The following messages are stored in message class /SCA/SDPR_CUST: .
It is part of development package /SCA/SDPR in software component SCM-ICH-REP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Supplier Delivery Performance Evaluation".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Select Metric Type
002Invalid Supplier
003Invalid Customer
004Invalid Ship-From Location
005Invalid Customer Location
006Invalid Product
007Quantity Tolerance Minus is greater than Quantity Tolerance Plus
008Select Release Type
009Select Level of Commitment
010Select Date Type
011Past Days must be equal or greater then 0
012Future Days must be equal or greater then 0
013P.Days RQ must be greater or equal to P.Days OT
014F.Days RQ must be greater or equal to F.Days OT
015The maximum number of hours cannot exceed 23
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