3 for resource &1
508Calendar &1 of &2 cannot be evaluated
509Error reading optimizer profile &1
510Error reading material master
511Optimizer: Error calling SNP optimizer
512Selected optimizer profile does not exist.
513Enter an optimization method.
514Consumed handlng cap.cannot be converted from &3 to &4 for prod.&1,loc &2
515Unit &2 cannot be converted to &3 for product &1
516A transport connection cannot be read for a product
517Lot size profile &1 contains a zero rounding value for purch. order qties
518Maximum number of users for server module &1 exceeded
519Error rading transport relationship
520Costs profile &1 cannot be read from database
521No product or location data can be read
522SNP Optimizer settings from table /sapapo/snpopt are unreadable
523No material was selected before calling the optimizer.
524Profile chosen for cost multipliers does not exist
525Enter a profile for cost mulitipliers
526Optimizer profile &1 was changed
527Cost profile &1 was changed
528Should changes to the profile be saved?
529Solution chosen: '&1 - &2 - &3' does not contain an optimizer profile
530Solution chosen: '&1 - &2 - &3' does not contain a cost profile
531Product &1 from PPM/PDS &2 has not been selected for location &3
532SNP optimizer results: Session '&1' is not equal to '&2'
533Error occurred when setting up RFC connection to destination &1
534Optimization successfully completed: There are no error messages
535Storage consumptn cannot be converted from &3 to &4 for prod. &1.,loc. &2
536Consump. of transp.cap. from &1 to &2 for &3 cannot be converted into &4
537Short dump occurred when reading data for optimizer
538Short dump occurred when creating the optimizer-determined orders
539Only the first 3 sections of cost function &1 are considered
540Cost function &1 was not found
541Cost function &1 already exists
542Cost function saved
543Cost function &1 has been deleted
544Error for value limit
545Enter a unit of measurement
546Unit of measurement is missing in transportation lane from &1 to &2
547Cost function &1 does not exist. Create?
548Cost function name is missing
549Master data has not been maintained
550Error for value limit. Costs function cannot be saved
551Inconsistent data
552Select the second optimization run
553Enter the profile name
554In the SEQUENCE field, only numbers are allowed
555Sequence numbering incorrect
556Maintain PERIOD, NUMBER, and BASE VALUE fields completely
557Optimization bound profile does not exist
558Profile was successfully deleted
559Profile saved successfully
560Deviation (+%) not maintained
561Deviation(-%) not maintained
562Select a valid session
563Cannot convert unit &1 in cost function &2 to &4
564Error reading master data
565Error occurred when communicating with control
566Control cannot be created
567Error occurred when communicating with control
568Error while converting an optimizer profile internally
569Selected date is not allowed (&1 <= date <= &2)
570Select a valid optimization bound profile
571Help text cannot be displayed
572Error saving the profiles
573Profile was saved
574Help text cannot be displayed
575Error when reading version
576Optimization completed successfully
577Select only one object
578Internal error occurred when editing an optimizer message
579Display was restricted to '&1' objects
580Priority 2, 3, 4 is not valid
581Resource &1 is not assigned to the model
582No valid planning book exists
583No valid data view exists
584Choose a valid optimizer run
585Time-dependent scrap in PPM/PDS &1 not considered
586Time-dependent activity duration in PPM/PDS &1 not considered
587Optimizer terminated by user
588No storage resource unit conversion is defined for product &1
589PPM/PDS &1: Resource &2 not assigned to the model
590Product &1 in location &2 is part of a material flow
591You can not delete because cost function &1 is being used
592Error occurred when reading data
593Error creating orders
594Enter a profile name
595Save the modification first
596BAdI /SAPAPO/SDP_OPT_LOG is active
597BAdI /SAPAPO/SDP_DOPT_LOG is active
598Time zone of source loc. &1 is different from that of transp. resource &2
599Requirement strategy &1 not supported for product &2 at location &3
600* MESSAGES FOR APO <-> R/3 Interface ************************************
601Entry missing in table /SAPAPO/SNP13 (APO order type: &1)
602Unknown order change method '&1' in TLB shipment '&2'
650* MESSAGES FOR ORDER LIVECACHE *****************************************
651Incorrect LC category type (receipt/issue) Cat. &1, Ind. &2, Pl.Obj. &3
652Selected aggregation method not available for current COM build
700* MESSAGES FOR AUTHORIZATIONS *******************************************
701No authorization for product &1 in location &2 and version &3
702This report can be used only in test systems of SAP
750* MORE OPTIMIZER MESSAGES ***********************************************
751Step 1: Data read and model creation started at &1 on &2
752Step 2: Model consistency checked and solution calculated at &1 on &2
753Step 3: Order creation started at &1 on &2
754Optimization-based planning completed at &1 on &2
755Runtime &4 to measuring point &1
756Runtime &4 to measuring point &1
757Enter a Penalty Cost Group
758Penalty cost group profile is inconsistent
759Penalty cost group profile &1 cannot be read by the database
760Penalty cost group profile &1 already exists
761Penalty cost group profile &1 does not exist
762No group &1 product can be transported from location &2
763Location &1, product &2 of quota arrangement &3 has not been chosen
764Inconsistent quota arrangement items in quota arrangement &1
765Not all products in product group &1 have been chosen
766Inconsistent quota arrangement items in quota arrangement &1
767Supersession chain &1 for location &2 could not be considered
768Quantity-based penalty cost profile &1 is incomplete
770No order splitting by planned orders: number would be more than &1 orders
771Business function &1 is not active; user constrains are ignored
773'Interior Point Method' flag will be reset when selecting 'Automatic'.
800* MESSAGES FOR TLB ******************************************************
801Error in transportation resource between &1 and &2 for means of trnspt &3
802No TLB prfle maintained between location &1 and &2 for means of trnspt &3
803Error reading TLB orders
804Error while converting units from '1' to '2'
805Error reading deployment stock transfers
806Error saving deployment stock transfers
807Error saving TLB orders
808No valid transp. lanes exist for source/target loc., model &1, planner &2
809Errors in TLB profile '&1': &2
810End date cannot be before start date
811End date cannot be outside the planning time period
812The TLB profile maintained in transportn lane (&1->&2, &3) does not exist
813No transportation lane has been chosen
814No valid transportation lane for location &1 -> &2 in mode &3
815Products must be selected for a product restriction
816Error reading ATD quantities
817In the source location only &3 &4 is available at &1 of &2
818Product &1 does not exist in location &2
819Error reading transportation lane-specific lot size profiles
820Planning period (&1-&2) is not within selection period of data (&3-&4)
821In the issuing location there is a shortage of &2 &3 on the &1
822There are unconverted remaining quantities below the minimum
823Load exists that is below maximum
824Transportation time could not be determined
825No order has been selected
826This order cannot be changed because it already exists in the OLTP system
827The issue date or receipt date entered is not valid
828Shipping calendar has not been maintained
829Transport calendar has not been maintained
830Shipping calendar for location '&1' or '&2' has not been maintained
831Warehouse calendar for location '&1' or '&2' has not been maintained
832Error reading transportation deadlines
833No authorization for executing function &1
834Error reading Ordkey table from liveCache
835Transp. zone &1 contains locations of type 'Customer' and other loc.types
836Error determining receipt date (from &1, to &2, means of transport &3)
837Heuristic run completed successfully
838Deployment run completed successfully
839TLB run completed successfully
840There is no TLB run data in the selected horizon
841Choose both key figures: 9AATDZU and 9AATDAB
842There are &1 errors and &2 warnings, see application log
843Number of products: &1
844Number of Demands: &1
845Number of deployment stock transfers: &1
846You are not authorized to use Transportation Lane &1 -> &2 in Mode &3
849***************** TLB Consistency check messages ************************
850No transportn planner has been assnd to transportation lane from &1 to &2
851Transportation lane &1, &2, &3 have no 'Aggregated Planning' indicator
852No conversion possible between unit of measure for product &1 and unit &2
897&1 &2 &3 &4
898Unknown error!
899Function not supported
900************* Messages for Sourcing of Forecast (900-930)
901Invalid SNP planning area
902Invalid product allocation group
903Invalid DP planning area
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