/SAPPO/ORDER - Nachrichtenklasse Postprocessing-Auftrag

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPPO/ORDER: Nachrichtenklasse Postprocessing-Auftrag.
It is part of development package /SAPPO/ORDER in software component CA-GTF-TS-PPO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Postprocessing Office - Order".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Function was run successfully
001Postrpocessing orders could not be opened for processing
002Import parameter for component or business process not entered
003Import parameter for component or business process not defined
004Invalid call of function /SAPPO/API_ORDER_UPD_CONTEXT
005Import parameter not entered for main object or main message
006Main object is invalid
007Base object is invalid
008Related object is invalid
009Main message is invalid
010Message object of main message is invalid
011Invalid object
012Invalid message
013One message object is invalid
014Invalid process
015The data transferred is not permitted
016The data transferred for postprocessing order &1 is invalid
017Postprocessing order &1 completed
018Postprocessing order &1 opened for processing
019There are no change documents for postprocessing order &1
020Postprocessing order &1 : Generic data cannot be determined
021Postprocessing order &1 was not opened for processing (dialog)
022Postprocessing orders: Process cannot be opened
023The data in the process layer has been changed
024The data entered is not permitted
025Too many objects
026Too many messages
027LUW is inconsistent
028Function completed in the BAdI
029You do not have the necessary authorization for this function
030Postprocessing order &1 does not exist
031Worklist &1 is not assigned to component &2
032Organizational unit &1 cannot be assigned to worklist &2
033&1 entries of &2 selected entries will be inserted
034Activity &1 is not permitted
035There are no assignments of &1 &2
036There are no assignments to &1 &2
037Worklist &1: &2 entries of &3 selected entries being inserted
038Enter object type
039Entry not found
040You have no authorization for component &1
041Specify the software component
042The action ended with an error
043'&1' is not permitted in SIGN field in '&2'
044'&1' is not permitted in OPTION field in '&2'
045Data has to be from the STRING category
046You cannot execute functions in the order
047Function class &1 does not implement /SAPPO/IF_PPO_COMMAND
048Function classes without data are not permitted
049Repeat mode does not exist
050Repeat mode &1 is not permitted
051Discard mode does not exist
052Discard mode &1 is not permitted
053Retry group does not exist
054Error in the modifiable attributes
055This type of order closing is not valid
056Order &1 does not contain any data
057Data for order &1 is not from the STRING category
058Retry group &1 is not permitted for component &2
059Error category &1 is not permitted
060Retry class and modus have to be either filled or empty
061Discard class and mode have to be either filled or empty
062Value &1 is not permitted for this type of closing an order
063&1 postprocessing orders were processed
064&1 postprocessing orders were processed (&2 completed, &3 rejected)
065There are no implementations for the BAdI /SAPPO/WORKLOAD_BADI
066Information for &1 worklists was sent
067No RFC destination saved for logical system &1
068Unable to reach RFC destination &1 for logical system &2
069Workflow could not be started
070You do not have the authorization to close the order
071Workflow was started successfully
072Technical error during resubmission of order &1
073Action was canceled
074Orders in your selection have special actions to be completed
075Cannot lock order &1
076Could not find any postprocessing orders
077No retry class defined for postprocessing order (ID &1)
078No finish class defined for postprocessing order (ID &1)
079No fail class defined for postprocessing order (ID &1)
080Callback class &1 does not implement /SAPPO/IF_PPO_COMMAND
081Postprocessing order (ID &1) is locked by another user
082Postprocessing order (ID &1) has been completed
083ID &1 is not valid; enter a valid postprocessing order ID
084You are not authorized to process postprocessing orders
085User with ID &1 is invalid; enter a valid user
100Worklist &1 does not exist
120Class &1 does not exist
121Order &1 is already in status 'completed'
122User context could not be restored.
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