/SCF/UI_SAPGUI_MESS - Messages for SAP GUI Framework
The following messages are stored in message class /SCF/UI_SAPGUI_MESS: Messages for SAP GUI Framework.
It is part of development package /SCF/UI_SAPGUI in software component SCM-ICH-UIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GUI Framework".
It is part of development package /SCF/UI_SAPGUI in software component SCM-ICH-UIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GUI Framework".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Function not possible |
002 | System error: Entry &1 does not exist in table &2 |
003 | System error: Subscreen '0100' in report &1 could not be generated |
004 | System error: The data element for field &1 is missing in the framework |
005 | System error: Object of type &1 could not be generated |
006 | Application does not exist (table &1) |
007 | Application model &1 could not be created |
008 | Application model &1 could not be initialized |
009 | System error: Subcontroller class &1 does not exist |
010 | System error: Object of type &1 does not exist |
011 | Navigation node ID is missing |
012 | Control &1 could not be created: APPID: &2; SCRID: &3; CMPTID &4 |
013 | No value found for '&1' |
014 | No values found |
015 | No reference available for current screen |
016 | &1&2&3&4 |
017 | Type with name &1 could not be found |
018 | System error: Sequence number for component &1 is not unique |
019 | Entry &2 is in the incorrect format, &1 |
020 | Application &1 does not exist |
021 | Function code &1 has been assigned several times (APPID = &2 SCRID = &3) |
022 | Data element &1 does not exist: APPID: &2; FIELD-/PARAM-ID &3 |
023 | Data element missing APPID: &1; FIELD-/PARAM-ID: &2 |
024 | Data element &1 not allowed: APPID: &2; FIELD-/PARAM-ID &3 |
025 | SCRID: &1; CMPTID: &2; FIELDID: &3; Data element &4 is not available |
026 | System error: Entry &1 is not available in table &3: SCRID &3, CMPT &4 |
027 | System error: Object type &1 could not be created: SCRID &2, CMPT &3 |
028 | Screen ID &1 for application ID &2 does not exist |
029 | Application temporary storage reset by user &1 |
031 | Application &1 is still currently being used |
032 | Application temporary storage was reset successfully |
033 | System error: Entry &1 in table &2 does not exist (component &3) |
034 | Fieldname &1 is too long => hidden |