/SCMTMS/FAG_MSG - Message class for Freight Agreement Engine

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/FAG_MSG: Message class for Freight Agreement Engine.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/FO_FRGHT_AGREEMNT_BO in software component TM-FRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Foundation BO Freight Agreement".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Freight agreement type &1 does not exist in Customizing
001Identifier &1 already exists; choose another one or leave it empty
002Object has not been saved yet; cannot be archived
003Error when reading business object &1
004Error when checking if the means-of-transport subordinates of &1 match
005Error when checking precondition of item &1 tariff &2
007&1 not found in Customizing table &2
008Master data inconsistency; tariff &1 has no calculation sheet
009Master data inconsistency; item &1 has no tariff
011Error when checking header custom conditions
012Error during calculation sheet determination
013Error in business partner hierarchy when getting details for node &1
014Error in business partner hierarchy for business partner &1
015Error in determination (planning data &1)
016Error in comm. structure; calc. date, contractor, or contr. party initial
017Start freight agreement and tariff determination (planning data &1)
018Freight agreement &1, tariff &2, calculation sheet &3 determined
019Freight agreement and tariff determination failed
020Freight agreement and tariff determination completed
021Create freight agreement
022Change freight agreement &1
023Freight agreement determination: start composition of data source
024FA determination: composition of data source for shipments completed
025Contracting party read from FA general settings with party role code &1
026No special party role maintained; access with default party role &1
027Validity period read with period role code &1
028No special period role maintained; access with default period role &1
029Data source composition for shipment-related document &1
030Data source composition for freight-related document &1
031Freight agreement will be searched based on contracting party &1
032No contracting party for freight agreement determination found
033No date/time found for validity date comparison; search with today's date
034Determined date/time (period) for validity date comparison &1 to &2
035No source location found; could affect FA or tariff determination
036No destination location found; could affect FA or tariff determination
037Source location &1 found as basis for FA or tariff determination
038Destination location &1 found as basis for FA or tariff determination
039Transportation mode &1 found as basis for FA or tariff determination
040Means of transport type &1 found as basis for FA/tariff determination
041Cargo classification code &1 found as basis for FA/tariff determination
042Transp. contract condition &1 found as basis for FA/tariff determination
043Service level &1 found as basis for FA or tariff determination
044Service type &1 found as basis for FA/tariff determination
045Shipping type code &1 found as basis for FA or tariff determination
046Freight agreement determination is delegated to BAdI &1
047Decision inside BAdI; proceed with standard FA determination
048Decision inside BAdI; no freight agreement determined
049Validity date missing
050Valid-from date cannot be greater than valid-to date
051Determined objects for &1: FA - &2; tariff - &3; calculation sheet - &4
052Freight agreement determination failed for freight-related document &1
053FA determination failed (document &1; contracting party &2)
054FA determination completed for freight-related document &1
055FA determination completed for shipment-related document &1
056No date found for validity date comparison; search with doc.creation date
057A freight-related document without a shipment cannot be calculated
058Freight agreement determination will be executed for document &1
059Freight agreement for document &1 was already fixed to FA &2
060No FA found; searching with direct contractor or direct contracting party
061FA found on first lev. srch - direct contractor, direct contracting party
062No FA found; searching with stnd contractor and direct contracting party
063FA found on 2nd lev. srch - stnd contractor, direct contracting party
064No FA found; searching with direct contractor and contracting party grp
065FA found on 3rd lev. srch - direct contractor, contracting party group
066No FA found; searching with stnd contractor and contracting party group
067FA found on 4th lev. srch - stnd contractor and contracting party group
068No FA found; searching with direct contractor and std contracting party
069FA found on 5th lev. srch - direct contractor, standard contracting party
070No FA found; searching with stnd contractor and std contracting party
071FA found on 6th lev. srch - stnd contractor, standard contracting party
072Step into tariff determination for freight agreement &1
073No corresponding calc. sheet found on 6th lvl search; determination ends
074No corresponding calc. sheet found on 5th lvl search; continue on 6th lvl
075No corresponding calc. sheet found on 4th lvl search; continue on 5th lvl
076No corresponding calc. sheet found on 3rd lvl search; continue on 4th lvl
077No corresponding calc. sheet found on 2nd lvl search; continue on 3rd lvl
078No corresponding calc. sheet found on 1st lvl search; continue on 2nd lvl
079Tariff &2 (calculation sheet &3) determined for freight agreement &1
080Business partner &1 belongs to BP hierarchy (node &2; tree &3)
081Freight agreement and tariff determination completed (planning data &1)
082Default party (role &1) for FA determination could be added dynamically
083No retention time for FA &1 (type &2) found; FA cannot be archived
084Cannot archive; residence period &2 for agrmt/RFQ &1 vers. &3 not reached
085FA determination failed; contractor (sales/purchasing org.) missing
086Is the expected FA released? Do the validity periods match?
087Freight agreement requires a usage (customer, supplier, or both)
088Agreement &1 released for use
089Agreement &1: Cannot release; specify items and calculation sheets
090Error with field control framework for freight agreement
091Display freight agreement &1
092One or more calc. sheets (&1) do not exist and therefore cannot be &2
093Included in the agreement
094Either the business partner or the partner tree needs to be maintained
095Specify a business partner or a partner tree, but not both
096Organizational unit &1 not valid in the current context
097Calculation sheet template &1 not found; enter a valid template
098FA determination rule &1 found; attempt access through condition &2
099Condition-based FA determination w/o result; standard det. not wanted
100FA/tariff &1 determined based on conditions but no matching tariff found
101FA &1 determined but reading the object failed
102Condition-based FA determination w/o result; try standard determination
103FA &1 is filtered according to rule &2
104FA &1 will be considered according to rule &2
105Tariff &1 is filtered
106Tariff &1 is considered with &2 priority points
107Tariff determination rule &1 found; attempt access through condition &2
108Tariff &1 will be considered according to rule &2
109Tariff &1 is filtered according to rule &2
110Tariff &1 is filtered according to mismatch of location conditions
111Tariff &1 is filtered according to mismatch of transport. mode cond.
112Tariff &1 is filtered according to mismatch of means-of-transport cond.
113Tariff &1 is filtered according to mismatch of partner conditions
114Tariff &1 is filtered according to mismatch of carriage conditions
115Tariff &1 is filtered according to mismatch of cargo conditions
116Tariff &1 is filtered according to mismatch of service conditions
117Tariff &1 is filtered according to mismatch of validity dates
118Tariff &1 does not exist
119Original source location &1 found as basis for FA or tariff determination
120Original destination location &1 found as basis for FA or tariff det.
121Error with FA deterimination rule &1; check Customizing and condition
122Error with tariff determination rule &1; check Customizing and condition
123Tariff determination rule &1 found; attempt access through condition &2
124No FA determination rule maintained; determine tariff without FA
125FA determination condition &1 did not return a freight agreement
126Tariff determination condition &1 did not return a tariff
127Continue with standard tariff determination
128Agreement &1 blocked
129Agreement &1 set to "In Process"
130Tariff &1 is not unique
131Organizational unit &1 is not unique
132Contracting party &1 is not unique
133Limits: Start date is in the past
134Limits: End date is in the past
135Start of validity must not overlap with end of val. of another val. per.
136End of validity must not overlap with start of val. of another val. per.
137Limits: Amount is not specified
138Weight profile &1 not found; enter a valid profile
139No freight agreement category could be determined based on type &1
140No freight agreement category maintained; assigned cat. &1 applied
141Organizational unit &1 is not valid
142Validity period of tariff &1 prohibits use
143No tariff with suitable validity period found for freight agreement &1
144Business partner tree &1 not found; enter a valid tree
145Specified calculation sheet &1 was created in another agreement
146Transportation mode &1 is not valid
147Transportation mode &1 is not allowed for stage type &2
148Shipping type &1 cannot be used for transportation mode &2
149Payment term &1 is not valid
150Agreement determination exclusion rule or condition &1 is invalid
151Service product &1: Item type is mandatory
152Service product &1: Calculation sheet is mandatory
153Item type &1 does not exist
154Service type &1 does not exist
155You are not authorized to retrieve agreement &1
156You are not authorized to change agreement &1
157Service product catalog &1 released for use
158Service product catalog &1 blocked
159Service product catalog &1 set to "In Process"
160Agreement &1 marked for archiving
161Agreement &1 archived
162Service prod. cat. &1 not in released status; release to create agreement
163Cannot create forwarding order; release agreement &1, version &2
164Cannot create forwarding quotation; release agreement &1, version &2
165Cannot create forwarding order; document validity has expired
166Cannot create forwarding quotation; document validity has expired
167Valid-from date cannot be later than valid-to date
168Item &1, valid from &2 to &3, is not within the agreement validity
169Enter a valid forwarding order type for item type &1
170Enter a valid forwarding quotation type for item type &1
171Service product identifer cannot be blank
172Enter a valid-to date
173Enter a valid-from date
174Enter a sales organization
175Enter a purchasing organization
176Service product ID &1 already exists in item &3 of catalog &2
177Cannot enter srvc. prod. ID &1 for item &2; ID already exists for item &3
178Head of org. unit not maintained for position &1 in agreement &2
179Checking manager in HR: No active plan version exists
180No user assigned to a position that is the head of organizational unit &1
181Allocation cannot be created as no trade lane exists for the item
182Allocation cannot be created as more than one trade lane exists
183Allocation cannot be created as carrier is blank
184Item cannot be deleted as there is an allocation associated with it
185Allocation cannot be created for a multi-party agreement
186Agreement &1 is awaiting approval
187Cannot create fwd. agrmnt; choose srvc. products from just one catalog
188Cannot create forwarding order from more than one item
189Cannot create forwarding quotation from more than one item
190Invalid item type &1
191Commodity code entered does not exist in system
192Commodity Code From entry greater than Commodity Code To entry
193One or more fields empty in Commodity Code tab page; fill all fields
194No authorization to assign org. &1 and/or party &2 to this document
195Enter precondition value
196Contract basis &1 not found
197Freight agreement RFQ &1 awaiting approval
198Freight agreement RFQ &1 awaiting approval for agreement creation
199Freight agreement RFQ &1 ready for agreement creation
200Freight agreement RFQ master &1 set to status "&2"
201Item &1 does not contain a calculation sheet
202No carriers specified in freight agreement RFQ
203No items specified in freight agreement RFQ
204Freight agreement &1 created
205Freight agreement &1 already exists
206Cannot add carriers to a published freight agreement RFQ
207Select the "Add Services" checkbox for item type &1
208Cannot save; remove service types for item type &1
209Response comparison completed in &1; see comparison result
210Selected responses removed
211Matching items selected for comparison
212Optimizer did not run; check conditions
213Optimizer run completed
214Optimizer run completed with warnings
215Optimizer run failed
216Optimizer timed out; run the optimizer again
217Creating agreement per carrier; all RFQ items must be in each agreement
218Updating agr. per carrier; can only create new version or add agr. item
219Creating agr. per carrier per RFQ item; only 1 agr. allowed per RFQ item
220Updating agr. per carrier per RFQ itm; can only create new vers./add itm
221Specify agreement creation level before creating agreement
222Cannot update agreement; enter the agreement to be updated
223New version created for agreement &1
224Selected entries do not contain a rate table
225Enter unit of measure for item &1
226Enter gross weight unit of measure for item &1
227Enter gross volume unit of measure for item &1
228Cannot create business share for multi-party agreement
229Cannot create business share; enter a carrier
230Cannot create business share; periodicity missing
231Cannot create business share; target share is blank
232New items added to agreement
233Cannot create business share; trade lane does not exist for the item
234Business share created
235Attributes of the agreement item and default route do not match
236TrM of agreement item and default route type do not match
237Enter a budget currency
238Requested capacity is blank for item number &1
239Enter a start date for the RFQ validity period
240Enter an end date for the RFQ validity period
241Item &1 does not contain a trade lane
242Means of transport missing for item number &1
243Carriers missing for item number &1
244Offered capacity is blank for item number &1
245Agreement creation is not possible; agreement RFQ status is &1
246Select the items that you want to respond to
247Requested capacity is blank for item number &1
248Response deadline is after the RFQ end date
249Response deadline is in the past
250Only awarded RFQ items will be in the agreement
251Enter a deadline for RFQ responses
252You cannot respond to RFQ; deadline for submitting responses has passed
253Response deadline is before the RFQ start date
254Time zone &1 invalid; enter a valid time zone
255Error in creation of business share
256Validity period of default route &1 must be within validity of item &2
257Status of RFQ item &1 has been reset
258Rate table comparison completed
259Cannot delete mandatory service &1
260Target share strategy &1 accepted for RFQ item &2
261Cannot select multiple default types; only one default type is allowed
262Cannot compare responses to different chrge types from different carriers
263Enter a capacity dimension on �Capacities� tab page of RFQ item &1
264Agreement validity is before RFQ response deadline
265No selection; select the same RFQ items selected for response comparison
266Capacity dimension &1: &1 missing
267Number of minimum carriers specified greater then maximum number
268Create individual RFQs or publish RFQ master; not both
269Enter sold-to party in forwarding agreement quotation
270Enter items in forwarding agreement quotation
271Enter a valid freight agreement RFQ master
272Enter a valid individual freight agreement RFQ
273Enter either an RFQ master or an individual RFQ, but not both
274No individual RFQs with the status "Response Uploaded"
275Response generated
276Agmt item/srvc. prod. &1 copied as response to FWA quotation item &2
277Calc. sheet of FWA quot. item &1 replaced by calc. sheet of item/SP &2
278Service &1 added to forwarding quotation item
279Rate built for forwarding quotation item &1
280Unable to build rate for forwarding quotation item &1
281Charge type &1 replaced in forwarding quotation item
282Charge type &1 added to forwarding quotation item
283Invalid references in charge type &1; reassign references in FWA quot.
284Service &1 added to FWA quotation item
285Agreement consumption calculated on "Capacities" tab page
286Enter a unit of measure for the capacity dimension
287Capacity dimension is missing or not supported
288Quotation status reason &1 not found; enter a valid reason
289Enter a freight agreement RFQ master
290Agreement validity occurs before forwarding agreement quotation end date
291Cannot compare rate tables for two or more charge types
292File is either corrupt or the format is unsupported
293Unknown error while uploading the file
294Enter a valid freight agreement RFQ master with the status "Published"
295Enter time zone
296Individual freight agreement RFQ not created for carrier &1
297Status of freight agreement RFQ master &1 set to "&2"
298Forwarding agreement quotation &1 created
299Invalid weight, volume, or quantity for item &1
301Version &1 of forwarding agreement quotation &2 already exists
302Freight agreement RFQ type &1 does not exist in Customizing
303Enter freight agreement RFQ type
304FWA type not entered for FWA quotation type &1 in Customizing
305Cannot consolidate values in item; enter doc. hierarchy level of item
306Enter party role for business partner hierarchy &1
307Enter party role for business partner &1
308Business partner &1 already assigned to party role &2
309Enter transportation distance unit of measure for item &1
310Choose only one item to estimate forwarding charges
311Enter business partner or hierarchy tree for party role &1 (&2)
312Invalid field name &1; choose from input help
313Enter hiearchy level
314Select only one preferred strategy; strategy for item &1 already selected
315Preferred strategy deselected; item status for item &1 reset
316Cannot save agreement &1 multiple parties not allowed
317Enter a sold-to party for agreement &1
318Enter a carrier for agreement &1
319Cannot enter multiple business partners for agreement
320Enter a business partner
321Billing schedule not specified
322Enter different charge types for items in calculation sheet &1
323Invalid Customizing found for charge types in calculation sheet &1
324Cannot enter more than one trade lane for item &1
325Invalid orientation; enter only from orientation
326Invalid source type; enter only location source type
327Enter a source for the trade lane
328Enter a warehouse location for item number &1
329Cannot find matching rates
330Enter a trade lane for item &1
331Enter one trade lane for every item
332Enter a start date for the FWAQ validity period
333Enter a deadline for forwarding agreement quotation responses
334Response deadline is after end date of forwarding agreement quotation
335Response deadline is before start date of forwarding agreement quotation
336Agreement validity is before FWAQ response deadline
337Enter end date for validity period of forwarding agreement quotation
338Items merged to freight agreement RFQ master
339Cannot run historic spend simulation report; specify prime charge type
340Invalid prime charge type
341Historical spend report already running in background
342Cannot run historical spend report; save strategy
343Cannot run historical spend report for more than one item simultaneously
344Organizational unit &2 does not exist in client &1
345Cannot run optimizer; execution of historical spend report not finished
346Run historical spend report for strategy
347Historical spend report running in background for strategy
348Cannot display all rate values; use filter
349&1 Rate not updated; &2 not relevant for the given combination of scales
350Enter a number range
351Rate &1 copied to all rows
352Enter a simulation date
353Cannot save rate &1; select "Update Repeated Rates" checkbox
354Agreement item &1 has been distributed, Tradelane deletion is not allowed
355Cannot change protected rate or reference rate &1
356Status of item &1 is not "In Process"; cannot change rate &2
357Sold-to party is not allowed in controlled agreement; entry deleted
358No rate data found
359Existing rate updated
360&1 rate not updated; combination of scales not relevant in charge type &2
361&1 rate not updated; not a relevant field for the row
362Uncontrolled scenario can be enabled only for header or item but not both
363Amount updated
364Flat profile &1 not valid
365Item &1 validity must lie within agreement validity
366Select "Update Repeated Values" checkbox to change entry &1
367Allocation &1 has been created for item &2
368Enter chargbl wt. or gross wt., gross vol., dim wt. profile but not both
369Optimizer failed to run
370Enter valid number range for freight agreement RFQ master assignment
371Enter a valid master RFQ rate table to run historical spend report
372No valid individual RFQ rate tables exist to run historical spend report
373Forwarding agreement quotation type &1 does not exist in Customizing
374Error during the submition of the job
375Report Executed Successfully.
376Report Execution Successful. No entries found.
377conversion error
378Contract basis is not a valid precondition for FWA and SP catalog type
379You cannot delete the item type; it is used in other Cust. activities
380Report executed; agreements found
381Report executed; no entries found
382Agreement &1 is relevant for alerts
383Alert will be sent by e-mail to organization &1
384Cannot send alert; e-mail address does not exist for organization &1
385Alert will be sent by e-mail to party &1
386Cannot send alert; e-mail does not exist for party &1
387Report executed; individual freight agreement RFQs found
388Individual freight agreement RFQ &1 relevant for alerts
389Cannot set the status as �Released� as agreement &1 is already released
390Enter either business partner or hierarchy tree name, but not both
391No currency found for currency conversion
392Agreement &1 is already released
393You must specify an item type before specifying a service type
394Cannot enter srvc. type; srvc. type already maintained for item type &1
395Matching charge type not found
396Strategy not created
397Attribute not relevant for &1 capacity line
398Cannot create strategy; specify a valid Target Share Strategy
399Enter a description for the agreement.
400Agreement &1 does not exist
401Cannot add item; carrier &2 does not exist in freight agreement &1
402Enter an agreement
403Freight agreement &1 with version &2 does not exist
404Freight agreement &1 version &2 created or updated
405Cannot enter strategy; optimization level missing
406Enter an agreement item
407Item &1 does not exist in freight agreement &2 version &3
408Calculation sheet structure does not match the agr. &1 ver. &2 item &3
409Rate tables in freight agreement &1 version &2 item &3 updated
410Rate tables in freight agreement &1 version &2 item &3 not updated
411Validity from rate table &1 cannot be copied to rate table &2
412Cannot specify more than one &1 in a single party forwarding agr quot
413Cannot specify more than one &1 in a single party forwarding agreement
414Enter a carrier
415&1 agreements not aged due to references in current data store
416Enter a document currency
417Can't release &1; agreement &2 with &3 and validity &4 already released
418Freight agreement copied
419You can't delete freight agreement &1 because it's already released.
420Save freight agreement RFQ master to submit it for approval
421Can't age &1 documents of agreement category &2
422Can't archive &1 documents of agreement category &2
423Enter Agreement ID as agreement type &1 uses an external number range.
424No RFQ items are set to �Responded�
425Enter a valid offered capacity for RFQ item &1.
426Enter a valid value for "&1" in &2.
427Enter an amt for calc. sheet item &1 that's within the defined threshold.
428RFQ item confirmed
429RFQ item rejected
430Award confirmation submitted
431Uploaded Excel file is outdated. Please download and upload again.
432Uploaded Excel file is incorrect. Upload the correct file for the RFQ.
433You can publish only the latest version of the RFQ master.
434Use the latest version of the RFQ master to generate a new version.
435There are no documents listed, contact your system administrator.
436You can enter only one purchasing organization.
437You can create only one RFQ item.
438You haven't maintained a trade lane for item &1.
439Calculation sheet deleted
440Carrier notes aren't enabled. Contact your system administrator.
441Maintain a carrier text type that is not internal.
442Enter a response deadline that is before the planned publication date.
444Specify a business partner for mandatory party role &1
455Cannot change protected rate or reference rate &1
456Cannot find an entry with "*" in trade lanes
457Resolve not executed
460Enter a periodicity on "Capacities� tab page of RFQ item &1
461Cannot download as Microsoft Excel; enter correct line number
499Responses not updated in SAP TM; check RFQs for errors
500A valid strategy must be maintained for external departure determination
501External strategy &1 does not exist
502External strategy &1 does not have the correct service
503Maintain either a transit rule or a condition for transit rule det.
504Departure ID is invalid
505Condition &1 does not exist
506Condition &1 does not have the correct condition type
507Transit rule maintained; the condition will be ignored
508Unsaved data in agreement; save the agreement before upload
509Freight agreement RFQ &1 could not be published
510Freight agreement RFQ &1 published
511Freight agreement RFQ &1 could not be sent for approval
512Individual FA RFQ created from FA RFQ master &1
513No individual FA RFQ created from FA RFQ master &1
514Cannot download as Microsoft Excel file; no rate tables exist
515Freight order &1 selected for historic spend simulation
516No relevant orders found for historic spend simulation
517Amount and capacity calculated for FA RFQ &1 rate table &2 as follows:
518Amount &2 &1 and capacity &3 &4
520Historical estimated strategy spend calculated
521Historical estimated strategy spend not calculated
522Select a preferred strategy for item &1 in freight agreement RFQ master
523Award confirmation sent to carrier &1
524Select one or more carriers to send award confirmation notification
525Enter award confirmation deadline
526Award confirmation deadline occurs in the past
527Select one or more items to send award confirmation notification
528Cannot accept award confirmation; deadline to submit award conf. passed
529MS Excel file must be named as "RESPONSE_AWARD_CONFIRMATION.xlsx"
530Cannot submit award conf. for freight agr. RFQ master &1; RFQ canceled
531Cannot find freight agr. RFQs with status "Response Uploaded by Carrier"
532Cannot submit award confirmation for individual freight agreement RFQ &1
533Award confirmation deadline must occur before the RFQ validity
534Award confirmation submitted for individual freight agreement RFQ &1
535Award confirmation unsuccessful; check the file contents
536Invalid item number; enter a freight agreement RFQ master ID
537Invalid item number; enter an individual freight agreement RFQ ID
538Confirmation not submitted for item &1 in individual FA RFQ &2
539Cannot find an individual freight agr. RFQ awaiting award confirmation
540Freight agreement RFQ master status changed to &1
541Freight agreement RFQ master item status changed to &1
542Individual freight agreement RFQ status changed to &1
543Individual freight agreement RFQ item status changed to &1
544Cannot find FA RFQ masters with status "Award Conf. - Pending by Carrier"
545Cannot consolidate responses before aw. conf. deadline for RFQ master &1
546Messages for individual freight agreement RFQ &1:
547Cannot submit award confirmation for freight agreement RFQ master &1
548Award confirmation submitted for freight agreement RFQ master &1
549Cannot find any confirmation response for one or more items
550Cannot accept preferred target share strategy;strategy pending confirm.
551Cannot find any individual freight agr. RFQs awaiting response submission
552Upload the latest award confirmation response for FA RFQ &1
553Messages for freight agreement &1:
554Rates submitted for freight agreement &1
555No valid attachment exists in freight agreement &1 for rate change
556Cannot find any valid freight agreement with rate change
557Enter a description for the template
558Enter an agreement template ID
559Enter a commodity code type
560Enter a precondition value - &1 only
561Cannot execute merge action; select one or more items
562Enter an agreement type
563Maintain an item type to enter an item precondition
564Precondition &1 cannot be maintained for item type &2
565Cannot enter more than one organization for the agreement type &1
566Cannot enter more than one business partner for the agreement type &1
567Service product catalog &1 isn't considered for adding rates &2
568Bonus-malus cannot be calculated without carrier information
569Charge type &1: Currency &2 from &3 is used for currency conversion
570Error on execution of historical spend report for strategy &1 version &2
571Historical spend report for strategy &1 version &2 running in background
572Historical spend report for strategy &1 version &2 cannot be run
573One capacity line cannot exist under more than one accepted strategy
574Strategy &1 version &2 does not have business shares; run optimizer
575Cannot accept preferred strategies for RFQ &1 item &2
576Error on execution of solution spend for strategy &1 version &2
577Est. strategy spend calc. based on hist. data for strategy &1 version &2
578Carrier capacity lines without response not added to strategy
579Solution spend not calculated for some of the capacity line items
580Flat rates cannot be considered, as number of shipments not known
601Start: Complete FA and calculation sheet determination in BAdI &1
602FA and calculation sheet determined in BAdI &1
603FA and calculation sheet not determined in BAdI &1; proceed with standard
604FA and calculation sheet not determined in BAdI &1
605End: Complete FA and calculation sheet determination in BAdI &1
606BAdI &1 not implemented or error during processing of BAdI implementation
607Start: Processing of standalone FA and calc. sheet determination rules
608Maintain either stdalone FA or calc. sheet determin. rule, but not both
609Standalone freight agreement determination rule &1 determined
610Standalone FA determination rule &1 not found in table /scmtms/c_rul184
611Standalone tariff determination rule &1 determined
612Stdalone calc. sheet determ. rule &1 not found in table /scmtms/c_rul185
613Start: Post-processing of standalone FA determination rule evaluation
614Execution of condition &1 of standalone FA determination rule &2 failed
615Proceeding with standard FA and calculation sheet determination
616Not proceeding with standard FA and calculation sheet determination
617FA &1 determined using standalone FA determination rule &2 with cond. &3
618BRFplus error during exec. of cond. &1 for standalone FA determ. rule &2
619FA &1 determined using standalone FA determ. rule that is not released
620FA &1 determined using standalone FA determ. rule with invalid usage code
621BO-read failed for FA &1; determined using standalone FA determ. rule
622FA and calc. sheet determined using standalone FA determination rule
623Calc. sheet determ. failed for stdalone FA determ. rule; proceed with std
624Calc. sheet determination failed for standalone FA determination rule
625End: Post-processing of standalone FA determination rule evaluation
626Start: Post-processing of standalone tariff determination rule evaluation
627Exec. of condition &1 of standalone calc. sheet determ. rule &2 failed
628Calc sheet &1 determ. w/ stdalone calc sheet determ. rule &2 w/ cond. &3
629BRFplus error in exec. of cond. &1 for stdalone calc. sheet determ rule&2
630Tariff &1 determ. using standalone TCT determ. rule that is not released
631Tariff &1 determ. by standalone TCT determ. rule with invalid usage code
632Calc. sheet determ failed for stdalone tariff determ rule; proceed w/ std
633BO-read failed for tariff &1 determ. using standalone tariff determ. rule
634End: Post-processing of standalone tariff determination rule evaluation
635End: Processing of standalone FA & calc. sheet determination rules
636Start: Preprocessing of calculation sheet determination
637Tariff &1 is not maintained or released for usage
638Tariff &1 is outside validity period start &2 and end &3
639Tariff &1 has invalid usage code &2
640Start: FA selection for organization or business partner
641FA found for organization &1 and business partner &2
642FA not found for organization &1 and business partner &2
643Dimensional weight profile not found; enter a dimensional weight profile
645End: FA selection for organization or business partner
646Start: FA selection for standard organization or business partner
647FA found for standard organization and business partner &1
648FA not found for standard organization and business partner &1
649Sold-to party &1 is not assigned to sales organization &2
650Carrier &1 is not assigned to purchasing organization &2
651Service level code can be assigned only if the carrier is maintained
652Service level assigned is not maintained for the given carrier
653Service level does not exist
654Airline code &1 not specified in master data for carrier
655End: FA selection for standard organization or business partner
656Start: FA selection for org. or business partner group hierarchy
657FA found for organization &1 and business partner group hierarchy
658FA not found for organization &1 and business partner group hierarchy
660Invalid unit of measure for item &1
661Enter carrier before assigning carrier service codes
662Carrier service code &1 not found for carrier &2
663Enter carrier service code for item &1
665End: FA selection for organization or business partner group hierarchy
666Start: FA selection for standard org. or business partner group hierarchy
667FA found for standard organization and business partner group hierarchy
668FA not found for standard org. and business partner group hierarchy
669&1 agreements already exist for sales org. &2 and sold-to party &3
670&1 agreements already exist for purchasing org. &2 and carrier &3
671&1 agreement docs already exist for sales org. &2 and sold-to party &3
672&1 agreement docs already exist for purchasing org. &2 and carrier &3
675End: FA selection for standard org. or business partner group hierarchy
676Start: FA selection for organization or standard business partner
677FA found for organization &1 and standard business partner
678FA not found for organization &1 and standard business partner
680Calculation sheet &1 is used in multiple items
681&1 is not a valid template
684Stage type &1 not found; enter a valid stage type.
685End: FA selection for organization or standard business partner
686Start: FA selection for standard org. or standard business partner
687FA found for standard organization and standard business partner
688FA not found for standard organization and standard business partner
690Invalid date for item &1 in Microsoft Excel file; date not mapped to doc.
691Scale type or UoM for calculation base cannot be blank
692One or more organizational units are required
693One or more business partners are required
695End: FA selection for standard organization or standard business partner
699No freight agreement found for document; charge is not calculated
700Cannot edit forwarding agreement quotation &1 with status &2
701Calculation sheet &1 is not maintained or released for usage
702Calculation sheet &1 has invalid usage code &2
703End: Preprocessing of calculation sheet determination
704Start: Post-processing of calculation sheet determination
705Valid calculation sheet not determined for FA fall through step &1
706FA &1 and calculation sheet &2 determined
707End: Post-processing of calculation sheet determination
708Start: FA item precondition evaluation
709FA item precondition evaluation for calculation sheet &1 failed
710FA item precondition evaluation for calculation sheet &1 completed
711FA &1 eliminated as associated calculation sheets failed precond eval.
712Calculation sheet &1 of FA &2 filtered based on highest priority sum &3
713FA &1 filtered based on highest FA priority &2
714End: FA item precondition evaluation
715FA &1 eliminated as associated calculation sheet is invalid
716FA &1 is chosen in FA determination for charge item &2
717FA &1 is not chosen in FA determination for charge item &2
718Specified calculation sheet &1 does not have a compatible usage code
719Purchasing organization &1 is not valid in the current context
720Sales organization &1 is not valid in the current context
721Agreement &1 not found
722Agreement &1 version &3 is in status &2; cannot archive
723Agreement &1 is either archived or marked for archiving
724Product &1 created
725&1 is a reference calculation sheet; no calculation sheet created
726No agreement item created
727Number range for agreement type is not valid
728Number range for agreement type is not valid; enter agreement identifier
729Charge usage for agreement and calculation sheet don't match
730Charge usage for calculation sheet &1 must be �Internal�
731Agreement identifier cannot be blank
732&1 Transportation service levels are selected for migration in client &2
733Service levels are migrated to /SCMTMS/C_SLC_S for client &1
734Precondition &1 of agreement type &2 not valid
735Some of the Calc. sheet has no charge type assigned to service type
736Enter service product catalog
737No items in service product catalog
738Sold-to party is mandatory for uncontrolled forwarding agreement item
739Carrier is mandatory for uncontrolled forwarding agreement item
740External FA is mandatory for uncontrolled forwarding agreement item
741Enter a valid value for precondition &1 of agreement type &2
742Item type &1 assigned to service product or item &2 by default
743Invalid Microsoft Excel file
744Sold-to party is mandatory for uncontrolled freight agreement
745Carrier is mandatory for uncontrolled freight agreement
746External FA is mandatory for uncontrolled freight agreement
747Enter a valid item type
748RFQ &1 version &3 is in status &2; cannot archive
749Not all local calc. sheets can be marked for archiving; cannot archive
750Select just one item to create a forwarding order
751Service &1 is already included in service product &2
752Enter service type for &1
753Unit of measure &1 is invalid for &2
754Enter a valid service type
755Service type is mandatory
756Select only one item to create a freight order
757Invalid service product catalog number range for agreement type &1
758Enter a valid value for precondition &1 of agreement item type &2
759Service level code and transportation mode of type &1 not compatible
760Enter service product catalog identifier
761Item type &1 not compatible with agreement type &2
762Group and office roles are only valid for resource-based agreements
763Cannot release agreement version because version &1 already released
764Agreement &1 version &2 already exists
765Cannot request approval; agrmt &1 vers. &2 awaiting approval or released
766Service product catalog &1 already exists
767Cannot request approval; no agreement items or calc. sheet specified
768Status set to �Archiving in Process� in agreement/RFQ &1 version &2
769Version &1 does not exist for any of the entered agreement IDs
770Cannot release agr &1 vers. &2 from worklist; release in Bus. Workplace
771All versions will be archived
772RFQ still in use; cannot be marked for archiving
773No conditions specified for strategy; enter at least one condition
774No maximum target share specified for strategy
775No minimum target share specified for strategy
776No maximum penalty specified for strategy
777No minimum penalty specified for strategy
778Enter at least one of weight, volume, pieces, or containers
779Cannot specify more than 1 incumbent carrier for an item in a trade lane
780Cannot specify more than one preferred target share strategy
781Amount or rate table not specified by carrier &2 for charge type &1
782Maximum target share not specified; system will use value of 100%
783Minimum target share not specified; system will use value of 0%
784Optimizer run failed; carrier not specified
785Optimizer run failed; enter capacity in rate table
786Optimizer run failed; no carrier response specified
787Freight agreement RFQ &1 version &2 already exists
788Optimizer cannot run; more than one rate table specified for carrier &1
789No data present in SAP Business Information Warehouse system
790Number range for freight agreement RFQ master is not valid
791Number range for freight agreement RFQ master is not maintained
792Number range for FA RFQ master or FWA quotation is not valid
793Number range for FA RFQ master or FWA quotation is not maintained
794Freight agreement type is not maintained
795Not all carrier RFQs can be marked for archiving; cannot archive
796Enter optimization level for freight agreement RFQ type
798Error during execution of historical spend report
799Historical spend report running in background
800FWAQ cannot be edited now,change the status of document to In Process
801Freight agreement RFQ master &1 published
802Response &1 submitted
803&1 freight agreement RFQs created for freight agreement RFQ master &2
804Carrier has responded to freight agreement RFQ &1; RFQ submitted
805Cannot publish RFQ; another version has been published for this round
806Cannot manually create indiv. RFQs for freight agreement RFQ master &1
807Cannot publish RFQ master &1; individual RFQs not yet created
808Strategy &1 is not valid
809New version created
810Freight agreement RFQ master &1 is already published
811Freight agreement RFQ master &1 does not exist
812Messages for freight agreement RFQ master &1:
813Multiple CRM systems assigned to different item types
814Messages for individual freight agreement RFQ &1:
815Individual freight agreement RFQ &1 submitted
816RFQ response file name is invalid
817Individual freight agreement RFQ &1 submitted with the following errors
818Optimizer run successful for strategy &2 of freight agr. RFQ master &1
819Forwarding agreement quotation &1 sent to sold-to party &2
820Optimizer run with the following errors for strategy &2 of RFQ master &1
821Enter a freight agreement RFQ master that has strategies
822Response deadline already reached
823Carrier &2 in item &1 does not exist in document header
824Carrier &1 does not exist in any item
825Minimum requested capacity cannot be greater than requested capacity
826Cannot execute report; invalid status in freight agreement RFQ
827Matching values found for item &1 in business document &3 item &2
828Matching values found for item &1 in agreement &3 item &2
829Target share not filled; estimated spend not calculated
830No duplicates found
831Cannot update in display mode
832Select one or more rows
833Service product &1 does not exist
834Status of forwarding agreement quotation assignment &1 changed to "&2"
835More than one trade lane cannot exist for item &1
836Specify flat view profile for forwarding agr. quotation type &1
837You must enter a format type
838Item &1 already sent to one or more FWAQ assignments
839Status of forwarding agreement quotation items set to "Rejected"
840Items cannot be merged
841Rates merged to forwarding agreement quotation
842Only one response can be approved
843Incorrect Microsoft Excel file name specified
844Select one or more RFQ items
845No relevant condition found for carrier &1; max. tgt share taken as 100%
846Incorrect carrier specified
847Existing conditions deleted because of the change in strategy
848No response selected for optimizer; select at least two responses
849Op. type for RFQ type &1 is per item; more than one RFQ item selected
850Target share for rates has to be recalculated; run the optimizer again
851Estimated strategy spend calculated
852Enter the requested capacity
853Target share proposed by optimizer is 0; estimated spend not calculated
854Enter the requested capacity in the rate table
855Target share at rate table level is 0; rerun the optimizer
856No charge calculation result; estimated spend not calculated
857Status of forwarding agreement quotation items set to "Awarded"
858Forwarding agreement quotation items sent for approval
859Status of forwarding agreement quotation items set to "Canceled"
860Status of forwarding agreement quotation items set to "In Process"
861Status of forwarding agreement quotation items set to "Approved"
862Status of forwarding agreement quotation &1 changed to "&2"
863Estimated strategy spend calculated for RFQ master &1
864Estimated strategy spend not calculated for RFQ master &1
865Item &1, valid from date &2, is not within the agreement validity
866Item &1 valid to date &2 is not within the agreement validity
867Enter valid forwarding agreement or agreement version
868Enter valid forwarding agreement
869Item &1, valid from &2, is not within the agreement validity
870Item &1, valid to &2, is not within the agreement validity
871Individual freight agreement RFQ not created for carrier &1 from RFQ &2
872Cannot create agreement; items not awarded
873FWA quotation and agreement business partners/sales orgs do not match
874Select a Microsoft Excel file
875Save RFQ master to publish RFQ master or create individual RFQ
876Cannot calculate estimated spend; enter capacity driver in rate table
877No entries in Microsoft Excel; carrier response not received
878Cannot download as Microsoft Excel; enter valid line numbers for carriers
879Opportunity &1 does not exist
880Cannot enter opportunity &1; invalid sales organization
881Cannot enter opportunity &1; invalid sold-to party
882Microsoft Excel does not contain responses
883Cannot download as Microsoft Excel; enter valid line numbers for carriers
884Forwarding agreement quotation &1 is not within opportunity &2 validity
885Unable to access SAP Customer Relationship Management system
886Microsoft Excel uploaded
887Opportunity item number &1 does not exist
888Item with opportunity &1 and opportunity item no. &2 already exists
889Enter opportunity ID for item &1
890Carrier &1 is an internet user and does not have MIME type maintained
891Cannot upload Microsoft Excel file; invalid values specified in file
892Cannot enter combination of numbers and letters for opportunity item num.
893Cannot submit RFQ &1; RFQ canceled
894Cannot submit individual freight agreement RFQ &1
895Cannot view carrier responses; sealed bid enabled for FA RFQ master &1
896Enter valid carrier-initiated number range
897Enter carrier-initiated number range
898Incompatibility between profile &1 and Excel for &2:&3
899FWAQ assignment number range not found
900Enter valid number range for freight agreement RFQ master assignment
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