/SCMTMS/PLN_FUBR - Messages for freight unit building rule object

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/PLN_FUBR: Messages for freight unit building rule object.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/PLN_FUB in software component TM-PLN-FU-FUB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Freight Unit Builder".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Process controller strategy for FUB must not be initial
002Process controller strategy &1 for freight unit building does not exist
003Strategy &1 has incorrect service &2; expected service: &3
004FUB rule ID must not be initial
005At least one planning quantity must exist
006Critical quantity must not be initial
007Critical quantity &1 is invalid
008Rounding value for &1 must not be larger than the split quantity
009Rounding value for &1 does not correspond to the chosen unit of measure
010Define the planning quantity
011Define the UoM quantity &1
012Set the rounding value for &1 to 1 to ensure integral split
013Define critical quantity &1 as planning quantity
014Planning quantity &1 does not exist
015Critical quantity &1 does not exist
016Dimension of planning quantity &1 and unit of measure &2 must be the same
017Dimension &1 already defined
018Deletion not possible; freight unit building rule does not exist
019Deletion not possible; freight unit building rule &1 (&2) still in use
020Quantity &1 already defined
021Category of doc. type &1 entered in &2 is not supported
022Document type and equipment type and group cannot be configured together
023Equipment &1 is not compatible with the &2 document type entered in &3
024Equipment &1 cannot be used
025Planning quantity &1 is overwritten from equipment customizing
026Planning quantity &1 differs from equipment type customizing
027Package building profile &1 does not exist
028Doc. type &1 selected for &2 has a wrong value for 'Seq. type of Stages'
029Condition &1 contains invalid target document types, see additional msg.
030'Result of UPB' value not compatible with doc. type &1 from &2
031Doc. type &1 selected for &2 has a wrong value for 'Assgn. of Pred.Docs'
051You are not authorized to use freight unit building rule &1
052You are not authorized to edit freight unit building rule &1
053You are not authorized to create freight unit building rule &1
054You are not authorized to delete freight unit building rule &1
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