/SCMB/MC_PB_CHECK - Messages for Package Builder Check Report

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMB/MC_PB_CHECK: Messages for Package Builder Check Report.
It is part of development package /SCMB/PB_DEFINITIONS in software component SCM-BAS-PAK-PB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Definitions for Generic Package Builder".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Category "Materials"
001Do dimensions (length/width/height) exist for the material?
002Do dimensions exist for the material or one of its reference materials?
003Has the weight been defined for the material?
004Has a reference material been defined for the material?
100Category "Package Type Assignments"
101Does one material (base UoM) fit into the packaging material (volume)?
102Does one material (base UoM) fit into the packaging material (dimension)?
103Has the quantity that fits into one package been defined (full package)?
104Does the full package quantity fit into the packaging material (volume)?
105Does the material have a layer definition as per layer UoM in PTA?
106Has the layer definition the same length and width as the pkg material?
107Does a layer definition exist on material and reference material level?
200Category "Normalized Load Consumption Quantities"
201Have normalized quantities been defined per material and UoM?
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