/SCF/CL_MSGS_AMON - Message class for Alert monitor
The following messages are stored in message class /SCF/CL_MSGS_AMON: Message class for Alert monitor.
It is part of development package /SCF/AMON in software component SCM-ICH-AMO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Alert Monitor".
It is part of development package /SCF/AMON in software component SCM-ICH-AMO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Alert Monitor".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | &1 entries found |
002 | Alert/s successfully deleted |
003 | No location product found |
004 | Values successfully saved |
005 | Values cannot be saved |
006 | Entry successfully deleted |
007 | Entry cannot be deleted |
008 | The report works only with application IDs: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
009 | The report has generated the UI entries |
010 | No alert type found in table: &1 |
011 | Alert cannot be created |
012 | There are no notifications associated to the selected alert |
013 | Please log on in English!Only maintenance in English is permitted. |
014 | Please specify required parameter Application ID |
015 | Please specify required parameter Alert category |
016 | Only the following Applications are supported: ICH, SPP. |
017 | Alert category does not exist |
018 | Changes will be lost, Cancel? |
019 | Save changes before exit? |
020 | Generate entries before save |
021 | Save previously generated entries? |
022 | Test mode active, save not possible. |
023 | Continue in test mode?(Save not possible) |
024 | No detaills are available for the selected alert |
025 | There are no active alert types in the system |
026 | Remote call of function module is not allowed |