/SCMTMS/TRIG - BO Trigger: Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/TRIG: BO Trigger: Messages.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/BO_TRIGGER in software component TM-CF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Trigger for asynchronous business object updates".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Trigger &1 does not exist in table /SCMTMS/I_TRIG
002Trigger &1 set for later processing
003Trigger &3 with ID &1 cannot be processed due to changed structure &2
004Trigger &1 for document &2 had errors in processing, trigger marked
010Error in bgRFC processing; for more information, see application log &1
011Creation of new bgRFC unit failed
012bgRFC destination &1 missing; check Application Operations Guide
013Trigger &1 removed for BO &2, node &3, instance &4; target does not exist
014Error in background RFC processing: &1, see application log &2
015Background RFC processing error: Maximum number of retries reached
016bgRFC processing error: Maximum number of cascading calls reached
017bgRFC processing error: Trigger &1 with ID &2 cannot be processed
018Probable cause of error: Changed action parameter structure &1
019Trigger &1 : Maintain either the action name or the implementation class
020Class based trigger &1 must implement the interface &2
100Action &1 is not valid for business object &2 and node &3
101Node &1 is not valid for business object &2
102Business object &1 is not valid
111No unprocessed triggers exist
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