/SCMTMS/MOCK - Messages of the TM Mocking Infrastructure

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/MOCK: Messages of the TM Mocking Infrastructure.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/MOCK_LIB in software component TM-CF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Mock data library for Automated Tests".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Automatic test in execution; only simulation of db updates
001Class &1 does not implement mocking interface /SCMTMS/IF_SRVMGR_MOCK
002No select options found for class &1
003Class name &1 contains invalid characters
004Class name &1 starts with invalid character &2
005Class name &1 has an invalid namespace
006Naming convention for Service Manager mocks: *CL_SMM_*
007Naming convention for DAC mocks: *CL_DAM_*
008Naming convention for Org Unit mocks: *CL_ORM_*
009Naming convention for Customizing mocks: *CL_CM_*
010Service Manager function &1 is not supported for Service Manager mockup
011Action &1 is not enabled for Service Manager mocks
012Query &1 is not implemented for Service Manager mocks
013Test Mode is OFF; activate test mode before getting &1
014No authorization to start ABAP Editor
015Query filter attribute '&1' not supported by mock class generator
016Mock data source system &1 cannot be used for remote generation
017Mock data source system &1 not enabled for remote generation
018No node selected
020General ABAP Unit Mocking Setup
021Log for ABAP Unit of Method &2 of Class &1, Client &3
022Statistics About Mocked Organizational Units
023Not Mocked Customizing Was Accessed via ABAP Interface &1
024Mocked Customizing for Table &1 (&2 Rows)
025DAC Mock Class &2: Mocked BO/DO &1
026DAC Mock Class &4: &1 Mocked Rows for BO Node &3-&2
027SrvMgr Mock Class &4: &1 Mocked Rows for BO Node &3-&2
028SrvMgr Mock Class &2: Mocked BO/DO &1
029DAC Mock Class &2: Main BO &1
030SrvMgr Mock Class &2: Main BO &1
031BO &1 does not have the DAC for Mocking in its Runtime Model
032Active Mocking Registry Entry for User &1 from &2
033Failed Authority Check for Object &1, ACTVT &2 at &3
034No Failed Authority Checks found
035No active mocking registry entry found for user &1
036Meth. &1: For user &2 no org unit found in mock data buffer
037Meth. &1: For BP &2 no org unit found in mock data buffer
038Meth. &1: For Int Org. ID &2 no data found in mock data buffer
039Meth. &1: For Ext Org. ID &2 no org data found in mock data buffer
040Mocked customizing for table structure &1 (&2 rows)
041No query results mock data for QDB query &1; ABAP Unit aborted
042No query result data mocked for query &1
043PUSH data was found on DB for table &1
044Statistics about mocked Customizing/database tables
045Statistics about mocked DAC
046Statistics about mocked service manager
047No data mocked for node &1
048No data mocked for association &1
050Number of Mock Data Classes was restricted to &1
051This feature is not supported yet.
052Class &1 is already in the class list
053Select at least one class to open UI with
054Select BO node and data record to open UI
055Mock class of selected record class must be in class list
056You need to specify a field name in the Customizing Selection section.
060Node not found
061Mock class &1: Search term too long; reduced to 10000 characters
062Node &1 contains no data
063No matching nodes found
064Loading configuration failed
065Search instance already existing; use this one
066Invalid search type &1
067No classes found
092Mock data class &1 cannot be extended or updated
093Specify a field of table &1 for mock data selection
094Specify a DB table for mocking
095Skipped node without database table: &1 (&2)
096Specify an attribute with which test data shall be selected
097Business object &1 is unknown
098Specify a unique business object. &1 is not unique.
099Mock class &1 generated
100Repair or activation for generated class failed.
101No data found for Customizing table &1
102Change of the mock class type only possible for change mode "Overwrite"
103Query &1 not relevant for mocking; no QDB query or no data selected
104No mock data was found
105No mock classes were found
106Error: UI could not be built
107No class documentation was found
108Drag and Drop failed
109Selection failed
110Class &1 is not a mock class
112Queue in TOR General Determination contains scheduled actions
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