/SCTM/RG - SCTM: Routing Guide

The following messages are stored in message class /SCTM/RG: SCTM: Routing Guide.
It is part of development package /SCTM/RG_ENGINE in software component SCM-BAS-RG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Static Routing Guide (Engine)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
005>>> Routing Guide Call
006>>> Initial checks
007>>> Start controller
008>>> Start routing guide
009Method: Static Route Determination
010>>> Edit &2 request(s) with strategy &1
011>>> Controller: initialize data
012Method: scheduling
013Method: dangerous goods filter
014Method: evaluation of results
015Method: read cost information
016>>> Routing guide request ended
017No scheduling was performed
018Request &1: You must specify a reference time for scheduling
019No profiles have been created that mark products as being dangerous
020Dangerous goods check is incomplete
021Preselection of transportation lanes is incomplete
022Means of transport &1 is contained twice in hierarchy (cycle)
023&1: refers to non-existent means of transport &2
024Request &1: restriction &1 is ignored
025Request &1: means of transport &2 in restriction does not exist
026Request &1: route &2 in restriction does not exist
027Routing guide: undefined program error
028Routing guide: internal program error
029Routing guide: master or maintenance data is inconsistent
030Routing guide: request data is inconsistent
031Request &1: no information available for start location
032Request &1: no information available for destination location
033Request &1 was deleted from worklist
034Cust. 'Gen. Settings for Route Determination' does not have st. strategy
035Strategy &1: not available; use standard strategy
036Strategy &1: error during execution
037Method &1: error during execution
038Request &1: carrier &2 in restriction does not exist
039No strategy was found
040Request &1: invalid location information
041Request &1 exists twice
042Request &1: no scheduling direction exists
043Request &1: start and/or end time are not taken into account
044Request &1: no start time exists for scheduling direction
045Request &1: no end time exists for scheduling direction
046Cust. 'Gen. Settings for Route Determination' does not have st. cost prf.
047&1: incorrect BAdI call
048Strategy &1 being terminated; no result for any of the requests
049Request &1: time of request generation set to current date/time
050Request &1: no results could be determined
051Request &1: only positive list used for routes
052Request &1: route &2 is not in positive list
053Request &1: route &2 is in negative list
054Request &1: due date does not lie in validity period of route &2
055Request &1: route &2 was already marked for deletion
056Request &1: route &2 does not fulfill a shipping condition
057Request &1: route &2 not designed for the total weight &3 &4
058Request &1: location with GUID &2 does not exist
059Cust. 'General Settings for Route Determination' does not have GTS system
060Checks for means of transport &1 are not possible
061Request &1: Product &2 is too heavy for means of transport &3
062Request &1: Product &2 is too large for means of transport &3
063Request &1: Product &2 is too long for means of transport &3
064Request &1: Product &2 is too wide for means of transport &3
065Request &1: Product &2 is too high for means of transport &3
066Request &1: &2 &3 &4
067Request &1: Transp. group for product &2 is not available for carrier &3
068Request &1: Inconsistent trip for route &2 was deleted
069Time stream &1: Periods cannot be generated
070Request &1: route &2 is not designed for all products (dang. goods group)
071No route could be found with the specifications &1 &2 &3 &4
072Request &1: route &2 does not fulfill request type
073Request &1: route &2 not designed for total volume &3 &4
074Request &1: route &2 not designed for product height &3 &4
075Object &1 in inconsistent state
076Zone with GUID &1 does not exist
077Request &1: location &2 in restriction does not exist
078Request &1: route &2 not designed for product length &3 &4
079Request &1: route &2 not designed for product width &3 &4
080Request &1: route &2 not designed for individual weight &3 &4
081Request &1: route &2 not designed for individual volume &3 &4
082Request &1: route &2 does not comply with the transp. group for a product
083Request &1: invalid shipping condition &2 is ignored
084Not possible to check shipping conditions
085Request &1: prod. freight group of prod. &2 not available with carrier &3
086Define general settings for route determination in Customizing
087Customizing: no MD distribution without general settings for Route Det.
100Table &1: no data selected
101Table &1: error updating
102Faulty access to location
103Faulty access to means of transportation
105Faulty access to carrier assignments to routes
106Faulty access to carrier profile for routing guide
107Faulty access to strategy/method assignment
108Faulty access to method assignment &1
109Faulty access to method parameter
110Faulty access to zone definition
111Program &1: interface parameter &2 is initial
112Program &1: incorrect combination of interface parameters
113Table &1: open SQL error
114Table &1: undefined access error
115Header table &1: too few or too many entries
116Table &1: object &2 saved with the wrong key
117Program &1: object &2 is used as the instance of another class
118Program &1: interface parameter &2 has incorrect value
119Program &1: return parameter of call has incorrect value
120Zone &1: type &2 is not defined
121Location &1: no address
122Location &1: type &2 is not defined
123Program &1: return table of call contains incorrect information
124Table &1: no object is saved for the valid key
125Route &1: no valid shipping condition
126Route &1: no valid transportation group
127Table &1: object &2 is already saved under another key
128Table &1: access using incorrect index
129Route &1: solution with time interval with incorrect order
130Route &1: solution value has not been defined yet
131Route &1: solution without means of transport
132Route &1: solution without carrier
133Program &1: unexpected exception
134Error when saving supply chain unit &1
135Error when updating
136Stage (loc. &1, loc. &2) of a trip: Distance is not defined
137Stage (loc. &1, loc. &2) of a trip: Duration is not defined
138Leg &1: solution without assignment
139No results are available with complete cost information
140Table &1: an object has already been saved for this key
141Program &1: calculation error (overflow...)
142Route &1: solution without a unique means of transport
143Route &1: solution without a unique carrier
144Parameter &1: no values available
145Geographical object &1: Type &2 is not defined
146Route &1: network in environment is inconsistent
147Stage (loc. &1, loc. &2) of a trip: Start time is not defined
148Stage (loc. &1, loc. &2) of a trip: End time is not defined
149Means of transport &1: No average speed is maintained within hierarchy
150***BAPI Messages***
151Location/zone &1 does not exist
152GUID missing: route &1 cannot be created or changed
153Route &1: hierarchy in environment is inconsistent
154Location &1 does not exist completely (maybe only not as SCU)
155Location can not be geocoded with address &1 &2 &3 &4
200Geographical object &1: &2 assignment(s)
201Geographical object &1: assignment &2/&3
250***Adapter Messages***
251Transportation Zone hierarchy could not be read
252Transportation Lanes could not be read
253Means of Transport could not be read
254Schedules could not be read
255Stopps could not be read
256Assigned Locations could not be read
257Assigned Transportation Zones could not be read
260Logical System could not be determined
261Business System Group could not be determined
262Zones could not be saved: internal error
300++++ Master Data Maintenance ++++
301Make an entry in field '&1'
302&1 '&2' does not exist
303Carrier profile for routing guide &1 exists already
304Carrier profile has not yet been created for carrier &1
305Data saved successfully
306Entry already exists
307&1 is not of the type "location"
308Business part. role "freight forwarder" is missing for bus. part. '&1'
309Freight code set '&1' does not exist
310Specify a value in field &1 or country/postal code/region
320No Route selected
321No Routes available for display
325Route &1 is already being created by user &2
326Leg &1 is already being created by user &2
400***Static Route Determination****
401Request &1: no valid route was found for locations &2 and &3
402Request &1: route determination is not possible without a shipment type
403Leg &1: Solution has fewer than two locations
404Request &1, route &2, leg &3: No means of transport/carrier was found
405Request &1: route &2 is unidirectional and cannot be used
406Request &1: no valid trip is possible from location &2 to location &3
407Request &1: no (requested) route meets all restrictions
408Request &1: route determination is not possible without request type
409Request &1, route &2, leg &3: No valid stops found
451*******EHS Filter Methods*******
452Request &1: no dangerous goods check without products
453Request &1: trip of route &2 failed dangerous goods check
454Request &1: messages for dangerous goods check for route &2
500New entries are not permitted
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