/SCMUI/UIAPOMD - APO Master Data for UI

The following messages are stored in message class /SCMUI/UIAPOMD: APO Master Data for UI.
It is part of development package /SCMUI/UIAPOMD in software component SCM-ICH-MD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Web User Interface for APO Master Data".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Your changes have been saved
001No partner products found for your selection
002Select a row
003Assign a profile number (key field)
004Maintain the text in at least one language
005Enter a language key
006No language key maintained for the text
007Assign a partner number (key field)
008Assign a product number (key field)
009Profile key &1 already assigned in the display
010Profile key &1 already assigned on the database
011Partner and product number combination &1/&2 already used
012You have to enter both a language and a description
013Assign a partner product number (key field)
014Enter a description for partner product &1
015Description in logon language &1 is only possible in the main table
016Some partner products are currently being locked by user &1
017Maintain the profile text for &1 in the logon language
018You do not have authorization for some of the partner products
019Assign a location ID (key field)
020Assign a partner location ID (key field)
021Enter a description for partner location &1
022Partner and location number combination &1/&2 is already used
023No partner locations found for your selection
024User &1 is currently locking some of the partner locations
025You do not have authorization for some of the partner locations
026First select a partner product
027Partner &1 does not exist
028Product &1 does not exist
029Location &1 does not exist
030You do not have authorization for partner product &1/&2
031You do not have authorization for partner location &1/&2
032Choose a rule type
033No profiles were found for your selection
034The rule definition syntax is incorrect
035Parameter &1 does not exist
036&1 &2 &3 &4
037Unit &1 is invalid
038Language key &1 is invalid
039First select a partner location
040Choose button to create new rules
041Profile key &1 must be no longer than 10 characters
042To create a rule, first select the associated profile
043To create a text, first select the associated profile
044Purchasing group &1 not assigned to business partner &2
045Entry for Field &1 &2 in UI Table /SCMUI/GUIDCONV missing / incorrect
046All table columns included
047SELECT could not be performed on database (incorrect WHERE condition)
048Selection parameter &1 is not intended here
049Handling unit type &1 unknown
050Unit of measure &1 is invalid
051Unit of measure &1 for determining GTIN is invalid
052Specify a partner prod. no. and/or unit of measure for GTIN determination
053Means of transport &1 is unknown
054Select one line only
055Required SELECTION could not be made
056Select a line
057No results for specified selection
058GUID assignment with function 'GUID_CREATE' not successful
059Database read with SELECT not successful (program error?)
060Selection too large. Please reduce selection
061CONTEXT, OBJ_TYPE or ASPECTTYPE unknown (program error)
062No relationship found to partner &1
063No relationship found to location &1
064Select at least one line
065Service unknown according to domain /SCF/QPSERVICE4VALIDATION
066QP_VALIDATE: Some of the entries could not be processed
067OBJ_GUID missing in INPUT parameter of a FRONT-END object entry
068Program error: Transferred GUID &1 already belongs to another object
069Of the &1 entries transferred, &2 can be processed
070Front-end object not known
071No changes identified, no processing
072First make selection and choose Search button
073Program error: T_DB_DATA created, T_ADD_DATA is not
074Program error: Transferred GUID &1 not known
075Transferred GUID &1 already locked by QP model
076Program error: Buffers (DATA and GUID) are inconsistent
077One or more DB records from &1 are locked by another user
078Locks could not be removed from all database entries
079No objects are locked; therefore, removing locks not possible
080Not possible to lock or remove lock for an entry of parallel database &1
081Lock cannot be removed for DB entry
082DB key already assigned
083New record could not be included in buffer (write error)
084QP_DELETE: &1 database entries flagged for deletion
085QP_DELETE: Database entries not flagged for deletion
086&1 database entries flagged for modification
087&1 database entries not flagged for modification
088&1 newly-created entries have been flagged in DB for adoption
089None of the newly-created entries have been flagged in DB for adoption
090Data buffer is empty, no processing
091QP_SAVE: T_ADD_DATA entry not found (program error?)
097Lock/remove lock function module not found for DB &1
098Program error: WHERE condition not correctly created in SEARCH_DB_KEYS
099Of &2 entries, &1 could be written to the database
100The changes have been saved
101Program error: Class not initialized correctly
102Changes with no errors were permanently saved
103Object types not same for KEY + DATA in /SCF/FROBJDEF
104Customizing: SCRID=&1 not intended
105The QP class can currently only process aspect types KEY and DATA
106&1 program error
107&1 &2 not found
108INSERT error: Key &1 already exists on database
109Selection results may not be correct
110No hits for your selection
111GUID field &1 could not be converted
112Table not changed
113Parallel maintenance for table &1 complete
114Parallel maintenance for table &1 did not take place
115Required further processing not carried out because method &1 is missing
116Check Customizing Settings
118You have no authorization for &2 for table &1
121Program errors in CREATE_GUID method
123Necessary authorization check not made because method &1 is missing
124Authorization check not yet made for editing this table
125You are not authorized to change records
126You do not have the necessary authorization for &1 &2
127You are not authorized to delete &1 &2 &3
128Partner &1 is invalid
129Location &1 is invalid
130Product &1 is invalid
131EDI stock in transit determination &2 is invalid for location &1
132Calculation type &2 is invalid for location &1
133The end of the week &2 is invalid for location &1
135Smallest value is larger than largest value
136Operator for smallest value is missing
137Operator for largest value is missing
140You are not authorized to create this entry
599Invalid HU type &1
600No customer may be specified for interval type 'SO'
601Upsizing costs must be greater than or equal to 0
602Costs for exceeding maximum coverage must be greater than or equal to 0
603Downsizing costs must be greater than or equal to 0
604Business partner &1 does not exist
605Location &1 does not exist
606Purchasing group &1 does not exist for business partner &2
607Handling unit type missing
608Language not specified
609Unknown language: &1
610Packing material not specified
611Unknown packing material: &1
612Description not yet made for handling unit type
613Promotion &1 does not exist
614Activation was not possible
615Location not specified
616Product not specified
617Product &1 does not exist
618Ship-from location not specified
619Customer location not specified
620Transportation lane model not specified
621Specified transportation lane model &1 does not exist
622Means of transport not specified
623Specified means of transport &1 does not exist
624Start date of validity period not specified
625End date of validity period not specified
626Input format of date '&1' not supported
627Customer not specified
628Supplier not specified
629Ship-to party not specified
630Purchasing group not specified
631Handling unit (HU) type not specified
632Means of transport not specified
633Stacking factor not specified
634Rounding unit not specified
635Rounding unit description not specified
636Priority not specified
637Unit of measure for shipping not specified
638Partner not specified
639Partner &1 does not exist
640Partner product category not specified
641Description not yet made for partner product category
642Weekday not specified
643Number of appointments not specified
644Weekday entered is not between 1 and 7
645Key &1 &2 &3 &4 already exists
646Description for sales group not specified
647Sales group not specified
648Cost profile not specified
649Airline carrier not specified
650Code for single flight connection not specified
651Flight date not specified
652No change identified in entry &1 &2 &3 &4
653Records can only be reviewed or activated in change mode
654Errors in specification: 'Multiplier for Rounding up Promotion Qties' &1
655Errors in specification:'Multiplier for Rounding Down Promotion Qties' &1
656'Display indicator' field can only contain X or SPACE
657Cost profile &1 unknown
658Transportation guideline set &1 unknown
659'Sizing decision' field can only contain T or SPACE
660Record(s) activated successfully; error table can be reread
661Record already edited successfully
662Time stamp could not be converted into a date
663Status value not specified
664Status name &1 not supported
665Value &1 not supported for status &2
666Location product &1 &2 unknown
667Status name not specified
668Validity date not specified
669Interval incorrectly specified or one purchase order number incorrect
670The interval must be a numeric entry
671'Interval to' must not be smaller than 'Interval from'
672Append/Replace option for number range interval attribute not specified
673The Append/Replace option you specified is not "A" or "R"
674The usage you entered for number range interval is not X
675Interval type not specified
676Interval type &1 not permitted
677HU type &1 not known
678Rounding group not specified
679Number of rounding units not specified
680Number of rounding units specified is invalid
681Specified rounding unit &1 is unknown
682Invalid character in a single order number
683No number range attributes found for key &1 &2 &3 &4
684Input value must not be negative
685You cannot change entry with key &1 &2 &3 &4
686You cannot delete entry with key &1 &2 &3 &4
687Business partner not specified
688No valid Customizing entry found for key &1 &2 &3 &4
689You should only enter an X in the Usage field
690You should only enter an X in the Flag Purch. Group field
691You should only enter an X in the Flag Promotion field
692You can only enter an "X" in the "customer location" field
693You should only enter an X in the Flag ShipFromLoc field
694Rounding group &1 specified is unknown
695"Current Number" &1 not between &2 and &3
696"Current Number" &1 must be greater than previously assigned order no.&2
697"Date" and "Time" columns are not considered here
698"Ship-from location" entry is not possible for interval type "PO"
699Activation error: Read error table again
701A customer location is missing
702A time-independent capacity is already maintained for &1 &2
703A time-dependent capacity is already maintained for &1 &2
704A capacit is already maintained for &1 &2
705Please enter the time in __:__ format
706The location is not open on this day of the week
707The location is not open on this day of the week at this time
708Maximum Length Set to 35
709"CSU" field must only contain "X" or be blank
710Time zone is not maintained for location &1
711'Location name at partner' field is empty
712Entry in "Schedule Line" field not defined (Only "X" possible)
713'No overwrite' flag set for &1 interval(s)
714Maximum length is too short for entered prefix and suffix
715'Alternative number ranges' flag cleared for &1 interval(s)
716Purchasing group "&1" not saved as not relevant for interval type "&2"
721Selection result too large. Not all data displayed.
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