/SCF/CL_MESSAGES_SMI - Messages for SMI monitor

The following messages are stored in message class /SCF/CL_MESSAGES_SMI: Messages for SMI monitor.
It is part of development package /SCF/UIAPP in software component SCM-ICH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "UI Application".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Key figures read succesfully
001Location product selection not found
002No key figures found for the current location-product selection
003No inventory data found for the given selection
004Values succesfully saved
005Problems occurred when saving the key figures
006Wildcard are not accepted in this screen
007&1 entries found
008No data loaded: cannot perform simulation
009Selection &1 successfully assigned to &2
010Selection assignment successfully deleted
011Select a valid row
012Selection &1 successfully created
013Selection &1 successfully modified
014Alert/s successfully deleted
015Time buckets profile assignment successfully saved
016Selection assignment cannot be deleted
017Please enter positive values for planned receipts
018Please enter valid filter value for inventory status
019Please select a valid selection name
020There are no acknowledgements or notifications for the selected alert
021No location product found .
022Selection &1 successfully deleted
023Selection &1 could not be deleted
024New quota assignments must add up to previous total
025Profile deletion not allowed, assignment exist
026Enter profile name
027Profile does not exist, create first
028Assignment existed, no duplication allowed
029Enter product
030Enter ship-to location
031Enter AB or PR for check type
032Maxvalue must be greater than minvalue
033Checking horizon must be > 0
034Enter profile description
035Lane selection not found
036Select a valid Horizon
037No data found for selection
038Tolerance profile assignment saved
039Tolerance profile &1 saved
040Tolerance profile exist, use difference name
041No Location Product found for given selection
042Minimum lot size is greater than maximum lot size
043At least one valid Means of Transport has to be specified
044No Authorization to SNC Application
045Inventory monitor settings saved successfully
046Lane data saved successfully
047Location product data saved successfully
048Average demand horizon must be greater than or equal to the period
049Average demand period and horizon must be a multiple of 24 hours
050Average demand period and horizon must be greater or equal than zero
051Enter ship-from location
052Ship-from and ship-to locations are required
053Location product settings for location &1 product &2 already exist
054Inventory monitor settings for location &1 product &2 already exist
055Error in class &1 method &2
056Technical message. Contact your administrator. Function: &1 - &2
057Invalid location product
058Technical message: FieldID &1 has inexistent PARAMID &2
059Run Program: &1 by user &2
060Application APPID = &1
061Report succesfully completed
062The FIELDID &1 is linked to inexistent PARAMID &2. PARAMID field cleared.
063No assignment found for profile &1
064The FIELDID &1 is linked to inexistent PARAMID &2.
065Shipment delivery date conflicts with lead-time constraints
066Enter a location and product
067Profile &1 deleted
068Assignment &1 deleted
069No partner product &1 not found
070Unit of measure is not consistent with base unit of measure.
071Key figure: &1; Ship-to-location: &2; Product: &3 .
072Select single item
073SA Confirmation can be created only for releases and Purchase Orders
074Choose items with same Ship-From Location, Ship-To Location, GR Party
075Error: Minimum stock level > Maximum stock level
076Error: Minimum days supply > Maximum days supply
077Selection object (p_selection) has not been initialized.
078Error: Input Location is required
079Error: Input Product is required
080Select at least one line
081Error: Customer Location is a required selection parameter
082Error: Ship-From Location is a required selection parameter
083Error: Supplier is a required selection parameter
084You are not authorized to switch to &1 mode
085Minimum days of supply greater then maximum days of supply
086Error: Date from is greater than Date to
087Enter a selection value: wildcard not accepted
088Enter a selection
089Use either the partner dependent or the internal parameter, not both
090Enter a selection that identifies a unique object
091No result found for selection
092No Related ASNs found
093Averaging Period and Average-Demand horizon must be greater than Zero
094Enter a non-negative value
095Partner Specific Location Product data saved successfully
096Invalid profile: time buckets profile is outside the time profile horizon
097Item is locked by user &1
098Alerts successfully acknowledged
099Invalid location: &1
100Invalid product: &1
101Invalid partner: &1
102No unique partner found, please enter one
103Ship-from and customer locations are required
104Enter customer location
105&1 dependent alert notification profile(s) deleted
106Enter location
107Invalid location product: &1, &2
108Cannot change to display mode due to unsaved data; press save first
109Customer horizon (&1 - &2) lies outside of the display horizon
110More due lines exist; Only &1 displayed
111Customer horizon does not end on bucket boundary of display horizon
112Periods with requirements but no planned receipts value are filled with 0
113Location product &1 has not been set up for SAP APO integration
114Enter valid-from date
115Enter valid-to date
116Enter means of transport
117An error has occurred during PSM buffer save; contact your administrator
118No location products match the selection criteria
119Invalid scenario control key: &1
120More receipt and requirement lines exist; Only &1 displayed
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