/SCMTMS/COND - Message Class for conditions

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/COND: Message Class for conditions.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/CONDITION in software component TM-BF-CND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BO Conditions".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Condition &1 does not exist, BRFplus applciations are deleted only
002Multiple conditions with the same cond. ID exist; unused cond. deleted
003Copy of BRFplus Application for conditon &1 failed
004Enter a name for the copied condition
005Condition &1 cannot be changed from BRFplus to direct BO access
006Condition &1 is inactive and does not return results
007No BO data defined for condition type in table /SCMTMS/I_CNDDEF
008BO node definition without BO definition is not supported
009BO used for condition does not match BO used in data access definition
010Condition type &1 allows only 1 cond. per system; cond. &2 already exists
011Data access definition &1 does not exist
012Invalid name; a BRFplus application already exists with this name
013SAP-TM-specific conditions cannot be changed in customer systems
014Condition name already used in an existing condition
015Condition name must not contain any spaces
016You have to enter a condition type
017You have to indicate an origin of condition
018Copy not possible. Not all objects of application &1 are active.
019Condition name must not be longer than 25 characters
020Severe error in BRFplus call for condition &1; check BRFplus application
026Only standard conditions are used for condition type &1
030Requested condition not found
031You are not authorized to display the requested condition(s)
032You are not authorized to perform this action for the condition
033You are not authorized to create this condition
034You are not authorized to edit this condition
035You are not authorized to delete this condition
036Maximum length of condition ID for chrge mgmt conditions is 20 characters
037Only one data access definition is allowed to BO based conditions
038You are not authorized to transport this condition
047Business object &1 does not exist
048There must be at least one data access definition
049Enter a valid input definition for data access definition &1
050Node &1 belongs to different business object &2; adjust node or BO
051Field &1 belongs to different node; adjust field
052Business object &1 not allowed for this condition type
053Data crawler and business object access not allowed
054Class with class name &1 does not exist
055Class with class &1 name does not implement correct interface &2
056For condition type &1 only BO &2 data can be used in condition definition
057Key Field Value is not in value range of data element
058Key Field Value is specified, but Key Field Name is not
059Data element &1 does not exist
061Condition &1 is still being used
062Condition &1 is still being used by freight order type &2
063Condition &1 is still being used by freight unit type &2
064Condition &1 is still being used by freight booking type &2
065Data crawler profile &1 does not exist
066Step &2 was not defined for data crawler profile &1
067Data crawler profile &1, step &2 has no element &3
068&1 is not a data dictionary element
069Only default DAD can be used for condition type &1; &2 is not default DAD
070Table-based input supported only for conditions based on BRF+ expression
071Field name is required when you use a table type with no structure
072Assigned data crawler &1 uses incorrect start BO node
073Data crawler step &1 must not be defined without data crawler profile
074Data crawler fieldname &1 must not be defined without data crawl. profile
080BRFplus object cannot be transported
101Data access definition &1 of condition &2 had no result for &3
102Value &1 not supported as class attribute for class &2
103Lean BRFplus trace has been saved with external ID &1
201Variant &1 unknown
300Data access definition &2 of condition &1 found value &4 for BO &3
301You need to save to finalize BRFplus update
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