/SCMTMS/TCM_FO_COMM - Transportation Charge Management: Foundation: Common msgs
The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/TCM_FO_COMM: Transportation Charge Management: Foundation: Common msgs.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/FO_TC_CALCSHEET_BO in software component TM-MD-CM-CS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BO Transportation Charge Calculation".
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/FO_TC_CALCSHEET_BO in software component TM-MD-CM-CS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BO Transportation Charge Calculation".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | &1 does not fall into internal interval &2 of number range object &3 |
002 | Technical error occured while calling BO &1; contact support |
003 | Rounding profile &1 does not exist |
004 | Rounding profile &1 does not have rounding rule assignment |
005 | Rounding prof. &1: Rule &2 at index &3 does not have an application level |
006 | Rounding rule &1 does not exist |
007 | Rounding profile &1: Rule index &2 does not have rule reference |
008 | Rounding profile &1: Rule &2 referred in rule index &3 is invalid |
010 | Appl. level of rounding profile &1/&2/&3: Highest level &4 is not bigger |
011 | Application level of rounding profile &1/&2/&3: Invalid sign &4 |
012 | Application level of rounding profile &1/&2/&3: Invalid option &4 |
013 | Scale base &1 is not valid |
014 | UoM-relevant scale base &1 does not have dimension in Customizing |
015 | Dimension &1 referred in scale base &2 is invalid |
016 | Calculation base &1 is not valid |
017 | Scale base &1 referred to in calculation base &2 is not valid |
018 | Calculation base &1 does not have scale base assignment |
019 | Scale base &1 does not have assignment field |
020 | Assignment field &1 for scale base &2 is invalid |
021 | Only "SCVAL_..." fields of structure &1 are allowed as assignment fields |
022 | Unit of measure is not relevant for scale base &1 |
023 | Rounding profile check is irrelevant for non-numeric scale base &1 |
024 | Scale base &1 cannot have value length since data field is numeric |
025 | Scale base &1 cannot have value length since data field is internal |
026 | Scale base &1: Numeric indicator is valid only with value length |
027 | Service type &1 is not valid |
028 | Enter a valid transportation service level &1 |
029 | Product freight group code &1 is not valid |
030 | Equipment type code &1 is not valid |
031 | Means of transport code &1 is not valid |
032 | Schedule &1 is not valid |
033 | Equipment group &1 is invalid |
034 | Transportation mode &1 is not valid |
035 | Region &1 does not exist |
036 | Package type &1 is not valid |
037 | Transportation group &1 is invalid |
038 | Incoterm &1 is not valid |
039 | Stage type &1 is not valid |
040 | Quantity cannot be empty for calculation base &1 |
041 | External ID is not maintained for role and function |
042 | ULD rate type &1 is not valid |
043 | Partner function is mandatory when using hierarchy tree |
056 | Country/region &1 doesn't exist |
061 | Error while opening the file |
062 | Error while submitting the job |
063 | Job submitted for background processing; view status using transac. SM37 |
064 | Incompatible file format |
065 | TACT rates uploaded |
066 | Action canceled by user |
067 | No authority to delete or write file &1 |
068 | Error during communication |
069 | Mapping to SAP codes is complete |
070 | File upload failed; try again |
071 | File conversion error |