/SCMTMS/EXIM - Message Class for Export and Import Handling

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/EXIM: Message Class for Export and Import Handling.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/EXPORT_IMPORT in software component TM-FRM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Export/Import Document Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Update of import freight bookings currently not possible
002No forwarding order information available for export freight booking &1
003No freight units assigned to import freight booking &1
004Neither complete nor custom update allowed for import freight booking
005Assigned import freight booking &1 is canceled; Update not possible
006No forwarding orders assigned to export freight booking &1
007Cannot copy charges from forwarding quotation
008No forwarding orders assigned to export trailer unit &1
009Direct freight order &1 cannot be converted into import document
010No organizational unit assigned to business partner &1 (import org.)
011Post processing export/import: traffic direction is not filled
012Post processing export/import: import organization is not filled
100Freight booking &1
101Forwarding order &1
102&1 created
103&1 deleted
104&1 updated
105&1: all fields updated
106&1: &2 updated
107Accepted change: "&1" to value &2
108Rejected change: "&1" to value &2
200Forwarding order must be created manually for at least one booking item
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