/SAPTRX/ASC - Event Manager: Messages from application server customizing

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPTRX/ASC: Event Manager: Messages from application server customizing.
It is part of development package /SAPTRX/ASCU in software component SCM-EM-AS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under " Application System customizing and communication".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No parameters available for determining application object type
001No application object type found for &1 &2 &3
002No unique application object type found for &1 &2 &3
003No application object type found for &1
004Application object reference for &1 &2 in system &3 is locked by &4
005SAP Event Management communication aborted; no AOTs defined
006No event management-relevant application object determined
007Logical system could not be determined
008Required control table &1 for AO type &2 not available
009Assigned application table &1 for AO type &2 is not available
010Application object type &1 not relevant for object &2 &3
011Name tab for table &1 could not be read
012Application object type &1 relevant for object &2 &3
013Condition &1 for application object type &2 incorrect
014Application object type determination stopped for object &1 &2
015Control parameter determination error; check control parameter extraction
016Event handler for application object &1 &2 cannot be changed
017Event handler type for application object &1 &2 could not be determined
018Processing and communication aborted for AO type &1
019Processing and communication to SAP Event Management completely aborted
020Drilldown is not possible from this field
021No SAP Event Management defined
022Key length of table &1 is defined as 0 for business process type &2
023Data tables for application object type & successfully set up
024Objects for AO type &1 will be evaluated using condition &2
025Event management relevance will not be checked for AO type &1
026Event management relevance condition &1 could not be read
027Appl. object &1 skipped for AO type &2 due to settings
028Appl. object &1 skipped for AO type &2 because main object is unchanged
029Appl. object &1 skipped for AO type &2 (main & master object unchanged)
030Appl. object &1 skipped for AO type &2 because object was deleted
031AO type &1 processed: &2 new or changed relevant objects found
032AO type &1 processed: &2 deleted relevant objects found
033All application objects rejected by SAP Event Management
034SAP Event Management communication aborted due to deactivation of BPT &1
035Application interface running in maintenance mode for BPT &1
036Database table definition for AO type &1 is not set: BPT &2, table &3
037Key for appl. obj &1 &2 could not be determined. Detail log not available
038Referencing of main and master table fields &1 - &2 successful
039Referencing of main and master table fields &1 - &2 failed
040Start of evt management relevance processing for application object &1 &2
041End of evt management relevance processing for application object &1 &2
042Dynamic assignment of structure field &1 - &2 failed
043Determination of evt management relevance of appl. object &1 by function
044Determination of evt management relevance of AO &1 by Boolean condition
045AO type &1 evaluation set to condition but no condition defined
046AO type &1 evaluation set to function but no function defined
047Objects for AO type &1 will be evaluated using function &2
048Start of status check in SAP Event Management
049End of status check in SAP Event Management
050Enter parameter tables for condition definition
051Condition ID &1 does not exist for determining application object type
052Editing system parameters is not permitted
053Application object type &1 already used for BPT &2
054Multiple use of sequence no. &1 for BPT &2; assign unique sequence no.
055Sequence number is initial; assign unique sequence number
056SAP Event Management general: &1 &2 &3 &4
057SAP Event Management application object-specific: &1 &2 &3 &4
058Function &1 could not be created; check function type and template
059No event management-relevant event determined
060Check RFC destination and/or logical system specification
061SCEM-AI: Database operation &1 failed for table &2 with return code &3
062Function module &1 for function &2 not found; correct settings
063Condition &1 not found; correct settings in the appl. object conditions
064Interface for function &1 is incorrect; correct function module interface
065Function &1 has not been activated
066Structure name and DDIC stucture must be defined
067SAP Event Management communic. process aborted; RFC communication failure
068Required control table &1 for event type &2 is not available
069Assigned application table &1 for event type &2 is not available
070Objects for event type &1 will be evaluated using condition &2
071Event type &1 evaluation set to condition but no condition defined
072Objects for event type &1 will be evaluated using function &2
073Event type &1 evaluation set to function but no function defined
074Event management relevance will not be checked for event type &1
075End of event management relevance processing for event &1 &2
076Condition &1 for event type &2 incorrect
077Event type &1 relevant for object &2 &3
078Event type determination stopped for object &1 &2
079Event type &1 not relevant for object &2 &3
080Data tables for event type &1 successfully set up
081Determination of event management relevance of event &1 by function
082Determination of evt management relevance of evt &1 by boolean condition
083Event type &1 processed: &2 new or changed relevant objects found
084No SAP Event Management communication for events; no event types defined
085Old main table has &1 key fields for referencing (reduces performance).
086AO type &1 skipped: No SAP Event Management entry maintained
087Main table &1 is incompatible with extractor &2 in &3 &4.
088Master table &1 is incompatible with extractor &2 in &3 &4.
089EH creation not permitted: AOT evaluation skipped
090Database table definition for event type &1 is not set: BPT &2, table &3
091Key for event &1 &2 could not be determined. Detail log not available
092Start of evt management relevance processing for event &1 &2
093End of evt management relevance processing for event &1 &2
094Event message sending not permitted: Event type evaluation skipped
095EH creation not permitted: AOT evaluation skipped
096Event message sending not permitted: Event type evaluation skipped
097Event type &1 skipped: no SAP Event Management entry maintained
099Internal error in function module /SAPTRX/INTERNAL_EM_READ_TCON
100No parameters defined in the application system
101Maintain expected event lists for SAP EM interface functions
102No application object types found
103No business process types maintained in the SAP Event Management
104Communication failure to RFC destination &1
105System failure when calling function &1 on RFC dest. &2
106Business process type &1 not found in any EM global BPT directory
107No release information maintained in Customizing for defining SAP EM
108No suitable event management relevance condition found
113An entry already exists with the same key; choose another key
114If SAP EM runs locally, only set synchronous communication
115Business object &1 was posted to SAP EM but not acknowledged
116Business object &1 was rejected by SAP EM due to locked event handler
117Business object &1 was rejected by SAP EM due to processing error
118Specify the AOID extractor field when determining the AOID from function
119Specify the AOID field when determining the AOID from field
120Select either the main object table or master reference table option
121Select the method for determining the tracking ID
122Specify the extractor when determining tracking ID from function
123Specify the tr. ID and code set fields to determine tr. ID from field
124Specify the function name when event relevance determined from function
125Specify the condition when event relevance determined from condition
126Key definition in BPT &1 not correct for specified Del.Obj. Table in AOT
127Specify an existing target table before choosing a target field
128Specify an existing structure or table name before choosing a field name
129Specify an existing message structure before choosing a field name
130Specify an existing extraction field before choosing an extraction index
131Enter a field name that is contained in the structure or table specified
132Enter a target field that is contained in the target table specified
133You do not have the authorization to call transaction &1
200Subordinate log could not be found
201SCEM process log appended to application log
202Subordinate log created for object &1 &2
203External: &1
300Method "&1" not supported for SAP Global Track and Trace
301Check entry for HCI logical system
302SAP Track and Trace version has to be set to 'Global Track and Trace 1.0'
303SAP EM version must not be set to GTT1.0 or GTT2.0
304Application object type "&1" already used for Global Track and Trace
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