/SCMTMS/TS_PROF - Profile Maintenance and Scheduling Constraint customizing

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMTMS/TS_PROF: Profile Maintenance and Scheduling Constraint customizing.
It is part of development package /SCMTMS/PLN_PROF_BO_CMN in software component TM-PLN-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Profile BO - Common Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
0000->99 Generic messages for all profiles
001Incomplete definition of ranges; in the tab &1 the element &2 is initial
002BO &1 is used in another BO; for details see following messages
003Used in BO &1, root node ID &2, node &3
004Method /SCMTMS/CL_PROFILE_ACCESS=>WHERE_USED_CHECK is called incorrectly
005Object &1 cannot be deleted; it is used in other business objects
006You are only allowed to define decreasing capacities once for your system
007An entry for MTR &1 overlaps with interval &2 to &3 (&4)
008Means of transport &1 does not exist
009Load unit missing for MTR
010Start of range ( &1 ) greater than end of range ( &2 )
011Only one entry for fixed value is allowed
012No percentage value is allowed for single value type
013More than one dimension maintained for MTr &1
014Entry for MTr &1, UoM &2, stop range start &3 already exists
015Enter a duration of the planning horizon that is greater than 0
016Incompatibility setting entered does not exist
017Incompatiblity area &1 of incompatibililty setting &2 is not allowed
018Only Customizing requests are allowed; nothing is transported
019Profile(s) assigned to transport request &1
020Enter transport request
021Changes to the profile (Customizing) are not permitted
022Enter profile ID
023Enter &1 ID
024Could not record changes to the profile
025Choose a transport request
026Define a condition for business document type determination
027&1 is inconsistent (&1 might have been deleted or was not transported)
028System settings do not allow you to delete profile
029System settings require you to record changes to a transport request
030System settings do not allow you to transport profile
031Transport request does not exist
032Planning horizon is invalid; check start and end date
033Transport is not supported
046You are not authorized to create load planning settings &1
047You are not authorized to use load planning settings &1
048You are not authorized to edit load planning settings &1
049You are not authorized to delete load planning settings &1
050You are not authorized to create capacity selection settings &1
051You are not authorized to use capacity selection settings &1
052You are not authorized to edit capacity selection settings &1
053You are not authorized to delete capacity selection settings &1
054You are not authorized to create decreasing capacities &1
055You are not authorized to use decreasing capacities &1
056You are not authorized to edit decreasing capacities &1
057You are not authorized to delete decreasing capacities &1
058You are not authorized to create costs function settings &1
059You are not authorized to use costs function settings &1
060You are not authorized to edit costs function settings &1
061You are not authorized to delete costs function settings &1
062You are not authorized to create planning cost settings &1
063You are not authorized to use planning cost settings &1
064You are not authorized to edit planning cost settings &1
065You are not authorized to delete planning cost settings &1
066You are not authorized to create optimizer settings &1
067You are not authorized to use optimizer settings &1
068You are not authorized to edit optimizer settings &1
069You are not authorized to delete optimizer settings &1
070You are not authorized to create planning profile &1
071You are not authorized to use planning profile &1
072You are not authorized to edit planning profile &1
073You are not authorized to delete planning profile &1
074You are not authorized to create selection profile &1
075You are not authorized to use selection profile &1
076You are not authorized to edit selection profile &1
077You are not authorized to delete selection profile &1
078You are not authorized to create time-related selection attributes &1
079You are not authorized to use time-related selection attributes &1
080You are not authorized to edit time-related selection attributes &1
081You are not authorized to delete time-related selection attributes &1
082You are not authorized to create additional selection attributes &1
083You are not authorized to use additional selection attributes &1
084You are not authorized to edit additional selection attributes &1
085You are not authorized to delete additional selection attributes &1
086You are not authorized to create geographical selection attributes &1
087You are not authorized to use geographical selection attributes &1
088You are not authorized to edit geographical selection attributes &1
089You are not authorized to delete geographical selection attributes &1
090You are not authorized to create carrier selection settings &1
091You are not authorized to use carrier selection settings &1
092You are not authorized to edit carrier selection settings &1
093You are not authorized to delete carrier selection settings &1
094You are not authorized to use selection profile &1
095You are not authorized to transport these objects
096You are not authorized to create manual planning settings &1
097You are not authorized to use manual planning settings &1
098You are not authorized to edit manual planning settings &1
099You are not authorized to delete manual planning settings &1
100100->199 Requirements Profile Messages
101Define a value for the "Name of BO" field
102Business object &1 does not exist or is not supported here
103Define a value for the "Attribute Name" field
104Attribute &1 is not available for query for BO &2
105No value found that matches the ranges entered for attribute &1
106No value check available for attribute &1
107&1 is not a valid attribute
108&1 is not a valid business object name
109Attribute &1: Lower limit is greater than upper limit
110Value &1 does not exist for the query attribute &2
111Check completed successfully
112Condition type &1 is not valid; choose condition with type &2
113You are not authorized to create scheduling settings &1
114You are not authorized to use scheduling settings &1
115You are not authorized to edit scheduling settings &1
116You are not authorized to delete scheduling settings &1
117You are not authorized to create capacity availability settings &1
118You are not authorized to use capacity availability settings &1
119You are not authorized to edit capacity availability settings &1
120You are not authorized to delete capacity availability settings &1
200200->300 Planning Profile Messages
201&1 field value of attribute &2 does not have the correct data format
202&1 is not a valid value for attribute &2
203Document type &1 &2 is not a freight order type
204Document type &1 &2 is not a transportation unit type
205Document type &1 &2 is not a freight booking type
206Document type &1 &2 is not a schedule type
207Error while calculating the planning horizon times
208Document type &1 &2 is not valid for transportation mode "Road"
209Document type &1 &2 is not valid for transportation mode "Rail"
210Document type &1 &2 is not valid for transportation mode "Air"
211Document type &1 &2 is not valid for transportation mode "Sea"
212Document type &1 &2 is not a container unit type
213Document type &1 &2 is not a trailer unit type
214Document type &1 &2 is not a railcar unit type
215Define a condition for loading/unloading duration
216Package unit type &1 &2 can't be used to create package units
217Unit of measure &1 is not valid; choose UoM without dimension
218Define a value for the "Quantity for Utilization Threshold" field
219Document type &1 &2 is not a freight unit type
220Document type &1 &2 is not a consignment order type
221PU type &1 &2 can't be used to create PUs w. single dest loc based on UPB
222PU type &1 &2 can't be used as default PU type to create PUs based on UPB
223Creation rule for package units must be �Create One PU per Package Item"
224Document type &1 &2 is not a package unit type
225Document type &1 doesn't exist
300---> 300-> 350 Messages for BO "Transit Rule"
301Enter a duration if you want to use a time stream
302Additional dep. for UTC date &1, time &2 identical with time stream dep.
303Error while calc. arrival for dep.(UTC date &1 &2, time strm &3, dur. &4)
304Depart. from time strm does not exist for exclded date &1, time &2 (UTC)
305Transit rule &1 &2 has departures in the past; the system ignores them
399----Planning Cost Messages
400Entry already exists
401Unit of measure for &1 (means of transport &2) must not be initial
402Quantity must not be initial for quantity cost (means of transport &1)
403Error during internal distance conversion
404Error during internal duration conversion
405Load must be unique for the load costs function
406Segment ID must be unique for load costs function
407Segment ID must not be initial
408At least one segment per load costs function must exist
409Unit of measure must not be initial if cost function is defined
410Enter means of transport, resource, equipment group, or equipment type
411Enter a valid vehicle resource or container resource
412Enter a valid vehicle resource with means of transport &1
413Container resources do not have a means of transport; clear the MTr
414Enter a maximum distance higher than 0 or * for an unlimited distance
415Enter a maximum duration higher than 0 or * for an unlimited duration
416Enter a valid vehicle type or container type
417Enter a valid equipment type with means of transport &1
418Enter a valid vehicle resource with equipment type &1
419Container type doesn't have a means of transport; clear the MTr
420Equipment types with restricted use in planning aren't allowed.
421Enter a valid equipment group &1 and equipment type &2
422Enter a valid resource with equipment group &1
423Enter a valid equipment group &1
499<********** Optimizer Settings Messages
500Value for automatic runtime must be between 0 and 100
501You must not define a negative value for maximum time without improvement
502Optimizer runtime must be longer than 0 seconds
600<*****Where-Used-Check Messages*****>
602Planning profile &1 is the default profile and can't be deleted
603Capacity selection settings &1 still used by profile and layout set &2
604Capacity sel. settings &1 still used
605Planning profile &1 still used by profile and layout set &2
606Planning profile &1 still used by forwarding order/quot. type &2
607Planning profile &1 still used
608Selection profile &1 still used by profile and layout set &2
609Selection profile &1 still used
610Carrier selection settings &1 still used by profile and layout set &2
611Carrier sel. settings &1 still used
612Carrier sel. settings &1 still used by freight order type &2
613Carrier sel. settings &1 still used by freight unit type &2
699********** Messages from scheduling constraint customizing
700You cannot enter a reference start time for constraint type 'Rolling'
701Enter a reference start time for constraint type 'Fix'
702Incorrect entry; constraint length &1 &2 is less than max. duration &3 &4
703Enter a valid constraint type
704Constraint length and max. duration must be > 0; enter valid time units
705Enter a valid constraint ID
706Assignment of constraint set to means of transport must be unique
707&1 is not valid
708There is no location with this name; enter a valid name
799********** Messages from scheduling profile customizing
800Enter loc. name, MTr, vehicle group or type, or FU attribute.
801Entries matching the search criteria are highlighted
802Use one filter set only; Cap. doc. and stops or loc., res. and qty fltrs
803Enter capacity document ID and location for simulation
804Duration cannot be negative
805Location name &1 and location attribute value &2 do not match
806Location &1 in pattern &2 and location attribute value &3 do not match
849****** Mesages for Capacity Availability Settings ******
850The "Apply to Equipment Type or Resource" field can't be empty.
851If you specify a resource ID, the entry must apply to resources.
852Resource &1 has equipment group &2.
853Resource &1 has equipment type &2.
854Vehicle type &1 has means of transport &2.
855Equip. type &1 is restricted for use in plng. Entry must apply to res.
856Resource &1 does not have an equipment group.
857Resource &1 does not have an equipment type.
858Vehicle group &1 does not have vehicle type &2.
859Equipment group &1 is not a vehicle group.
860Equipment type &1 is not a vehicle type.
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