/SCMB/ODM_CX_DOC - ODM: Order Document Error

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMB/ODM_CX_DOC: ODM: Order Document Error.
It is part of development package /SCMB/ODM_CX in software component SCM-BAS-ODM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ODM: Order Document Management, Exception Classes".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error in order document data
002Access path for parameter selection not found
003Order document (document type &1, header &2, item &3) locked by &4
004Date/time without time specification for ord. doc &1 (sched.line-time to)
005Date/time without time specific. for ord.doc. &1 (sched.line - time from)
006Mapping information for the IDs delivered is missing
007Date/time without time specific. for order doc. &1 (order item - time to)
008Date/time without time specific. for ord. doc. &1 (ord. item - time from)
009Date/time (hdr part. to) not consistent with def.of order &1 data type &2
010Sched.(header partner from) inconsistent with def. order &1 data type &2
011Sched. (sched.line time frm) inconsistent with def. order &1 data type &2
012Sched. (sched. line time to) inconsistent with def. order &1 data type &2
013Sched. (item time to) inconsistent with definition order &1 data type &2
014Sched. (item time from) inconsistent with def. order &1 data type &2
015Date/time without time specific. for ord. doc.type &1 (ord.hdr - time to)
016Date without time spec. for ord. doc. type &1 (ord. hdr - time fr.)
017Selection for order document type &1 invalid
018Component requested not supported by order document type &1
019Partner (item time to) inconsistent with definition order &1 data type &2
020Partner (item time from) inconsistent with def. order &1 data type &2
021Partner (hdr partner to) inconsistent with def. order &1 data type &2
022Partner (hdr partner from) inconsistent with def. order &1 data type &2
023Function requested is currently not supported by ODM
024The specified change mode is inconsistent with the database dataset
025Parameter was not delivered
026No order documents were specified
027Mapping not supported in order data area &1
028Mapping cannot be executed completely
029The order document numbers are incomplete
030Order document ID missing
031Item ID missing
032Schedule line ID missing
033Access path for parameter selection invalid
034Parameter is initial
035Parameters for return values invalid
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