/SCMTMS/TOR_ERR_HNDL - Messages from TOR Error Handling

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/TOR_ERR_HNDL: Messages from TOR Error Handling.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/TOR in software component TM-FRM-FRO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BO TOR".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Product ID &1 does not exist
002No error handler exists for error category &1
003Resource ID &1 does not exist
004Logistical location ID &1 does not exist
005Shipper party ID &1 on item does not exist
006Ship-to party ID &1 on item does not exist
007Carrier ID &1 on the stage does not exist
008Schedule departure ID &1 does not exist
009Location ID &1 does not exist in the execution information
010Invoicing carrier ID &1 on the stage does not exist
011Business partner ID &1 does not exist
012Source location ID &1 on item does not exist
013Destination location ID &1 on item does not exist
014Carrier ID &1 on header level does not exist
015Executing carrier ID &1 on header level does not exist
016Shipper ID &1 on header level does not exist
017Ship-to party ID &1 on header level does not exist
018Location address ID does not exist
019External carrier ID &1 is not maintained for ID type &2
020SCAC &1 for carrier on header level does not exist
021SCAC &1 for executing carrier on header level does not exist
022External execution carrier ID &1 is not maintained for ID type &2
023External shipper ID &1 is not maintained for ID type &2
024External ship-to party ID &1 is not maintained for ID type &2
025Communication party ID &1 on header level does not exist
026External communication party ID &1 is not maintained for ID type &2
027External shipper ID &1 on item is not maintained for ID type &2
028External consignee ID &1 on item is not maintained for ID type &2
029External carrier ID &1 on stage is not maintained for ID type &2
030Loading point &1 on stage does not exist
031Loading point &1 on item does not exist
032Packaging material ID &1 does not exist
033Unloading point &1 on item does not exist
034Package ID &1 is invalid
035Consignment order &1 cannot be assigned due to document errors
036Vendor ID &1 does not exist
037&1 ID &2 does not exist
038Packaging material &1 is not valid
039Statuses of items of req. doc. &1 do not match document execution status.
040&1 is not a packaging material
041Items for a stop with this handling execution sts must be delivery-based.
042Whse proc. status of item doesn't match handling execution status of stop
043The handling execution status of the items and stop do not match.
044Goods movement posting should have been triggered by event but was not.
045The customs reference no. of consignment order &1 has an invalid format.
046Events of type &1 were reported but not processed.
047Events that caused the error don't exist anymore. Error can be removed.
048Events of various types were reported but not processed.
049Event '&1' in document '&2' was reported but not processed.
050Events were reported but not processed.
051Customs reference number &1 has an invalid format.
100No matching freight unit found for ref. doc. &1; choose "Error Details"
101Items of freight unit found for document &1 do not match document items
102No freight unit found for document &1
103No consignment found for document &1
104No matching consignment found for ref. doc. &1; choose "Error Details"
105No matching freight unit found for outbound delivery &1
106Combination of vendor &1 and ref. doc. &2 not found; choose "Err. Detail"
107Overdelivery tolerance exceeded for ref. doc. &1; choose �Error Details�
108Goods supplier &1 with ref. doc. &2 not found; choose �Error Details�
110&1 block has been removed as all related document errors had been solved
111Document error &1 &2 has been resolved and removed
112Document &1 with errors can't be copied
200No unresolved document errors exist for the document
250Determination of distance and duration failed | choose "Error Details"
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