/SAPQUERY/BC_GLOBAL - Messages for package /SAPQUERY/BC

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPQUERY/BC_GLOBAL: Messages for package /SAPQUERY/BC.
It is part of development package /SAPQUERY/BC in software component BC-SRV-QUE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Feature Content for SAP Query".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Enter values in the template, course, number, and password fields
002User & is not defined
003Error when updating table &
004Copying terminated
005Could not find free group numbers
006Table entry created successfully
007Table entry for specified key does not exist
008Error when changing
009Change successful
010Airplane has been shot down. Too bad!
011Object already locked
012This is an error message
013This is a warning message
014This is an information message
015This is a success message
016This is an abend message
017Table &1 not found (active) in ABAP Dictionary
018Record will be updated in this form
019Record will be created in this form
020Record will be created/updated in this form
021Lock could not be set (system error)
022No update (no change made)
023No more than & airports can be processed
024Select multiple instructors
025EVENT triggered
026Return point from inserted screens sequence (CALL SCREEN)
027An entry has been read from the database
028No changes have been made
029Number not within external number range interval
030Document & posted for customer & with & participants
031All internal numbers assigned
032Cannot display values
033Entry does not exist yet, can be inserted
034Error at EXPORT in cluster table INDX
035You selected a flight from before &
036No flights available at times selected for carrier & &
037There are no flight connections for this combination (carrier, cities)
038No data to match this selection - make a new entry
039You should take the bus
040Name may not have initial value
041Are you sure?
042The name of the transaction you are creating is reserved for training
043This is not a valid function
044No airline flies at this price
045No authorization for airline carrier &
046Night flying forbidden in Frankfurt
047No flight found for this date
048Reconsider this combination
049Airline carrier & does not exist
050Division by zero
051The first control level must be superior to the second
052No changes were made
053Table is locked
054Select a flight date
055Select at least one column before sorting
056No possible entries exist
057No entry selected
058Error reading screen field contents
059No number range number could be found for this (sub-) object
060Arrival time incorrect
061Sort not possible
063No number range object has been defined under this object name
064The interval of the specified number range number is not internal
065Interval used up. Change not possible.
066Maximum occupancy has not been maintained for the selected aircraft type
067Enter a restricted selection for the airline
068Enter a price
069Flight date is in the past
098Object could not be locked
099No free seats left
100Number assignment causes problems
101Object already locked
102System error (could not set locks)
103Table entry already exists
104Table entry does not exist
105Error during UPDATE
106Error during INSERT
107No entries found for key & &
108Update termination (table /SAPQUERY/T100)
109Number of seats booked exceeds capacity
110Customer & created
111Unable to create
112Caution: The number assigned is within the critical area
113Last number of number range has been assigned
114You have not selected any flights
115No flight found
116Line selection possible for flights only
117Object has already been locked by &
118Number of booked places & exceeds flight capacity &
145Object already locked
146Object cannot be locked
147Flight connection changes could not be saved
148Changed successfully
149Could not make changes
150No corresponding flights found
151Incorrect customer number (table /SAPQUERY/TA02)
152This flight entry is already locked (table /SAPQUERY/T100)
153This flight entry cannot be locked (table /SAPQUERY/T100)
154Flight not found (table /SAPQUERY/T100)
155Flight full in this class
156No booking number received (table /SAPQUERY/T200)
157Booking could not be saved (table /SAPQUERY/T200)
158Change to the flight occupancy could not be saved (table /SAPQUERY/T100)
159Airline & not found
160Customer & is booked on flight & on & (booking number &)
161Flight & is full on &. Choose another date.
162Internal problem. Try again later.
163City & (country &) unknown
164No airport has been assigned to city & (country &)
165No airports available
166Travel agency & not found
167Sales counter & for airline & not found
168Enter either a travel agency or sales counter name
169Enter connection number
170Enter connection number and date
171No corresponding connections found
172Select a flight
173Sales office & not allowed
174Booking entry already locked (table /SAPQUERY/T200)
175Booking entry cannot be locked (table /SAPQUERY/T200)
176Booking not found
177Booking has already been canceled
178Departure data incomplete. Complete the departure data.
179Destination data incomplete. Complete the destination data.
180Customer ID has already been assigned (largest existing customer ID &)
181Incompatible data (/SAPQUERY/TA02)
182No matching objects found
183& object(s) found
185Flight class & not allowed
186No corresponding bookings found
187There are no bookings for this flight yet
188Booking & & canceled
190Password correct
191Password changed
200Database contents in the current client will be deleted
201The SAP standard table contents will be imported
204No authorization for maintaining airline &
250Enter flight time in valid format
260File/path & does not exist
301Directory & does not exist
302No authorization for company code &
303No entry &&& in course schedule
304Supplier 12 not allowed
305Supplier 13 and company code 01 cannot be combined
306Account 27 not allowed
307Foreigner, account number: &
308Combination of 10 and 35 for account-low not possible
309Account-low = 0000000004 not allowed
310Course is flagged for deletion
311Parameter missing
312Parameter missing
313Operator missing
314Invalid operator
315Cannot support more than 10 alternative FORM routines
316Currency key & does not exist in table TCURC
317Data record incomplete
318Select at least one line
321Object & is currently locked
322System lock error
331Could not insert in table &
341Table & not changed
342Table & not updated successfully
343Table & updated successfully
344Tables & and & updated successfully
345Data not changed, no update
346& & could not be created (table &)
347Data record & read successfully (table &)
400The selected country & is not contained in the table
401Place the cursor on an area or course
402Place cursor on booking
450Instructor numbers changed
490Object & is currently locked
500Specify a unique sort sequence
501No document class selected
502Error when initializing control framework
503Entry & & & could not be deleted from table /SAPQUERY/T100
504/SAPQUERY/T200 table entries could not be deleted
505Deletion in /SAPQUERY/T100 and /SAPQUERY/T200 successful
506The /SAPQUERY/T200 entries for key & & & could not be restored
507The /SAPQUERY/T100 entry & & & could not be successfully restored
508Table entry & & & does not exist in table /SAPQUERY/T100
509No table entries for generated key & & & in table /SAPQUERY/T200
510Error in transaction &
511/SAPQUERY/T100 table entry & & & created
512/SAPQUERY/T200 entries for generated key & & & created
513Your visit in SAP System & will end when you choose ENTER
514Table entry & in table /SAPQUERY/TA02 could not be changed
515Change made in local system
516Table entry & does not exist in table /SAPQUERY/TA02
517Remote system change using tRFC scheduled --> will start at &
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