/SCMB/TDL_UTILS - Messages in Package /scmb/tdl_utils

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMB/TDL_UTILS: Messages in Package /scmb/tdl_utils.
It is part of development package /SCMB/TDL_UTILS in software component SCM-BAS-TDL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TDL: Tools and Utilities".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Source TSID &1 does not have semantics &2
001No data exists in table &1
002Key figure &2 not found in &1
003Time characteristic &2 not found in &1
004Error while creating a data reference
005Error while reading the time series
006Error while writing time series
007Characteristic &1 does not exist for source time series ID
008Characteristics for source time series ID &1 are missing
009&1 order documents of type &2 were copied successfully
010&1 order documents of type &2 were deleted successfully
011Error while deleting data of type &1
012Transaction data object &1 is not available
013Error while writing data of type &1
014Error while creating order GUID of type &1
015Error while reading data of type &1
016Error while creating a DAO instance for type &1
017No service type was transferred
018Error while instantiating data manager &1
019Error when reading master data of package (worklist)
020Neither source nor target version were specified for type &1
021No target version was specified for type &1
022No source version was specified for type &1
023Source version to be deleted for type &1 is the active version
024Error while reading source version GUID for type &1
025Error while reading target version GUID for type &1
026Statistics for the following tables were set up successfully:
027No program variants were selected
028Program variant &1 does not exist
029Indices for the following tables were created successfully:
030No indices were created for table &1
032Indices for the following tables were deleted successfully:
033Indices for the following tables were not deleted:
034Indices for the following tables were not created:
035Statistics for the following tables were not set up:
036&1 time series for TSID &2 were copied successfully in TSID &3
037Time series for TSID &1 were deleted successfully
038No Customizing entries exist for service profile &1
039Error while reading the metadata for TSID &1
040&1 stock information for profile &2 was copied successfully
041&1 stock information for profile &2 was deleted successfully
042Date entered is not correct
043Periodicity & is invalid
044Fiscal year variant & is invalid
045Periodicity & cannot be used
047Program variant &1 does not exist
048No program variant has been selected
049Process variant &1 is inconsistent
050Program variant &1 cannot be used in process chains
051You should plan the process type with the selected overall alert profile
052You should ignore the due dates when planning the process type
053Job &1 cannot be deleted (used in &2 process chains)
054Loading from local file not possible in background processing
055Variant name &1 too long for DP background processing (> 10 characters)
056Generic process variant for process type &1 transferred
057&1 &2 &3 &4
058TSDM time series type &1 could not be blocked
059TSDM time series type &1 does not exist or is invalid
06099999 data areas already created for TSDM time series type &1
061Data area &2 was created for TSDM time series type &1
062No prefix was defined for TSDM time series type &1
063ODM order document type &1 was activated successfully
064TSDM time series type &1 is already active for version &2
065Error reading metadata for ODM order document type &1
066ODM order document type &1 could not be activated
067Error when calling up input help
068Time characteristic &1 does not exist for source time series ID &2
069The time characteristic &1 does not exist for target time series ID &2
070Key figure &1 does not exist for time series ID &2
071Key figures for source time series ID &1 are missing
072Key figures for target time series ID &1 are missing
073Selection period is too long for target time series ID &1
074ODM order document type &1 is already active for version &2
075Partition successfully added to table &1
076Database system &1 is not supported.
077Table &1 does not exist
078The primary index for Table &1 could not be created.
079The primary index for Table &1 already exists.
080The secondary indices for table &1 could not be created.
081Error activating the indices for Table &1.
082Error reading DDIC information from Table &1.
083Index &1 from Table &2 could not be deleted.
084The statistics calculation for Table &1 was unsuccessful.
085The name space for Table &1 could not be determined.
086Error reading the non-partitioned indices from Table &1.
087Error reading the partitioned indices from Table &1.
088Error re-creating Index &2 from Table &1.
089Error determining the ODM tables.
090Reading TSDM tables: error creating Structure &1.
091Reading TSDM tables: Assignment error in time series type &1.
092Reading TSDM tables: Error reading meta data of time series type &1.
093Table &1 is already &2 partioned.
094Error writing DDIC entries for Table &1.
095Table &1 is already partitioned in accordance with Field &2.
096Table &1 already has a &2 partition.
097Error reading the memory parameter from Table &1, Index &2.
098Error calling DB_CREATE_TABLE for Table &1.
099Error reading the table description for &1 (DD_GET_NAMETAB).
100Table &1 already contains data.
101Program could not be generated for table &1.
102Program could not be written for table &1.
103Error deleting table &1.
104Index &1 from table &2 was not created.
105Program could not be generated for index &1 and table &2.
106Program could not be written for index &1 and table &2.
107Error converting indexes from table &1 to local indexes.
108Error activating table &1.
109Error activating index &1 from table &2.
110Error reading metadata for table &1.
111Error creating SQL statement for table &1.
112Error executing SQL statement for table &1.
113Error reading memory paramter from table &1.
114Error reading partitioning information from table &1.
115The following tables were successfully partioned:
116Partition &1 was deleted for the following tables:
117The following time series key figure tables in TSDM were optimized:
118Data area &1 for time series &2 could not be deleted.
119Error occurred when calculating time stamp for TSID &1
120&1 time series tracking for TSID &2 was copied successfully to TSID &3
121Time series tracking for TSID &1 was deleted successfully
122Table &1 was optimized successfully
123Packaging method &1 is not supported for &2
124ODM order document category &1 was cleansed successfully
125TSDM time series type &1 was cleansed successfully
126Table &1 does not have a partition with name &2
127Active version must not be edited
128No authorization exists for this action. Action canceled.
129No valid time series data area for time series type &1
130Duplicate data area prefix (time series type &1 prefix &2)
131Prefixes must be unique
132Deletion for the active version is only allowed until &1
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