/SAPBOQ/SRVPACK - Message class to handle subitem logic

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPBOQ/SRVPACK: Message class to handle subitem logic.
It is part of development package /SAPBOQ/SRVPACK in software component IS-EC-BOS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAPBOQ: Service Package General Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Subitem is not permitted unless below a main item (object category M)
003You cannot change the object category U (subitem)
004You cannot change the object category M (main item)
005Object category &1 does not exists
006Enter object category
007Enter Subitem number
008Subitem number is not unique
009Subitem number is not permitted for main item or service item
010Subitem number exists in this composite
011Line number exists in this outline level
012Indicate the basic line to which alternative line belongs
013Buffer table for GUI is invalid; contact system administration
014Line number &1 is the first service line of current outline level
015Cannot insert a line between &1 &2 and &3; renumber to insert
016Service entry sheet contains errors
017Enter value in formula field &1
018Total quantity exceeds quantity in sales order &1 by &2
019Strategy group has not been maintained for the material
020Changes are transferred successfully
021Changes are not transferred successfully
030Record &1, SERVICES: Leave object category blank for outline level
031Record &1, SERVICES: Leave object category blank for normal service line
032Record &1, SERVICES: assign a main item (MI_LINE_NO)
033Record &1, SERVICES: assign a valid main item (MI_LINE_NO)
034Record &1, SERVICES: assigned service line is not a main item
035Record &1, SERVICES: EXT_LINE of subitem and main item must be equal
036Record &1, SERVICES: enter a subitem number (SI_LINE)
037Record &1, SERVICES: delete the subitem number (SI_LINE)
038Record &1, SERVICES: delete the int. line no. of main item (MI_LINE_NO)
039Record &1, SERVICESX: reset the indicator for subitem number
040Service item &1 &2 has EXT_LINE &3 which exists already in outline level
041Main item &1 &2 has EXT_LINE &3 which exists already in outline level
042Subitem &1 &2 has SI_LINE &3 which exists already below the main item
043Record &1, SERVICES: service master rec. &2 is not indicated as main item
044Record &1, SERVICES: service master record &2 is indicated as main item
045Record &1, SERVICES: service master record &2 does not exist
046Record &1, SERVICES: assigned main item is deleted
047Cannot change line number &1 for &2 without changing subitem line number
048Subitem &1 has subitem no. &2 which exists already in the composite
049Pricing is not allowed for main item
051Subitem does not exist below the main item
052Service master record &1 does not exist
053Cannot explode the composite; main item &1 has wrong subitems
054You are not authorized to read the service master record &1
055Service master record &1 is not indicated as a main item
056Service master record &1 is indicated as a main item
057Record &1, SERVICE CONDITIONS: main item with conditions is not permitted
058Record &1, SERVICES: field SERVICE cannot be changed for main item
059SERVICES: subitem &1 (PCKG_NO &2); assigned main item is to be deleted
060SERVICES: PCKG_NO &1, LINE_NO &2; obj.cat.&3 (extern) has to be &4 (DB)
061Service conditions exist; fill field PRICING in Parameter LOGIC_SWITCH
062Material group & does not exist
063Operation cancelled
064Service entry sheet is released hence it can not be deleted.
070Set the main item indicator in service master for service &1
071No composite exists for service &1
072Subitem service number cannot be overwritten by main item service number
077Cannot reset main item indicator; main item exists in composite
078Cannot set the main item indicator; service is already used as subitem
079Enable subitem function to maintain the composite master
080Cannot set the deletion flag; service exists in composite
082Cannot disable the deletion flag; composite is marked for archiving
083Cannot edit this composite as it is partially archived
084Nothing to save
085Corresponding subitems were deleted
086Error while selecting from database table ESLH
087Error while selecting from database table ESLL
088Service entry sheet &1 created
089Release of service entry sheet is cancelled
090Service entry sheet &1 is not available
091Complete copy not possible after service selections
092Service entry sheet released; Credit memo request &1/&2 created
093Service entry sheet released; Debit memo request &1/&2 created
094Use the service entry sheet transaction for this sales order
095Sales order cannot be used for this transaction; use normal process
096Quantity entered exceeds the allowed quantity &1
097Selecting records from the database
098Document type &1 cannot be used here
099Nothing to save
100Adopt the lot size in the costing manually
101Document type &1 cannot be used; Only Sales Order type should be entered.
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