/SAPAPO/SOR - Messages Surplus and Obsolescence Service

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/SOR: Messages Surplus and Obsolescence Service.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PSOR in software component SCM-APO-SPP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Surplus and Obsolescence Service".
Message Nr
Message Text
000--- Surplus and Obsolescence Service ---
001&1 object(s) selected
002Error during initialization of the PSM data manager
003No time series ID specified
005Service profile &1 does not exist
010Error when reading planning version &1
011No BOD valid on &2 could be found for product &1
012Product master data of product &1 could not be read
013Location master data of location &1 could not be read
014Location product &1/&2 could not be read
015Error when writing location product &1/&2
016Selection modification table: Product &1 does not exist
017No retention quantity definition found for procurement costs &1
018Product interchangeability data of product &1 could not be read
019Error when writing product &1
020Product &1 cannot be planned until &2
021****** Surplus determination for product &1 ******
022****** Surplus determination for product &1 for entry location &2 ******
023Error when reading contract packager for loc.prod. &1/&2
029Phase-out forecast for product &1 does not exist
030Total surplus quantity of product &1 is &2
031Total gross surplus quantity of product &1 is &2
032Total retention quantity of product &1 is &2
033Total surplus quantity of product &1 is &3
034Total gross surplus quantity of product &1 is &3
035Total retention quantity of product &1 is &3
036&1 determination of total surplus based on phase-out forecast:
037&1 determination of total surplus based on forecast with exp. smoothing:
038Planning-relevant retention strategy group is &1
039Mandatory retention date is &1
040Retention date is &1
041Safety stock is &1
042Cumulated forecast demand over remaining retention period is &1
043Cumulated corrected std dev. over remaining retention period is &1
044Gross demand over remaining retention period is &1
045Corrected gross demand over remaining retention period is &1
046Demand of previous year is &1
047Available warehouse stock is &1
048Quantity in transit is &1
049Product &1 flagged as obsolete for entry location &2
050Surplus quantity of product &1 at location &2 is &3
051Gross surplus quantity of product &1 at location &2 is &3
052Retention quantity of product &1 at location &2 is &3
053Value of surplus quantity of product &1 at location &2 is &3
054Surplus quantities of product &1 checked regarding value
055Limit value for surplus value approval check at location &1 is &2
056Scrapping order created for surplus quantity at location &1
057Surplus quantity at location &1 saved for manual approval
058&1 determination of surplus quantity per location:
059****** Check of surplus quantity regarding value:
060Non-stockholding location:
061Value of remaining surplus qty > minimum value of surplus qty at loc. &1
062Value of rem. surplus qty (&1)< min. value of surplus qty at loc.&2 (&3)
063Disaggregation ended since remaining surplus quantity = 0
064Disagg. ended since val. of surplus qty < global min. val. of surplus qty
065Disagg. ended since remaining surplus qty < smallest storage bin
066Stockholding Locations:
067Theoretical retention quantity at location &1 is &2
068Minimum retention quantity at location &1 is &2
069Potential surplus quantity at location &1 is &2
070Days' supply of potential surplus quantity at location &1 is &2
071Product &1 is already flagged as obsolete for entry location &2
072No disaggregation strategy for surplus planning specified
073Threshold value for min. value of surplus quantity at loc. &1 is &2
074Value of potential surplus qty > minimum value of surplus qty at loc. &1
075Value of potential surplus qty < minimum value of surplus qty at loc. &1
076Potential surplus quantity > average quantity of product per storage bin
077Potential surplus quantity < average quantity of product per storage bin
078Disaggregation strategy: Sort locations according to demand history
079Disaggregation strategy: Sort locations according to forecast demand
080Disaggregation strategy: Sort locations acc. to potential surplus qty
081Disaggregation strategy: Sort locations acc. to surplus days' supply
082&1 no determination of surplus quantity per location, since no surp. qty
083No surplus quantity exists at location &1
084No disaggregation for location &1, since scrapping delivery exists
085One retention strategy group (&1) was selected
086&1 retention strategy groups were selected
087Retention strategy group &1: Mandatory ret. date &2, ret. date &3
088Retention strategy group &1: Mandatory retention date &2
089Retention strategy group &1: Retention date could not be calculated
090No retention strategy group was selected
091Retention date could not be determined
092Forecast-relevant demand history of last &1 months is &2
093Forecast-relevant demand of next &1 months is &2
094Determination of surplus qty acc. to retention qty determination table
095Determination of surplus qty acc. to exponential smoothing forecast model
096RQDT: Forecast-relevant demand history of last &1 months is &2
097Demand history < threshold value for forecast-relevant demand history(&1)
098Min. retention qty =&1 and percentage for forecast-rel. demand hist.=&2
099Demand history > threshold value for forecast-rel. demand history (&1)
100Forecast-relevant demand history of last &1 months is &2
101Minimum retention quantity = &1
102Horizon for retention quantity is &1
103Cumulated demand over retention horzion is &1
104Percentage for safety stock is &1
105Start date of retention strategy group is &1
106RSG &2 (from entry location prod.) was selected for entry loc. &1
107RSG &2 (from product data) was selected for entry locaction &1
108RSG &2 (from RSG selection table) was selected for entry loc. &1
109RSG &2 (from RSG selection table) were selected for entry loc. &1
110RSG &2 (from general settings) was selected for entry loc. &1
111Determination of retention date for entry location &1
112No product group for product group type &1 for product &2 defined
113No product group type for product group &1 defined in general settings
114No phase-out forecast for product &1 at entry location &2
115BAdI /SAPAPO/SOR_SRPLDET_FCST_TYPE returned an unknown forecast type
116BAdI /SAPAPO/SOR_DISAGG_SORT is not implemented
117More than one implementation of BAdI /SAPAPO/SOR_DISAGG_SORT is active
118Additional disaggregation strategy: sort locations in groups
119Additional disaggregation strategy: assign remaining qty to entry loc.
120Additional disaggregation strategy: sort via BAdI /SAPAPO/SOR_DISAGG_SOR
121Increasing Trend detected: correction to Surplus quantity may necessary
200--- Obsolescence Check Service ---
201****** Obsolescence Check for Product &1 ******
202Product &1 is flagged as obsolete at all entry locations
203Product &1 is set to obsolete
204Version specified is not active
205Warehouse stock of product &1 is &2
206In-transit stock of product &1 is &2
207Product &1 is not set to obsolete
208Product &1 is not flagged as obsolete at all entry locations
209Product &1 is already set to obsolete
210Year of production end date for product &1 has not yet been reached
211Replenishment indicator for prod. &1 set to &2 at all BOD locations
300--- Surplus Approval ---
301No service profile specified for surplus approval
302Invalid surplus decision code for product &1
303Invalid surplus decision code for location product &1/&2
304Invalid reason code for product &1
305Invalid reason code for location product &1/&2
306Invalid scrap indicator for product &1
307Invalid scrap indicator for location product &1/&2
308It is only possible to save an active version
309Surplus qty at loc. &1 greater than available stock and in-transit stock
310No surplus decision code given for product &1
311No surplus decision code given for location product &1/&2
312Remaining approval credit for product &1 is not sufficient
313Rounding profile &1 could not be read
314Error when calculating rounding parameters for location product &1/&2
315Retention qty at loc. &1 is less that qty of existing scrapping orders
316Detail data can only be processed for one product at a time
3171 scrapping order created
318&1 scrapping orders created
319Changes saved successfully
320Reset date for remaining approval credit has been reached
321New reset date for remaining approval credit: &1
322No reset interval defined for determination of new reset date
323Remaining approval credit of all users is reset
324No changeable data records for product &1
325No changeable data records for location product &1/&2
326Not allowed to scrap at customer locations (location product &1 / &2)
400---- Import tool for selection modification table ----
401Input file has wrong structure
402SIMULATION MODE. No Changes Made
403Changes were made successfully
404Error when changing
500---- UI for Manual Orders ----
501Orders could not be carried out. BAdI implementation is missing
502Orders were successfully converted
503Order could not be converted or could only partially be converted
504Selection contains errors
505Entry for location product &1/&2 with quantity &3 no longer exists
506Orders were successfully deleted
550--- Deletion report for scrapping orders ----
551Select at least one entry
700--- Obsolescence Check Service ---
800--- Shared Messages ---
801Error when saving scrap orders
802Error when releasing DAO for scrap orders
803Error when creating scrapping orders
804Error when reading scrapping orders
805Error when deleting scrapping orders
806Error when reading Customizing for hist. data capture and maintenance
807Error when reading location products
808Error when writing location products
809Error when reading time series
810Error when initializing DRP Matrix
811Error when calculating DRP Matrix for product &1
812Error when getting data matrix for location product &1/&2
813Error when reading data cell for semantic &1 and period &2
814Error when initializing SPP calendar
815Error when initializing SPP scheduling
816Error when determining scheduling schema prod. &1, loc. &2, loc. &3
817Error when scheduling product &1 from location &2 to location &3
818Error when reading suppliers
819Error while reading the data cells for location product &1 / &2
820Error: this search help shouldn't be used anymore.
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