/SCMB/MC_PB_DEF - Message for Package Builder Definitions
The following messages are stored in message class /SCMB/MC_PB_DEF: Message for Package Builder Definitions.
It is part of development package /SCMB/PB_DEFINITIONS in software component SCM-BAS-PAK-PB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Definitions for Generic Package Builder".
It is part of development package /SCMB/PB_DEFINITIONS in software component SCM-BAS-PAK-PB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Definitions for Generic Package Builder".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
010 | Enter an equipment type for equipment group &1 |
011 | Enter an equipment group for equipment type &1 |
012 | &1 does not exist; enter an existing value |
013 | Enter a unit of measure for maximum package height |
014 | Enter a unit of measure for maximum package weight |
021 | Data was saved |
022 | Access to product master data failed |
023 | Entry &1: Enter a unit of measure for maximum package height |
024 | Entry &1: Enter a unit of measure for maximum package weight |
025 | Entry &1: Product &2 doesn't exist |
026 | Entry &1: Business partner &2 doesn't exist |
027 | Entry &1: Location &2 doesn't exist |
028 | Entry &1: Package &2 doesn't exist |
029 | Entry &1: Equipement group &2 doesn't exist |
030 | Entry &1: Equipement type &2 doesn't exist |
031 | Entry &1: Enter an equipment group for equipment type &2 |
032 | Entry &1: Invalid unit of measure &2 for height |
033 | Entry &1: Invalid unit of measure &2 for weight |
034 | Entry &1: Invalid unit of measure &2 for package |
035 | Entry &1: Invalid unit of measure &2 for layer |
036 | Entry &1: Enter an equipment type for equipment group &2 |
037 | &1 entries supplied for processing |
038 | &1 entries exist for supplied keys |
039 | &1 entries created |
040 | &1 entries updated |
041 | &1 entries deleted |
042 | You aren't authorized to read product package type assignments |
043 | You aren't authorized to create or change prod. package type assignments |
044 | You aren't authorized to delete product package type assignments |
045 | You aren't authorized to read this profile |
046 | You aren't authorized to create or change this profile |
047 | You aren't authorized to delete this profile |
048 | You aren't authorized to read package type assignments |
049 | You aren't authorized to create or change package type assignments |
050 | You aren't authorized to delete package type assignments |
051 | Entry &1: Enter unit of measure for maximum height of mixed package |
052 | Entry &1: Enter unit of measure for maximum weight of mixed package |
053 | Entry &1: Separation material &2 doesn't exist |
054 | Entry &1: Mixed package &2 doesn't exist |
055 | Entry &1: Separation material is missing |
056 | Some entries are skipped because product is missing |
057 | Entry &1: Material &2 doesn't exist |
058 | Enter a profile |
059 | Enter a unit of measure for the target height deviation |
060 | &1 stacking entries deleted |
061 | &1 consolidation entries deleted |
062 | Entry &1: Value &2 for �Incompatible� field doesn't exist |
063 | Invalid entry: &1 |
064 | &1 |
065 | Enter a positive value for the maximum optimizer runtime |
066 | Enter value between 0 and 100 for maximum optimizer runtime w/o improvem. |
067 | Value &1 is not reasonable for this kind of runtime limit |
068 | Enter a value between 1 and 100 for the optimization emphasis |
069 | Enter a value between 0 and 100 for the stable overhang threshold [%] |
070 | Enter a value between 0 and 100 for the center of gravity threshold [%] |
071 | &1 is not a length UoM for the target height deviation |
072 | Specify a length UOM for the target height deviation |
073 | Product relationship profile &1 doesn't exist |
074 | Product orientation profile &1 doesn't exist |
075 | Profile for package building optimizer &1 doesn't exist |
076 | Entry &1: Product &2 is missing in settings |
077 | Entry &1: Enter at least one orientation for profile &2 |
078 | Rule profile for package building optimizer &1 doesn't exist |
079 | Package building profile &1 doesn't exist |
080 | Entry &1: Enter a packaging material |
085 | Entry &1: Enter a sequence number that is larger than zero |
086 | Entry &1: Enter a threshold that is larger than zero |
087 | Entry &1: Specify if threshold is based on base UoM, volume, or weight |
101 | Error during application log creation; please contact technical support |
102 | Error during log display |
103 | &1 entries from &2 selected |
104 | Delete selected entries |
105 | Delete all entries |
106 | &1 entries deleted from &2 |
107 | Total: &1 entries deleted |
108 | No entries selected for given selection parameters |
109 | No selection parameters; processing skipped |
110 | Enter a number |
111 | Entry is too long |
150 | You aren't authorized to create or change normalized quantities |
151 | NLQ determination failed; none of the calculation runs was successful |
152 | Data saved successfully; &1 normalized quantities created or changed |
153 | Data couldn't be saved |
154 | &1 entries created; &2 entries changed |
155 | '&1' is not a valid number (product number:'&2'; UOM:'&3') |
156 | Nothing changed |
157 | Normalized quantities determined for &1 out of &2 selected materials |
158 | NLQ determination not possible for &1; material wasn't packaged at all |
159 | Select at least one check category |
160 | Enter a material or reference material |
161 | Normalized quantity must be greater than zero (entry &1, &2) |
162 | Normalized quantity mustn't be greater than 1 (&1 &2 &3) |
163 | NLQ calculation failed; dimensions of material &1 incomplete |
164 | Packaging material: &1 / Package type assignment: &2 |
165 | Material dimensions are not defined properly |
166 | &1 out of &2 calculation runs were successful |
167 | NLQ not determined for &1; material wasn't randomly selected |
168 | Calculation run &1 failed due to partially unpackaged materials |
169 | Calculation run &1 failed; NLQ calculation wasn't possible |
170 | UoM: &1 / Packaging material: &2 / Package type assignment: &3 |
171 | Dimensions not defined properly; Packaging material: &1 / PTA: &2 |
172 | Packaging material: &1; quantity (full package) not defined |
173 | Select at least one entry |
174 | Mat. &1 is child of ref. mat. &2; child-parent combinations not allowed |
175 | Duplicate entries exist in consolidation settings; save not possible |
176 | Excel file upload from local folder is not supported in batch mode |
177 | Error during batch job creation |
178 | Enter a name for the batch job |
179 | Start date of batch job is invalid |
180 | Batch job &1 created successfully |
181 | Base UoMs of ref. material &1 and material &2 don't have a 1:1 relation |
182 | NLQ determination on reference material level not possible |
183 | No ref. material defined for &1; NLQ calculation done on material level |
184 | &1 out of &2 materials used to determine NLQ for reference material &3 |
185 | Material &1 wasn't used to determine NLQ for reference material &2 |
186 | No conversion defined for NLQ UoM '&1' in alternative UoM of material &2 |
187 | Layer UoM: &1 / Package type assignment: &2 |
188 | Material: &1 / Layer UoM: &2 / Package type assignment: &3 |
189 | Material: &1 / Pkg Material: &2 / Layer UoM: &3 / Pkg type assignment: &4 |
190 | Material: &1 / Reference Material: &2 / Layer UoM: &3 / Pkg type ass.: &4 |
191 | Material: &1 / NLQ UoM: &2 |
192 | Reference Material: &1 / NLQ UoM: &2 |
193 | No NLQ value defined for material &1 or for one of its ref. materials |