/SCMTMS/SB - Scenario Builder Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/SB: Scenario Builder Messages.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/SCENARIO_BUILDER in software component TM-CF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TM Scenario Builder".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Location creation failed
001Failed to create vehicle resources
002Failed to create transportation zones
003Failed to create business partners
004Customizing creation failed
005Scenario created
006Scenario creation failed
007Scenario template uploaded
008Upload of scenario template rejected
009Zip file with ID &1 already exists; choose another scenario template name
010&1: Entry already exists
011Failed to copy scenario template
012Failed to create transportation lanes
013&1: Attribute &2 must not contain lowercase letters
014Failed to create transshipment location assignments
015&1: At least one of the attributes &2, &3 or &4 is mandatory
016&1 &2: Definition of absolute horizon is incomplete; attribute &3 missing
017Grouping &1 of BP &2 invalid; only external number ranges allowed
018Grouping &1 of BP &2 does not exist
019Failed to create selection profiles
020&1 &2: Mandatory attribute &3 missing
021&1 &2: At least one of the attributes &3 or &4 is mandatory
022&1 &2: Attributes &3 and &4 cannot be maintained at the same time
023&1 objects added
024Failed to add objects
025&1: At least one of the mandatory attributes &2, &3, &4 is missing
026&1: Mandatory table &2 is empty
027Profile id not found in general data
028&1 &2: Value &3 unknown
029&1 objects removed
030Failed to remove objects
031Failed to create scenario template
032&1 agreement already exists; cannot overwrite
033Agreements created contain errors and cannot be saved
034&1: Table &2 requires at least 2 entries
035Failed to create report variants
036&1: ID &2 exists in more than one table
037Scenario template created
038Scenario template &1 already exists
039Scenario created with warnings
040Scenario template invalid for the system; valid for &1 release &2
041Failed to create scenario template
042Scenario template copied
043&1 &2: Value &3 for attribute &4 is invalid
044Scenario template deleted
045Failed to delete scenario template
046Objects removed
047Namespace of BC set &1 invalid
048Customizing "&1" locked by user &2
049Failed to save &1 of &2 vehicle resource sections
050Prefix &1 not found in BC set
051&1 &2: Duplicate entries for business partner &3
052&1 &2: Split deck attributes not allowed for cargo body shapes
053Failed to upload scenario template
054Business partner &1 already exists with another category
055&1 &2: Attribute &3 unknown
056&1: Value &2 exceeds maximum length of &3 for attribute &4
057Variants for Report &1
058Duplicate identifier after applying ### prefix
059Scenario template &1 is locked by user &2
060Planning profile creation failed
061Optimizer settings creation failed
062&1 &2: Duplicate values for attribute &3
063You are not authorized to create scenario template &1
064You are not authorized to delete scenario template &1
065You are not authorized to change scenario template &1
066You are not authorized to create scenario data using scenario template &1
067Scenario creation not permitted in production clients
068Capacity selection settings creation failed
069Failed to create container resources
070&1 &2: Duplicate entries for scheduling settings &3
071&1 &2: Duplicate entries for resource ID
072Failed to save scenario template &1
073&1 &2: Missing header entry for resource ID &3
074Master data couldn't be saved for &1 of &2 combination resources
075Customizing for equipment group &1 and type &2 is missing in SCM Basis
076&1 &2: Inconsistent sequence no. &3 for combination resource &4
077Missing header entry for indiv. resource &1 of combination resource &2
078&1: Value &2 for attribute &3 does not exist in the scenario template
079Scenario template was checked successfully without warnings
080Failed to create calendar resources
081Failed to create shift sequence
082&1 &2: active variant &3 is invalid
083Scenario template was checked successfully with warnings
084Vehicle loading profile &1 is invalid
085Attached equipment profile &1 is invalid
086&1 of &2 veh. load./att. equipment profiles of resource couldn't be saved
087&1 of &2 loc. load./att. equipment profiles of location couldn't be saved
088Location loading profile &1 is invalid
089Entities created
090Entity creation failed
091Entity creation failed, no entities selected
092Entities created with warnings
093&1 &2: At least one of the mandatory attributes &3 and &4 is missing
094Purchase order &1 created
095Failed to create Purchase order &1
096Scheduling agreement &1 created
097Failed to create Scheduling agreement &1
098&1 &2: Duplicate entries for capacity availability settings
099Creation of capacity availability settings failed
100New capacity availability settings contain errors and can't be saved
101Error activating BC Set &1
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