/SAPCND/GEN_CODE - Allgemeine Services zur Generierung
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPCND/GEN_CODE: Allgemeine Services zur Generierung.
It is part of development package /SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING in software component AP-PRC-CON. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Customizing Objects for Condition Technique".
It is part of development package /SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING in software component AP-PRC-CON. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Customizing Objects for Condition Technique".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
100 | Function group &1 does not exist |
101 | Unable to read program &1 |
102 | Include &1 does not exist |
103 | '&1' is not a valid function module name |
104 | Internal error in function module '&1' |
105 | Unable to find or activate table &1 |
106 | Unable to activate table &1 |
107 | Table &1 was activated, but warnings were issued (see activation log) |
108 | Error occurred when activating table &1 (see activation log) |
109 | '&1' is not a valid name for an index for database table &2 |
110 | Index &1 of table &2 was activated but warnings were issued (see log) |
111 | Error occurred when activating index &1 of table &2 (see activation log) |
112 | Unable to find or activate structure &1 |
113 | Unable to activate structure &1 |
114 | Structure &1 was activated, but warnings were issued (see activation log) |
115 | Errors occurred when activating structure &1 (see activation log) |
116 | Error occurred when calling &1 to create a table type for structure &2 |
117 | Error occurred when calling &1 to create table type &2 |
118 | Unable to find or activate table type &1 |
119 | Unable to activate table type &1 |
120 | Table type &1 was activated but warnings were issued (see activation log) |
121 | Errors occurred when activating table type &1 (see activation log) |
122 | Internal error in &1 for development class &2 |
123 | Error occurred when calling &1 with function group &2 |
124 | Error occurred when reading TRDIR for &1 |
125 | Error occurred when writing TRDIR for &1 |
126 | Unable to find Include statement for &1 |
127 | Unable to generate Include &1 in function group &2 |
128 | Unable to merge function group &1 with namespace |
129 | Unable to generate main program for &1 |
130 | Unable to create table type &1 - row type &2 doesn't exist/is not active |
131 | Unable to copy (all) documentation |
132 | Unable to find or activate lock object &1 |
133 | Unable to activate lock object &1 |
134 | Lock object &1 was activated but warnings were issued -see activation log |
135 | Errors occurred when activating lock object &1 (see activation log) |
136 | Error occurred when splitting name of function group |
137 | Namespace of function module &1 different than that of function group |
138 | Unable to write program &1 |
139 | Unable to insert any more functions in function group &1 |
140 | Function group &1 already exists |
141 | The function module &1 already exists |
142 | No transport request given for &1 &2 &3 |
143 | Object or object type missing for TADIR |
144 | Object &1 &2 &3 could not be included in transport request &4 |
145 | Description of table type or row type entry is missing |
150 | Class &1 does not exist |
151 | Interface method &1 of class &2 does not exist |
152 | Error reading method &1 of class &2 |
153 | Error adding method &1 of class &2 |
154 | Internal error generating method &1 of class &2 |
201 | Line &1 of the template was not marked as a comment |
203 | Syntax error - generation command "&1" unknown |
205 | You have not specifed a generation command |
206 | Syntax error - option for command &1 not finished off correctly |
207 | Syntax error - argument for command &1 not finished off correctly |
208 | Option &1 is not allowed for &2 |
209 | Error occurred when replacing variable |
210 | Placeholder '&1' not specified in replacement table |
211 | Syntax error - placeholder does not end with '%' |
212 | Unable to perform line break in program code |
213 | Variable substitution not possible in lines with a generation command |
214 | The argument for generation command &1 is too long |
215 | The function &1 does not exist |
216 | A blank placeholder is not allowed |
217 | Syntax error - START and STOP nested incorrectly |
218 | Syntax error - a placeholder must not contain any special characters |
219 | Syntax error - arguments for command &1 are invalid |
220 | Syntax error - the option for command &1 contains special characters |
221 | Syntax error - the argument for command &1 contains special characters |
222 | Syntax error - placeholder too long |
223 | The option for generation command &1 is too long |
224 | Generation command &1 is not designed to process arguments |
225 | Pretty Printer error |
226 | Class &1 does not exist |
227 | Class &1 does not implement interface &2 |
228 | Error during instantiation of class &1 |
229 | Error calling up method &2 of class &1 |
301 | Unable to find generation command &1 |
302 | Double-click on a row (line) |
303 | Unable to find object &1 (&2) |
304 | Unable to read template &1 |
305 | Syntax error in template &1 |
400 | Database table &1 could not be deleted |
401 | Database index &2 for table &1 could not be deleted |
402 | Lock object &1 could not be deleted |
403 | Structure &1 could not be deleted |
404 | Table type &1 could not be deleted |
405 | Function group &1 could not be deleted |
406 | Function module &1 could not be deleted |
407 | Include &1 of function group &2 could not be deleted |
409 | Program &1 could not be deleted |