/SCF/CL_MESSAGES_ASN - Messages for ASN & Delivery Schedule scenarios

The following messages are stored in message class /SCF/CL_MESSAGES_ASN: Messages for ASN & Delivery Schedule scenarios.
It is part of development package /SCF/ASN in software component SCM-ICH-ASN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ICH: ASN".
Message Nr
Message Text
000***General messages used by ASN and Delivery Schedule Scenarios***
001Location (&1) product (&2) selection not found
002Enter a customer location and a ship-from location
003Select only one row
004No data available for selection
006No data found in the selected row
007Select at least one row
008Ship-from location &1 is invalid
009Customer location &1 is invalid
010Product &1 is invalid
011Ship-from location &1 is invalid for user &2
012Customer location &1 is invalid for user &2
013Product &1 is invalid for user &2
014No ASNs found for selection
015Partner &1 is invalid for user &2
016Partner &1 is invalid
017Error while printing; smart form could not be generated
018Print ASNs only after ASNs have been created
019Download ASNs only after ASNs have been created
020Partner-specific product &1 is invalid
021Product and partner-specific product are not compatible
022Partner-specific ship-from location &1 is invalid
023Ship-from location and partner-specific location are not compatible
024Partner-specific customer location &1 is invalid
025Customer location and partner-specific location are not compatible
026No location products found for given selection
027Specify either supplier or ASN number as a selection parameter
028Function is not possible; no data is loaded
029Select a row
030Action is canceled; an internal buffer error occured
031Loading of detailed ASN data failed; action is canceled
032You are not allowed to display any ASNs for the specified selection
033Selection is not possible; specify at least one selection parameter
034No quality notification found for the selected ASN
035The selected ASN is not assigned to any shipment
036No invoice found for the selected ASN
037No ship-to location found for pattern &1
038No partner-specific ship-to location found for pattern &1
039No partner found for pattern &1
040Cannot process selection; range is invalid
042Print ASNs only after ASNs have been Published
100***Delivery Schedule Scenario***
101You have reached the end of the list
102&1 scheduling agreement releases found
103Release &1 already acknowledged on &2 &3
104Cannot load the last &1 releases
105Release &1 not found
106No release documents found for given selection
107No unique scheduling agreement item found; enter more selection criteria
108Only one row is selected to compare with the lastest release
109Select two rows for a release comparison
110The latest two releases are selected by default
111You need at least two releases to do a comparison
112Release status &1 is not valid; use value help
113Note was saved successfully
114Enter a valid release type
115Forecast delivery schedules are selected by default
116Release date &1 is invalid; expected format is &2
117&1 scheduling agreement releases found
118Schedule line &1 has no due quantity
119No related ASN found
120Release &1 was already rejected on &2 &3
121Release rejected
122Navigation is not possible; no shipment found for the selected ASN
123You are not authorized to view the specified selection or no ASN found
124No related note found for ASN &1
200*** ASN scenarios ***
201ASN (&1) was created
202You are not authorized to cancel advanced shipping notifications
203ASN needs to be in Draft Status to be changed
204You are not authorized to book a goods receipt for ASNs
205ASN needs status 'Published' or 'Partial GR' for goods receipts
206Error while saving the ASN; ASN could not be saved
207No unique ASN found for given selection
208No planned receipts found for given selection
209You cannot change canceled ASNs
210Enter an ASN number
211Enter a customer location
212Enter a ship-from location
213Enter a delivery date or ship date
214Enter data for at least one item
215Enter a product and quantity for item &1
216Delivery date cannot be in the past
217Customer location &1 is invalid
218Ship-from location &1 is invalid
219Product &1 is invalid
220Unit of measurement is invalid &1
221Product &1 is invalid for given locations from &2 to &3
222Item ID is required.
223Invalid Delivery Date &1, expected format (&2)
224Invalid Ship Date &1, expected format (&2)
225Invalid Document Date &1, expected format (&2)
226Invalid time format & 1 (valid format is HH:MM:SS on 24 Hr basis)
227ASN cannot be created for different ship-from locations &1 and &2
228ASN cannot be created for different customer locations &1 and &2
229Enter a means of transport to calculate ETA based on the ship date
230Invalid means of transport &4 for product &1 and locations from &2 to &3
231Invalid quantity format (valid format with delimiter <&1>, decimal <&2>)
232Quantity entered <&1> is not numeric
233Invalid weight format (valid format with delimiter <&1>, decimal <&2>)
234Invalid volume format (valid format with delimiter <&1>, decimal <&2>)
235ASN is not saved; save again if necessary
236Quantity adjusted by rounding from &3 to &4 for item (&1), product (&2)
237Carrier ID/SCAC code &1 must not exceed valid length (4)
238No draft ASNs found for given selection
239You can only cancel ASNs in "Published", "Draft", or "Received" status
240Ship Date/Issue Date is in the past
241You are not authorized to close ASNs
242ASN item &1 has no purchasing doc number entered
243Purchasing doc number of item &1 differs from master data
244ASN number will be overwritten by number range object
245No draft ASN selected
246You can only close ASNs in "Published" or "Partial Goods Receipt" status
247Enter a purchasing document number
248Delivery status &1 is not valid; use value help to change the status
249Validation status &1 is not valid; use value help to change the status
250PO cannot be created for different suppliers &1 and &2
251PO cannot be created for different customers &1 and &2
252ASN item &1 does not exist
253ASN item &1 was not selected for packaging
254Scheduling is not possible; no transport means is maintained
255Changes of ASNs in status '&1' are not possible
256Version &1 not valid; use value help to change version
257Changes to ASNs in status '&1' and version '&2' are not possible
258Goods recipient &1 is invalid
259Quantity rounding from &3 to &4 for item (&1), product (&2) recommended
260You are not authorized to change ASN &1 with current MD configuration
261Inbound delivery status &1 is invalid
262Automatic ASN number cannot be created due to missing number range
263You are not authorized to create an ASN with current MD configuration
264You are not authorized to display ASN &1
265You are not authorized to display the selected ASNs
266Too many goods recipients found; restrict your selection
267Enter a valid goods recipient
268ASN has been changed; save the data
269You cannot change the ASN; invoices have already been created for ASN
270Invoice creation for ASNs in status '&1' and version '&2' is not possible
271Select at least one item
272Changing the GR status for ASN &1 item &2 with status &3 is not possible
273No document flow exists for ASN &1 item &2
274Goods receipt status for ASN &1 item &2 has been changed successfully
275Changes to ASN &1 are not possible; pending version exists
276ASN needs status 'Partial GR' or 'GR Complete' for goods receipts reset
277Integration of planned receipts is active
278Ship-to location &1 is invalid
279Carrier partner &1 is invalid
280ASN number has been overwritten by a no. from the pre-def. number range
281Country of origin '&1' for product is invalid
400*** Packaging scenarios ***
401No packaging material found in the selected row
402Handling unit has not yet been created
403No handling unit identification created
404Enter item ID and quantity for packed delivery item (line &1)
405Enter product, quantity, and unit for aux. pack. material (line &1)
406Enter handling unit reference for packed handling unit (line &1)
407No item ID found for the selected row
408Handling unit does not exist
409Enter packaging material for handling unit &2 (line &1)
410Enter packaging material for handling unit
411Create handling unit first before maintaining the details
412Handling unit &1 has already been created (status "Active")
413ASN item &1 has already been packed (status "Active")
414Auxiliary packaging material &1 has already been packed (status "Active")
415Handling unit &1 has already been packed into HU &2 (status "Active")
416Handling unit &1 has already been deleted (status "Inactive")
417ASN item &1 has already been unpacked (status "Inactive")
418Auxiliary packaging material &1 already unpacked (status "Inactive")
419Handling unit &1 has already been unpacked from HU &2 (status "Inactive")
420Delete the handling unit before deleting the line
421Unpack the ASN item before deleting the line
422Unpack auxiliary packaging material before deleting the line
423Unpack handling unit before deleting the line
424Handling unit number will be overwritten by number range object
425Enter handling unit number
426ASN item &1 has already been packed completely
427Packed products cannot contain handling units
428Clipboard is empty; cut a subhierarchy before choosing "Paste"
429Pack specification identifier &1 is invalid
430You cannot reload the ASN during ASN creation
431Enter packaging material type
432Error while unpacking products
433Error while unpacking auxiliary packaging material
434Error while deleting handling units
435Error while initializing packaging data
436Error while changing a handling unit
437Error while creating a handling unit
438Maintain handling unit number range or enter a new handling unit number
439Handling unit &1 already exists; create a new handling unit
440Handling unit ID &1 cannot be changed due to HU number range Customizing
441No packaging specification available to perform automatic packing
442HU ID &1 has been overwritten by a no. from the pre-def. HU number range
443Select the handling unit and the items to be packed
444Item &1 selected for packing does not exist in the ASN
445Serial no. &1 does not exist in ASN item &2
446Packing with serial no. not possible; no serial ID exists for item &1
447Serial no. &1 within item &2 was packed twice; this is not allowed
448ASN &1 is set to "Display Only" and cannot be changed
449ASN item &1 cannot be packed twice. Pack a single ASN item with one entry
450Select a handling unit
451Select a handling unit which contains other handling units
452No handling units available for label printing
453Assignment of serial number &1 to packed product has been removed
454Save the ASN before you print labels
455Labels should not be printed before the ASN has been saved
456Adobe form and Smart form with same name & exist (default is Adobe)
457Maintain the unit of measure for packaging material
458Can not navigate to product cFolder; no data loaded
459Maintain the handling unit number range
460Handling unit labels should use the same form; Maintain Label Assignment
461ASN Item &1 : Invalid packing material &2
700*** Returns scenarios ***
701Estimated Arrival date is mandatory.
702RMA and Quantity are required fields in Item &1
703Published ASNs and Cancelled ASNs cannot be edited
704Ship-from party is invalid
705None of the ASN Items are packed. Cannot Drop.
706RMA is required field in Item &1
707Quantity is required field in Item &1
708Return Type is missing.
709Select a single row.
710The item line contains serial numbers. Please delete them first.
711Result list is incomplete; number of search hits exceeds limit '&'
712ASN &1 item &2 has already been packed; unpack before deleting the item
713Enter a valid supplier.
714Too many suppliers found; restrict your selection
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