/SCF/CL_MESSAGES_ASN - Messages for ASN & Delivery Schedule scenarios
The following messages are stored in message class /SCF/CL_MESSAGES_ASN: Messages for ASN & Delivery Schedule scenarios.
It is part of development package /SCF/ASN in software component SCM-ICH-ASN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ICH: ASN".
It is part of development package /SCF/ASN in software component SCM-ICH-ASN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ICH: ASN".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ***General messages used by ASN and Delivery Schedule Scenarios*** |
001 | Location (&1) product (&2) selection not found |
002 | Enter a customer location and a ship-from location |
003 | Select only one row |
004 | No data available for selection |
005 | &1 |
006 | No data found in the selected row |
007 | Select at least one row |
008 | Ship-from location &1 is invalid |
009 | Customer location &1 is invalid |
010 | Product &1 is invalid |
011 | Ship-from location &1 is invalid for user &2 |
012 | Customer location &1 is invalid for user &2 |
013 | Product &1 is invalid for user &2 |
014 | No ASNs found for selection |
015 | Partner &1 is invalid for user &2 |
016 | Partner &1 is invalid |
017 | Error while printing; smart form could not be generated |
018 | Print ASNs only after ASNs have been created |
019 | Download ASNs only after ASNs have been created |
020 | Partner-specific product &1 is invalid |
021 | Product and partner-specific product are not compatible |
022 | Partner-specific ship-from location &1 is invalid |
023 | Ship-from location and partner-specific location are not compatible |
024 | Partner-specific customer location &1 is invalid |
025 | Customer location and partner-specific location are not compatible |
026 | No location products found for given selection |
027 | Specify either supplier or ASN number as a selection parameter |
028 | Function is not possible; no data is loaded |
029 | Select a row |
030 | Action is canceled; an internal buffer error occured |
031 | Loading of detailed ASN data failed; action is canceled |
032 | You are not allowed to display any ASNs for the specified selection |
033 | Selection is not possible; specify at least one selection parameter |
034 | No quality notification found for the selected ASN |
035 | The selected ASN is not assigned to any shipment |
036 | No invoice found for the selected ASN |
037 | No ship-to location found for pattern &1 |
038 | No partner-specific ship-to location found for pattern &1 |
039 | No partner found for pattern &1 |
040 | Cannot process selection; range is invalid |
041 | |
042 | Print ASNs only after ASNs have been Published |
100 | ***Delivery Schedule Scenario*** |
101 | You have reached the end of the list |
102 | &1 scheduling agreement releases found |
103 | Release &1 already acknowledged on &2 &3 |
104 | Cannot load the last &1 releases |
105 | Release &1 not found |
106 | No release documents found for given selection |
107 | No unique scheduling agreement item found; enter more selection criteria |
108 | Only one row is selected to compare with the lastest release |
109 | Select two rows for a release comparison |
110 | The latest two releases are selected by default |
111 | You need at least two releases to do a comparison |
112 | Release status &1 is not valid; use value help |
113 | Note was saved successfully |
114 | Enter a valid release type |
115 | Forecast delivery schedules are selected by default |
116 | Release date &1 is invalid; expected format is &2 |
117 | &1 scheduling agreement releases found |
118 | Schedule line &1 has no due quantity |
119 | No related ASN found |
120 | Release &1 was already rejected on &2 &3 |
121 | Release rejected |
122 | Navigation is not possible; no shipment found for the selected ASN |
123 | You are not authorized to view the specified selection or no ASN found |
124 | No related note found for ASN &1 |
200 | *** ASN scenarios *** |
201 | ASN (&1) was created |
202 | You are not authorized to cancel advanced shipping notifications |
203 | ASN needs to be in Draft Status to be changed |
204 | You are not authorized to book a goods receipt for ASNs |
205 | ASN needs status 'Published' or 'Partial GR' for goods receipts |
206 | Error while saving the ASN; ASN could not be saved |
207 | No unique ASN found for given selection |
208 | No planned receipts found for given selection |
209 | You cannot change canceled ASNs |
210 | Enter an ASN number |
211 | Enter a customer location |
212 | Enter a ship-from location |
213 | Enter a delivery date or ship date |
214 | Enter data for at least one item |
215 | Enter a product and quantity for item &1 |
216 | Delivery date cannot be in the past |
217 | Customer location &1 is invalid |
218 | Ship-from location &1 is invalid |
219 | Product &1 is invalid |
220 | Unit of measurement is invalid &1 |
221 | Product &1 is invalid for given locations from &2 to &3 |
222 | Item ID is required. |
223 | Invalid Delivery Date &1, expected format (&2) |
224 | Invalid Ship Date &1, expected format (&2) |
225 | Invalid Document Date &1, expected format (&2) |
226 | Invalid time format & 1 (valid format is HH:MM:SS on 24 Hr basis) |
227 | ASN cannot be created for different ship-from locations &1 and &2 |
228 | ASN cannot be created for different customer locations &1 and &2 |
229 | Enter a means of transport to calculate ETA based on the ship date |
230 | Invalid means of transport &4 for product &1 and locations from &2 to &3 |
231 | Invalid quantity format (valid format with delimiter <&1>, decimal <&2>) |
232 | Quantity entered <&1> is not numeric |
233 | Invalid weight format (valid format with delimiter <&1>, decimal <&2>) |
234 | Invalid volume format (valid format with delimiter <&1>, decimal <&2>) |
235 | ASN is not saved; save again if necessary |
236 | Quantity adjusted by rounding from &3 to &4 for item (&1), product (&2) |
237 | Carrier ID/SCAC code &1 must not exceed valid length (4) |
238 | No draft ASNs found for given selection |
239 | You can only cancel ASNs in "Published", "Draft", or "Received" status |
240 | Ship Date/Issue Date is in the past |
241 | You are not authorized to close ASNs |
242 | ASN item &1 has no purchasing doc number entered |
243 | Purchasing doc number of item &1 differs from master data |
244 | ASN number will be overwritten by number range object |
245 | No draft ASN selected |
246 | You can only close ASNs in "Published" or "Partial Goods Receipt" status |
247 | Enter a purchasing document number |
248 | Delivery status &1 is not valid; use value help to change the status |
249 | Validation status &1 is not valid; use value help to change the status |
250 | PO cannot be created for different suppliers &1 and &2 |
251 | PO cannot be created for different customers &1 and &2 |
252 | ASN item &1 does not exist |
253 | ASN item &1 was not selected for packaging |
254 | Scheduling is not possible; no transport means is maintained |
255 | Changes of ASNs in status '&1' are not possible |
256 | Version &1 not valid; use value help to change version |
257 | Changes to ASNs in status '&1' and version '&2' are not possible |
258 | Goods recipient &1 is invalid |
259 | Quantity rounding from &3 to &4 for item (&1), product (&2) recommended |
260 | You are not authorized to change ASN &1 with current MD configuration |
261 | Inbound delivery status &1 is invalid |
262 | Automatic ASN number cannot be created due to missing number range |
263 | You are not authorized to create an ASN with current MD configuration |
264 | You are not authorized to display ASN &1 |
265 | You are not authorized to display the selected ASNs |
266 | Too many goods recipients found; restrict your selection |
267 | Enter a valid goods recipient |
268 | ASN has been changed; save the data |
269 | You cannot change the ASN; invoices have already been created for ASN |
270 | Invoice creation for ASNs in status '&1' and version '&2' is not possible |
271 | Select at least one item |
272 | Changing the GR status for ASN &1 item &2 with status &3 is not possible |
273 | No document flow exists for ASN &1 item &2 |
274 | Goods receipt status for ASN &1 item &2 has been changed successfully |
275 | Changes to ASN &1 are not possible; pending version exists |
276 | ASN needs status 'Partial GR' or 'GR Complete' for goods receipts reset |
277 | Integration of planned receipts is active |
278 | Ship-to location &1 is invalid |
279 | Carrier partner &1 is invalid |
280 | ASN number has been overwritten by a no. from the pre-def. number range |
281 | Country of origin '&1' for product is invalid |
400 | *** Packaging scenarios *** |
401 | No packaging material found in the selected row |
402 | Handling unit has not yet been created |
403 | No handling unit identification created |
404 | Enter item ID and quantity for packed delivery item (line &1) |
405 | Enter product, quantity, and unit for aux. pack. material (line &1) |
406 | Enter handling unit reference for packed handling unit (line &1) |
407 | No item ID found for the selected row |
408 | Handling unit does not exist |
409 | Enter packaging material for handling unit &2 (line &1) |
410 | Enter packaging material for handling unit |
411 | Create handling unit first before maintaining the details |
412 | Handling unit &1 has already been created (status "Active") |
413 | ASN item &1 has already been packed (status "Active") |
414 | Auxiliary packaging material &1 has already been packed (status "Active") |
415 | Handling unit &1 has already been packed into HU &2 (status "Active") |
416 | Handling unit &1 has already been deleted (status "Inactive") |
417 | ASN item &1 has already been unpacked (status "Inactive") |
418 | Auxiliary packaging material &1 already unpacked (status "Inactive") |
419 | Handling unit &1 has already been unpacked from HU &2 (status "Inactive") |
420 | Delete the handling unit before deleting the line |
421 | Unpack the ASN item before deleting the line |
422 | Unpack auxiliary packaging material before deleting the line |
423 | Unpack handling unit before deleting the line |
424 | Handling unit number will be overwritten by number range object |
425 | Enter handling unit number |
426 | ASN item &1 has already been packed completely |
427 | Packed products cannot contain handling units |
428 | Clipboard is empty; cut a subhierarchy before choosing "Paste" |
429 | Pack specification identifier &1 is invalid |
430 | You cannot reload the ASN during ASN creation |
431 | Enter packaging material type |
432 | Error while unpacking products |
433 | Error while unpacking auxiliary packaging material |
434 | Error while deleting handling units |
435 | Error while initializing packaging data |
436 | Error while changing a handling unit |
437 | Error while creating a handling unit |
438 | Maintain handling unit number range or enter a new handling unit number |
439 | Handling unit &1 already exists; create a new handling unit |
440 | Handling unit ID &1 cannot be changed due to HU number range Customizing |
441 | No packaging specification available to perform automatic packing |
442 | HU ID &1 has been overwritten by a no. from the pre-def. HU number range |
443 | Select the handling unit and the items to be packed |
444 | Item &1 selected for packing does not exist in the ASN |
445 | Serial no. &1 does not exist in ASN item &2 |
446 | Packing with serial no. not possible; no serial ID exists for item &1 |
447 | Serial no. &1 within item &2 was packed twice; this is not allowed |
448 | ASN &1 is set to "Display Only" and cannot be changed |
449 | ASN item &1 cannot be packed twice. Pack a single ASN item with one entry |
450 | Select a handling unit |
451 | Select a handling unit which contains other handling units |
452 | No handling units available for label printing |
453 | Assignment of serial number &1 to packed product has been removed |
454 | Save the ASN before you print labels |
455 | Labels should not be printed before the ASN has been saved |
456 | Adobe form and Smart form with same name & exist (default is Adobe) |
457 | Maintain the unit of measure for packaging material |
458 | Can not navigate to product cFolder; no data loaded |
459 | Maintain the handling unit number range |
460 | Handling unit labels should use the same form; Maintain Label Assignment |
461 | ASN Item &1 : Invalid packing material &2 |
700 | *** Returns scenarios *** |
701 | Estimated Arrival date is mandatory. |
702 | RMA and Quantity are required fields in Item &1 |
703 | Published ASNs and Cancelled ASNs cannot be edited |
704 | Ship-from party is invalid |
705 | None of the ASN Items are packed. Cannot Drop. |
706 | RMA is required field in Item &1 |
707 | Quantity is required field in Item &1 |
708 | Return Type is missing. |
709 | Select a single row. |
710 | The item line contains serial numbers. Please delete them first. |
711 | Result list is incomplete; number of search hits exceeds limit '&' |
712 | ASN &1 item &2 has already been packed; unpack before deleting the item |
713 | Enter a valid supplier. |
714 | Too many suppliers found; restrict your selection |