/SCMTMS/TC_SCALE - Message Class for Scales

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/TC_SCALE: Message Class for Scales.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/FO_TC_CALCSHEET_CONF in software component TM-MD-CM-CS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Foundation Object Customizing for BO TC Calcsheet".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Scale type cannot be blank
002&1 is not a valid scale type
003Scale base cannot be blank
004&1 is not a valid scale base
005&1 already exists; enter another value
006Scale base &1 on the header is invalid
007Unit of measure cannot be blank
008Rounding profile is blank
009Scale identification cannot be blank
010&1 cannot be blank
011Maximum value &1 cannot be lower than minimum value &2
012Minimum value &1 cannot be greater than maximum value &2
013Incremental scales leads to only two items
014Value &1 for scale item &2 repeats
015Enter a calculation type
016&1 is an invalid calculation type
017There are no existing items; maintain at least one item
018Step value &1 is invalid
019Step value cannot be negative
020Def. of scale base &1 (&2) restricts length of value to &3 characters
021Currency &1 is not required
022&1 is an invalid entry; enter only numeric values in &2
023UoM &1 is not relevant
024UoM-relevant scale base &1 does not have dimension in Customizing
025Rounding profile is irrelevant; entry &1 is not expected
026Incremental scales not possible for non-numeric scale base
027Calculation type cannot be relative for non-numeric scale base
028Maximum quantity value (&1) cannot be negative
029Minimum quantity value (&1) cannot be negative
030Calculation type cannot be absolute (A) for non-numeric type scale base
031Scale base &1 supports scale type "Same-scale" only
032Scale is still in use; cannot be marked for archiving
033Definition has errors; release is not allowed
034Transportation zone &1 is invalid
035Transportaion zone ID &1 is invalid
036Scale &1 released for usage
037Scale &1 blocked for further use
038Scale &1 marked for archiving
039Scale &1 archived
040Scale &1 created in a rate table; only editable from the rate table
041Value type and pos./neg. value must be the same for all charge types
042For scale base &1, value is expected in &2; not in field &3
043Value cannot be negative
044Tariff zone &1 is invalid
045Tariff zone ID &1 is invalid
046Archiving setting is not maintained for BO &1 node &2
047Scale &1 cannot be archived as it is within residence period of &2 days
048Current run does not consider residence period
049Location &1 is invalid
050Location ID &1 is invalid
051Business partner &1 is invalid
052Business partner ID &1 is invalid
053&1: invalid business partner role; enter a valid BP role
054Product &1 is invalid
055Product &1 is invalid
056Country/region &1 doesn't exist
057Scale &2 of calc. base &1 has relative items; relevant calc rule expected
058Value type &1 is not expected in normal scale item
059Scale base "Lane" requires a means of transport
060Scale base "Lane" requires a source, destination, and means of transport
061No lane found with source &1, dest. &2, means of transport &3 and time &4
062Scale &1: Error while reading transportation lane with ID &2
063Scale template &1 not found; check in Customizing
064Scale number range "1" not properly maintained
065Scale item &1 is not valid for scale &2 with calculation base &3
066Scale item &1 is added to scale &2 with calculation base &3
067Currency cannot be blank
068Currency &1 is not relevant
069Scale &1 deleted
070Price unit not expected
071Price unit expected for relative items of scale &1
072Negative value not expected
073Scale item cannot be empty or "*"
074Scale has empty scale items
075Value not expected as no calculation rule is defined
076Scale base changed from &1 to &2; maintained scale items are lost
077Enter a value in the "Amount" field
078Enter a value in the "Quantity" field
079Only amount or quantity is allowed
080Scale identification &1 is invalid
081You cannot enter scale items for non-numeric scale bases
082Scale item cannot be blank or zero
083Scale number range not properly maintained
084Scale value cannot be empty
085You cannot enter both an amount and a quantity; enter an amount only
086You cannot enter both an amount and a quantity; enter a quantity only
087Enter a valid currency
088Scale item &1: Scale item type &2 not valid for ULD charge code &3
089Scale item &1: Calculation type &2 not valid for ULD charge code &3
090Scale item &1: Last charge code invalid for ULD rate type &2
091Scale item &1: Last scale item for ULD rate type &2 should be ">"
092Unit of measurement is only valid for numeric scale bases
093Commodity code &1 cannot be used with type &2
094Value type of charge type &1 must match rate table &2
095Condition &1 is invalid
096UN location code &1 is invalid
097Value &2 of scale base &1 invalid or does not exist
098Handling code &1 is invalid
099Scale items marked for archiving
100Value &3 for scale &1 repeats in rate table &2
101Transportation zone &1 is invalid for scale &3 in rate table &2
102Transportation zone ID &1 is invalid for scale &2 in rate table &3
103Location &1 is invalid for scale &3 in rate table &2
104Location ID &1 is invalid for scale &2 in rate table &3
105Business partner &1 is invalid for scale &3 in rate table &2
106Business partner ID &1 is invalid for scale &2 in rate table &3
107Product &1 is invalid for scale &2 in rate table &3
108Scale &1 in rate table &2 has relative items; relevant calc rule expected
109Price unit expected for relative items of scale &1 in rate table &2
110Value not expected for scale &1 in rate table &2
111Commodity code &1 cannot be used with type &3 in rate table &2
112UN location code &1 is invalid for scale &3 in rate table &2
113Handling code &1 in rate table &2 is invalid
114Means of transport &1 for scale &3 in rate table &2 is not valid
115Service type &1 is not valid for scale &3 in rate table &2
116Invalid transportation service level &1 for scale &3 in rate table &2
117Product freight group &1 is not valid for scale &3 in rate table &2
118Schedule &1 is not valid for scale &2 in rate table &3
119Equipment type &1 is not valid for scale &3 in rate table &2
120Country/region &1 doesn't exist for scale &3 in rate table &2
121Equipment group &1 is invalid for scale &3 in rate table &2
122Transportation mode &1 is not valid for scale &3 in rate table &2
123Region &1 is not valid for scale &3 in rate table &2
124Package type &1 is not valid for scale &3 in rate table &2
125Transportation group &1 is invalid for scale &3 in rate table &2
126Incoterm &1 is not valid for scale &3 in rate table &2
127Stage type &1 is not valid for scale &3 in rate table &2
128ULD rate type &1 is not valid for rate table &2
129Scale item cannot be empty or "*" for scale &1 in rate table &2
130Scale &1 marked for partial archiving
131Enter the description for the template
132Condition &1 is invalid for scale &3 in rate table &2
133You need to enter a quantity only for numeric scale bases
134Scale base &2: Enter a value for &1 only
135Enter commodity code type for scale template &1
136Equipment type &1 invalid; enter a valid equipment type
137IATA location &1 invalid; enter a valid IATA location
138IATA location &1 invalid for scale &3 in rate table &2
139&1 local scales skipped; they will be aged with their rate tables
140&1 scales not aged due to references to rate table headers
141&1 scales not aged due to references to rate table validity periods
142Invalid field assignment ID; select a valid ID from the input help
143&1 is not a valid weekday; please enter a value between 1 and 7
144You can't have a scale with an external number range.
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