/SCMB/DDD_STRAT - Message Class for DDD Strategy Customizing

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMB/DDD_STRAT: Message Class for DDD Strategy Customizing.
It is part of development package /SCMB/GIS in software component SCM-BAS-LDD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "GIS Integration Framework for Geo Coding and Distances".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Straight line distance range is empty
001Straight line distance interval must start with 0
002Straight line distance interval must be continuous
003Units of measure of a straight line distance interval must be uniform
004Straight line distance interval must end with 0 (infinity); see docu
005Customiz. for GIS zone &1 and MTr &2 is already straight line indepedent
006Customizing for GIS zone &1 and MTr &2 is already straight line depedent
007Unit of measure for the straight line distance is not specified
008Geocoding level is not specified
009Strategy is not specified
020Request &1 was deleted from worklist
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