/SCTM/OCB_EDI - Messages for Ocean Booking

The following messages are stored in message class /SCTM/OCB_EDI: Messages for Ocean Booking.
It is part of development package /SCTM/EDI_BOOKING in software component SCM-EWM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "EDI for Ocean Carrier Booking Processes".
Message Nr
Message Text
000** Messages for File Conversion and File Transfer **
001Start of file conversion and file transfer
002End of file conversion and file transfer
003Conversion of file &1&2
004File &1&2 cannot be opened
005Source category &1 does not exist in table /SCTM/TSOURCCAT
006Row &1 (structure index) of source category &2 does not exist in file
007Invalid source structure &1 of source category &2
008Field &1 of source category &2 does not exist in source structure &3
009No active entry for source cat. &1, mess. type &2 in table /SCTM/TMAPCL
010Invalid mapping class &1 of mapping &2
011Error while trying to write file &1&2
012Error while trying to delete file &1&2
013Error while trying to open directory &1&2
014Put files to server &1 (FTP name &2)
015Get files from server &1 (FTP name &2)
016No IDoc-type for message type &1 available for mapping &2
100** Messages for Inbound and Outbound Messages **
101Shipments in freight document &1 must belong to OCB or regular TM
102Shipment &1 was not posted (document category &2, business system &3)
103Shipment &1 was posted
104No documents were posted
105Core error in inbound processing
106Document &3 &1 (&4) is locked by user &2
107Start inbound processing of status message for booking order &1
108Document &1 not found
109Business object error
110Shipment &1 was not posted (document category &2, business system &3)
111Book. order &1: Contrl msg obsolete; status 'Book. Ord. Released' missing
112Book. order &1: Contrl msg obsolete; status 'ShippInstr Released' missing
113Negative control message was received for booking order &1
114Positive control message was received for booking order &1
115Negative control message for shipping instruction for booking order &1
116Positive control message for shipping instruction for booking order &1
117Start inbound processing of control message for booking order &1
118Start inbound processing of booking order confirm. for booking order &1
119Start inbound processing of acknowledgement message for booking order &1
120Change of voyage within confirmation of booking order &1
121Change of vessel within confirmation of booking order &1
122Departure date of booking order &1 was changed from &2 to &3
123Arrival date of booking order &1 was changed from &2 to &3
124Book. ord. &1: Confirm msg obsolete; status 'Book. Ord. Released' missing
125Positive confirmation message was received for booking order &1
126Confirmation msg. 'conditionally accepted' was received for book. ord. &1
127Negative confirmation message was received for booking order &1
128Book. ord. &1: Acknowl. msg obsol.; status 'ShippInstr. Released' missing
129Positive acknowledge. msg. for shipping instruction for booking order &1
130Negative acknowledge. msg. for shipping instruction for booking order &1
131Booking order &1:Missing customizing for transportation planning point &2
132Booking order &1: Entries for TPP &2 are missing in Customizing
133IDoc for booking order &1 to partner &2 was transferred successfully
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