/SAPMP/LO_RC - Nachrichten Trommelrechnung

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPMP/LO_RC: Nachrichten Trommelrechnung.
It is part of development package /SAPMP/LO-RC in software component IS-MP-LO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Mill Products: Reel Calculation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*Reel Calculation Results
001Reel determined using reel calculation
002Coil determined using reel calculation
003Larger reel determined due to run-out flange
004Larger reel determined due to core diameter
005Larger reel determined due to load capacity
006Larger reel determined due to clearance
007Outer diameter of determined reel > maximum reel size
008Larger reel determined due to plus-tol; w/o plus-tol &, max. plus-tol & %
009Individual length + plus-tol > maximum length of &, maximum plus-tol: & %
010Reel determined in variant table; 'manual' indicator will be set
011Material master data for cable & has not been maintained
012Material master data for the reel is incomplete
013Plus-tol not taken into account due to max. reel size; max. plus-tol & %
101Reel with matching core diameter could not be determined
102Reel with matching clearance could not be determined
103Reel with matching load capacity could not be determined
104Reel could not be determined for this length
105Reel with matching run-out flange could not be determined
106Reel category & is invalid
107No reel can be determined; maximum reel size < outer diameter
108Cable diameter = 0; reel calculation cannot be executed
109Plant & reel category &; reel category sequence is invalid
110Reel category and reel type have not been maintained for coil delivery
111According to coil check, no coil is permitted for this data
200*Manually calculated reel
201Reel has been calculated manually
202Material master data for the manually calculated reel is incomplete
203Check manually calculated drum (clearance)
204Check manually calculated reel (minimum core diameter)
205Check manually calculated reel (run-out flange)
206Check manually calculated reel (load capacity)
207Maximum reel size < outer diameter of the manually calculated reel
208Check manually calculated reel (length)
300*Dialog messages
301Reel categories have not been defined
302Reel category & has not been defined in plant &
303No reel categories have been defined in plant &
304Plant &, reel category &: reel category sequence has not been defined
305Enter a reel category
306Sequence contains shared reel types
307Reel type & is not defined for this function (technical data)
308Table updated
309Plant and reel category are the same; check your entry
310Plant & reel category &: Reel type sequence is deleted when you save
311No control parameters have been defined for reel calculation in plant &
312The value 'general' is invalid for the application
313Enter a reel category
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