/SCMTMS/FWAQ_MSG - Message Class for FWAQ

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/FWAQ_MSG: Message Class for FWAQ.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/FO_FRGHT_AGREEMNT_BO in software component TM-FRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Foundation BO Freight Agreement".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Cannot open rate build cockpit; select a leading charge type for item &1
001Cannot find matching SPs; select a leading charge type for item &1
002Cannot find matching SPs; calculation sheet not found in item &1
003Cannot download; customer Microsoft Excel file does not exist
004Enter excel mapping profile
005Service product &1 copied as response to item &2
006Rates not determined for charge type &1 in response for item &2
007Cannot find matching service products for item &1
008Excel mapping profile &1 not found
009Cannot automatically build rate; no matching SPs found for item &1
010Cannot create forwarding agreement quotation; invalid Customizing
011Scale type or UoM for calculation base not maintained for calc. sheet &1
012Variant name &1 contains special characters; enter a valid variant name
013Select one or more forwarding agreement quotation items
014Cannot build a rate; matching rate not found in the agreements/SPs
015Enter a forwarding agreement quotation in the 'FWAQ' field
016Cannot update FWAQ Assignment &1 with status &2
017Cannot build rate; status is not 'In Process'
018Report executed
019Report exectued; no entries found
020Cannot build rate for rate table &1; matching rate lines not found
021&1 &2 &3
022Rate built for rate table &1
023Can't build rate for rate table &1
024Cannot build rates; select the rate requested checkbox in rate table &1
025Forwarding agreement has already been created; cannot create a new one
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