/SAPAPO/SOR - Messages Surplus and Obsolescence Service
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/SOR: Messages Surplus and Obsolescence Service.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PSOR in software component SCM-APO-SPP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Surplus and Obsolescence Service".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PSOR in software component SCM-APO-SPP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Surplus and Obsolescence Service".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | --- Surplus and Obsolescence Service --- |
001 | &1 object(s) selected |
002 | Error during initialization of the PSM data manager |
003 | No time series ID specified |
005 | Service profile &1 does not exist |
010 | Error when reading planning version &1 |
011 | No BOD valid on &2 could be found for product &1 |
012 | Product master data of product &1 could not be read |
013 | Location master data of location &1 could not be read |
014 | Location product &1/&2 could not be read |
015 | Error when writing location product &1/&2 |
016 | Selection modification table: Product &1 does not exist |
017 | No retention quantity definition found for procurement costs &1 |
018 | Product interchangeability data of product &1 could not be read |
019 | Error when writing product &1 |
020 | Product &1 cannot be planned until &2 |
021 | ****** Surplus determination for product &1 ****** |
022 | ****** Surplus determination for product &1 for entry location &2 ****** |
023 | Error when reading contract packager for loc.prod. &1/&2 |
029 | Phase-out forecast for product &1 does not exist |
030 | Total surplus quantity of product &1 is &2 |
031 | Total gross surplus quantity of product &1 is &2 |
032 | Total retention quantity of product &1 is &2 |
033 | Total surplus quantity of product &1 is &3 |
034 | Total gross surplus quantity of product &1 is &3 |
035 | Total retention quantity of product &1 is &3 |
036 | &1 determination of total surplus based on phase-out forecast: |
037 | &1 determination of total surplus based on forecast with exp. smoothing: |
038 | Planning-relevant retention strategy group is &1 |
039 | Mandatory retention date is &1 |
040 | Retention date is &1 |
041 | Safety stock is &1 |
042 | Cumulated forecast demand over remaining retention period is &1 |
043 | Cumulated corrected std dev. over remaining retention period is &1 |
044 | Gross demand over remaining retention period is &1 |
045 | Corrected gross demand over remaining retention period is &1 |
046 | Demand of previous year is &1 |
047 | Available warehouse stock is &1 |
048 | Quantity in transit is &1 |
049 | Product &1 flagged as obsolete for entry location &2 |
050 | Surplus quantity of product &1 at location &2 is &3 |
051 | Gross surplus quantity of product &1 at location &2 is &3 |
052 | Retention quantity of product &1 at location &2 is &3 |
053 | Value of surplus quantity of product &1 at location &2 is &3 |
054 | Surplus quantities of product &1 checked regarding value |
055 | Limit value for surplus value approval check at location &1 is &2 |
056 | Scrapping order created for surplus quantity at location &1 |
057 | Surplus quantity at location &1 saved for manual approval |
058 | &1 determination of surplus quantity per location: |
059 | ****** Check of surplus quantity regarding value: |
060 | Non-stockholding location: |
061 | Value of remaining surplus qty > minimum value of surplus qty at loc. &1 |
062 | Value of rem. surplus qty (&1)< min. value of surplus qty at loc.&2 (&3) |
063 | Disaggregation ended since remaining surplus quantity = 0 |
064 | Disagg. ended since val. of surplus qty < global min. val. of surplus qty |
065 | Disagg. ended since remaining surplus qty < smallest storage bin |
066 | Stockholding Locations: |
067 | Theoretical retention quantity at location &1 is &2 |
068 | Minimum retention quantity at location &1 is &2 |
069 | Potential surplus quantity at location &1 is &2 |
070 | Days' supply of potential surplus quantity at location &1 is &2 |
071 | Product &1 is already flagged as obsolete for entry location &2 |
072 | No disaggregation strategy for surplus planning specified |
073 | Threshold value for min. value of surplus quantity at loc. &1 is &2 |
074 | Value of potential surplus qty > minimum value of surplus qty at loc. &1 |
075 | Value of potential surplus qty < minimum value of surplus qty at loc. &1 |
076 | Potential surplus quantity > average quantity of product per storage bin |
077 | Potential surplus quantity < average quantity of product per storage bin |
078 | Disaggregation strategy: Sort locations according to demand history |
079 | Disaggregation strategy: Sort locations according to forecast demand |
080 | Disaggregation strategy: Sort locations acc. to potential surplus qty |
081 | Disaggregation strategy: Sort locations acc. to surplus days' supply |
082 | &1 no determination of surplus quantity per location, since no surp. qty |
083 | No surplus quantity exists at location &1 |
084 | No disaggregation for location &1, since scrapping delivery exists |
085 | One retention strategy group (&1) was selected |
086 | &1 retention strategy groups were selected |
087 | Retention strategy group &1: Mandatory ret. date &2, ret. date &3 |
088 | Retention strategy group &1: Mandatory retention date &2 |
089 | Retention strategy group &1: Retention date could not be calculated |
090 | No retention strategy group was selected |
091 | Retention date could not be determined |
092 | Forecast-relevant demand history of last &1 months is &2 |
093 | Forecast-relevant demand of next &1 months is &2 |
094 | Determination of surplus qty acc. to retention qty determination table |
095 | Determination of surplus qty acc. to exponential smoothing forecast model |
096 | RQDT: Forecast-relevant demand history of last &1 months is &2 |
097 | Demand history < threshold value for forecast-relevant demand history(&1) |
098 | Min. retention qty =&1 and percentage for forecast-rel. demand hist.=&2 |
099 | Demand history > threshold value for forecast-rel. demand history (&1) |
100 | Forecast-relevant demand history of last &1 months is &2 |
101 | Minimum retention quantity = &1 |
102 | Horizon for retention quantity is &1 |
103 | Cumulated demand over retention horzion is &1 |
104 | Percentage for safety stock is &1 |
105 | Start date of retention strategy group is &1 |
106 | RSG &2 (from entry location prod.) was selected for entry loc. &1 |
107 | RSG &2 (from product data) was selected for entry locaction &1 |
108 | RSG &2 (from RSG selection table) was selected for entry loc. &1 |
109 | RSG &2 (from RSG selection table) were selected for entry loc. &1 |
110 | RSG &2 (from general settings) was selected for entry loc. &1 |
111 | Determination of retention date for entry location &1 |
112 | No product group for product group type &1 for product &2 defined |
113 | No product group type for product group &1 defined in general settings |
114 | No phase-out forecast for product &1 at entry location &2 |
115 | BAdI /SAPAPO/SOR_SRPLDET_FCST_TYPE returned an unknown forecast type |
116 | BAdI /SAPAPO/SOR_DISAGG_SORT is not implemented |
117 | More than one implementation of BAdI /SAPAPO/SOR_DISAGG_SORT is active |
118 | Additional disaggregation strategy: sort locations in groups |
119 | Additional disaggregation strategy: assign remaining qty to entry loc. |
120 | Additional disaggregation strategy: sort via BAdI /SAPAPO/SOR_DISAGG_SOR |
121 | Increasing Trend detected: correction to Surplus quantity may necessary |
200 | --- Obsolescence Check Service --- |
201 | ****** Obsolescence Check for Product &1 ****** |
202 | Product &1 is flagged as obsolete at all entry locations |
203 | Product &1 is set to obsolete |
204 | Version specified is not active |
205 | Warehouse stock of product &1 is &2 |
206 | In-transit stock of product &1 is &2 |
207 | Product &1 is not set to obsolete |
208 | Product &1 is not flagged as obsolete at all entry locations |
209 | Product &1 is already set to obsolete |
210 | Year of production end date for product &1 has not yet been reached |
211 | Replenishment indicator for prod. &1 set to &2 at all BOD locations |
300 | --- Surplus Approval --- |
301 | No service profile specified for surplus approval |
302 | Invalid surplus decision code for product &1 |
303 | Invalid surplus decision code for location product &1/&2 |
304 | Invalid reason code for product &1 |
305 | Invalid reason code for location product &1/&2 |
306 | Invalid scrap indicator for product &1 |
307 | Invalid scrap indicator for location product &1/&2 |
308 | It is only possible to save an active version |
309 | Surplus qty at loc. &1 greater than available stock and in-transit stock |
310 | No surplus decision code given for product &1 |
311 | No surplus decision code given for location product &1/&2 |
312 | Remaining approval credit for product &1 is not sufficient |
313 | Rounding profile &1 could not be read |
314 | Error when calculating rounding parameters for location product &1/&2 |
315 | Retention qty at loc. &1 is less that qty of existing scrapping orders |
316 | Detail data can only be processed for one product at a time |
317 | 1 scrapping order created |
318 | &1 scrapping orders created |
319 | Changes saved successfully |
320 | Reset date for remaining approval credit has been reached |
321 | New reset date for remaining approval credit: &1 |
322 | No reset interval defined for determination of new reset date |
323 | Remaining approval credit of all users is reset |
324 | No changeable data records for product &1 |
325 | No changeable data records for location product &1/&2 |
326 | Not allowed to scrap at customer locations (location product &1 / &2) |
400 | ---- Import tool for selection modification table ---- |
401 | Input file has wrong structure |
402 | SIMULATION MODE. No Changes Made |
403 | Changes were made successfully |
404 | Error when changing |
500 | ---- UI for Manual Orders ---- |
501 | Orders could not be carried out. BAdI implementation is missing |
502 | Orders were successfully converted |
503 | Order could not be converted or could only partially be converted |
504 | Selection contains errors |
505 | Entry for location product &1/&2 with quantity &3 no longer exists |
506 | Orders were successfully deleted |
550 | --- Deletion report for scrapping orders ---- |
551 | Select at least one entry |
700 | --- Obsolescence Check Service --- |
800 | --- Shared Messages --- |
801 | Error when saving scrap orders |
802 | Error when releasing DAO for scrap orders |
803 | Error when creating scrapping orders |
804 | Error when reading scrapping orders |
805 | Error when deleting scrapping orders |
806 | Error when reading Customizing for hist. data capture and maintenance |
807 | Error when reading location products |
808 | Error when writing location products |
809 | Error when reading time series |
810 | Error when initializing DRP Matrix |
811 | Error when calculating DRP Matrix for product &1 |
812 | Error when getting data matrix for location product &1/&2 |
813 | Error when reading data cell for semantic &1 and period &2 |
814 | Error when initializing SPP calendar |
815 | Error when initializing SPP scheduling |
816 | Error when determining scheduling schema prod. &1, loc. &2, loc. &3 |
817 | Error when scheduling product &1 from location &2 to location &3 |
818 | Error when reading suppliers |
819 | Error while reading the data cells for location product &1 / &2 |
820 | Error: this search help shouldn't be used anymore. |