/SAPCND/MASTERDATA - For the test of masterdata only

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPCND/MASTERDATA: For the test of masterdata only.
It is part of development package /SAPCND/TEST_T in software component AP-PRC-CON. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Test tools for condition technique".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* Test function modules and reports for creating master data *
001Condition record is successfully created.
002Condition record(s) not created due to time period overlap.
003Condition record(s) not created due to errors (see log).
004Primary key (VARNUMH) must be filled.
005Condition record is successfully deleted.
006Record values mismatch between API and database for field &1.
007Condition record in DB not selected by the API
008No Condition record for change selected
009API creates &1 and not &2 condition records
010No Condition record for delete selected
011The BADI &1 does not have active implementation
012The application &1 is not registered for ABAP Unit test
013The usage &1 is not registered for ABAP Unit test
014Condition maintenance group &1 does not have any group items.
015Application &1 returned wrong condition maintenance group &2
016Usage &1 did not participate in change condition records testing
017Condition record created by API not present in database for &1 &2 &3.
018Errors in condition record maintenance (see log).
019Overlapping condition records not detected for &1 &2.
020Error release status not set for overlapping condition records for &1 &2.
021Overlap condition records detected as expected.
022Overlapping condition records not resolved for &1 &2.
023Release status not reset after resolution of overlap for &1 &2.
024Overlap condition records resolved as expected.
025Overlap functionality cannot be tested due to error in condition record.
026Scale table &1 is not initial for application &2 usage &3 for scale dim 0
027Scale table &1 is initial for application &2 usage &3 for scale dim > 0.
028Record values mismatch between API and database for scales field.
029Mismatch between the API and DB in &1 table
032Condition maintenance not rejected even though KOPOS is greater than 1.
033Condition record was selected in change mode even though KOPOS > 1.
035Cond. record was not deleted successfully from the condition table
036Cond. record was not deleted successfully from the condindx table
040Creation of condition record with scales failed for application &1
041Runtime for &1 of &2 condition records is &3 microseconds.
043Maintenance of cond. rec. was possible even for wrong key CT field
044CT key fields check not possible as the test cond. record has problems
045CT ky fields could be changed for existing condition record
046Not all error messages were detected in validity window tests
053Scales tables are initial for a condition record which has scales.
054Maintenance mode is &1, where &2 is expected.
056Dbaction value is not set to 'U' during update.
058Unable to create working set handles for application &1 during setup.
059No suitable configuration found to continue the CT fields test
060No record was selected for lock verification (sceanrio &1).
062Unable to carry out &1 test for application &2 (group &3).
101Lock is not present as expected (&1, &2, &3).
102Lock is erroneously present (&1, &2, &3).
106*Messages for Simulation in pricing report 106 - 130*
107Condition records deleted successfully.
108Condition record found in DB with release status ' &1 ' as expected.
109Condition record with expected release status ' &1 ' not found.
110Cond. records with same key field values found, but no overlap detected.
111Condition records with different release status found as expected.
112Cond. record which had status 'released' is found with deleted marked.
113Cond. record which had status 'B' is not found in DB as expected.
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