The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/CON: .
It is part of development package /SCWM/CONCEPTING in software component SCM-EWM-MD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Slotting Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
002No entry found for given parameters in table /SCWM/TAPOSYS
003No entry found for given parameters in table /SCWM/TDBINTYP
004No entry found for given parameters in table /SCWM/TDIMIND
005No entry found for given parameters in table T006
006No entry found for given parameters in table T006D
007No entry found for given parameters in table /SCWM/TCPCHK_R
008No entry found for given parameters in table /SCWM/T303
009No bin type maintained for storage type &1 in bin type list
010No entry found for given parameters in table /SCWM/TCTCOND
011No entry found for parameters in table /SCWM/TDEMIND
012No entry found for specified parameters in table /SCWM/TDEMFAC
020Party entitled to dispose is missing
021Party entitled to dispose is not defined
022Owner is not defined
023Owner must be specified
050*** Slotting error messages that do not appear in the log
051Error during selection. No product found
052Some of the products selected have already been slotted
053No product has been selected
054Party entitled to dispose &1 is not permitted for warehouse number &2
055Select a line first
056Could not find a log for the condition technique
057Enter a storage type
058No log exists. Product &1 has not yet been slotted
059Select just one line
060Select a row
061No number range interval defined for slotting run ID (whse number: &1)
062Numer range interval &1 does not exist for number range object &2
063Could not determine a slotting run ID (number range interval &1)
064Slotting of more than &1 products only allowed in background processing
065Number of stock items: &1
100*** Information: slotting log
101No condition record found
102Product &1 - person entitled to dispose &2 - warehouse number &3
103Error when reading condition record &1
104Error calling condition technique. No condition record found
105Determine putaway/stock removal control indicator
106Determine maxmimum storage type quantity
107Determine storage bin type
108Determine storage section indicator
109Error: Could not save log into the database
110Slotting run completed
111&1 product was successfully slotted
112Errors occurred during slotting for &1 product
113Closing information
114Storage type &1
115Successfully determined storage section indicator &1
116Successfully determined storage bin type &1
117Successfully determined putaway control indicator &1
118Could not determine putaway control indicator
119Could not determine storage section indicator
120Could not determine bin type
121Weight indicator &1 determined successfully
122Could not determined weight indicator
123Volume indicator &1 determined successfully
124Could not determine volume indicator
125Length indicator &1 determined successfully
126Could not determine length indicator
127Width indicator &1 determined successfully
128Could not determine width indicator
129Height indicator &1 determined successfully
130Could not determine height indicator
131Could not read requirement data
132Could not read target stock
133Target stock &1 &2 read successfully
134Could not read requirement data
135Requirement data (&1 &2) read successfully &3
136Successfully determined stock removal control indicator &1
137Could not determine stock removal control indicator
138Could not determine maximum storage type quantity
139Maximum storage type quantity &1 &2 was determined successfully
140Error writing fixed bin &1 in /SCWM/BIN_MAT
141No packing information found for product &1
142Analysis for condition technique
143Fixed bin &1 is assigned to product &2 in storage type &3 upon saving
144Bin type &1 is invalid according to bin type determination rule &2(&3)
145Storage type &1 (storage type group &2)
146Product &1 is already assigned to one or more fixed storage bins (&2)
147Maximum storage type quantity: no rounding possible. Pack. spec. missing
148No &1 maintained in product master
149No requirement type specified in the warehouse number or product master
150No unit of measure data found for product &1, base UoM &2
151No pack. specification data. Will use product data for base UoM
152Storage bin determination using storage bin type determination rules
153Storage bin determination using condition technique
154Error during conversion of units of measure (UoM 1: &1, UoM 2: &2)
155Error reading product master using MDL (product: &1)
156Error reading product master using MDL
157Determine fixed bins
158Fixed bin not determined (storage type: &1, storage type group: &2)
159No fixed bins allowed in storage type &1
160Maximum number of fixed bins for product &1 is 0 (storage type: &2)
161Fixed bin determination not active during slotting (storage type: &1)
162Storage bin type determination using BAdI (before standard)
163No fixed bins exist (prod.:&1, stor. type:&2, stor.sec.:&3, st.bintpe:&4)
164Could not determine any fixed storage bins
165Internal error occurred
166Stor. bin type &1 checked successfully with st. bin type det. rule &2(&3)
167Storage bin type &1 was accepted without checks
168Storage bin types were sorted by: &1 - &2 - &3
169Remaining volume after nesting: &1 %
170Determine dimension indicators
171Determine requirement indicator
172Requirement indicator &1 determined successfully
173Could not determine requirement indicator
174Order item indicator &1 determined successfully
175Could not determine order item indicator
176Indicator for recommended storage quantity &1 determined successfully
177Could not determine indicator for recommended storage quantity
178Storage bin type determination using BAdI (according to standard)
179Slotting not permitted, according to slotting status
180Slotting status was changed
181Slotting status was changed
182Determine weight indicator - step not active
183Determine volume indicator - step not active
184Determine height indicator - step not active
185Determine width indicator - step not active
186Determine length indicator - step not active
187Read target stock - step not active
188Read requirement quantity - step not active
189Read number of sales order items - step not active
190Could not read number of sales order items
191Number of sales order items read successfully (&1 &2) &3
192Procure requirement data
193Determine putaway control indictor - Step not active
194Determine stock removal control indicator - Step not active
195Determine storage section indicator - step not active
196Determine bin type - step not active
197Could not determine storage types to slot for warehouse
198Determine minimum quantity in storage type
199Determine minimum replenishment quantity
200Could not determine minimum storagte type quantity
201Minimum storage type quantity &1 &2 determined successfully
202Could not determine minimum replenishment quantity
203Minimum replenishment quantity &1 &2 was determined successfully
204Determine maximum storage type quantity - step not active
205Determine minimum storage type quantity - step not active
206Determine minimum replenishment quantity - step not active
207Determine fixed storage bin - step not active
208Determination of maximum storage type qty not active in stor. type &1
209You have not entered a multiplication factor (storage type &1)
210Determine target stock indicator - step not active
211Determine requirement quantity indicator - step not active
212Determine order items indicator - step not active
213Determine putaway control indicator using BAdI
214Determine storage section indicator using BAdI
215Determine minimum replenishment quantity using BAdI
216Determine maximum storage type quantity using BAdI
217Determine minimum storage type quantity using BAdI
218No packaging spec. level allowed according to HU type in storage type &1
219Determine dimension indicators using BAdI
220You require &1 bins of bin type &2 (according to &3)
221No PS level of pack. spec. allowed in storage type &1 (pack.spec.&2)
222Required number of bins not determined (maximum storage type qty unknown)
223Periodicity &1 for planning data not allowed
224Fixed storage bins table is blocked; Cannot determine new fixed bins
225No PS level acc. to HU type allowed in whse no. &1 (pack. spec. &2)
226Packaging specification level &1(&2) is not used: HU type is initial
227Packaging specification level &1(&2) is not used: Quantity is initial
228Pack.spec. level &1(&2) not used: No main packing material, qty is not 1
229Read packaging data
230Packaging specification level &1(&2) allowed in warehouse number
231Determine allowed packaging specification levels in storage type &1
232PS level &1 (&2) not used in storage type &4: HU type &3 not allowed
233Packaging specification &1 found
234PS level &1 (&2) not used: HU type &3 not allowed in whse number &4
235No packaging specification level is marked as smallest pack size
236Packaging spec. level &1 (&2) is used for calculations in storage type &3
237Packaging specification level &1 (&2) allowed in storage type &3
238Determination not possible since max. storage type quantity is not known
239Minimum quantity in stor. type &1 &2 determined anew in Business Add-In
240Maximum quantity in stor. type &1 &2 determined anew in Business Add-In
241Fixed stor. bin was not determined (stor. area ID or bin type is initial)
242No empty storage bins available (stor. type: &1, area: &2, bin type: &3)
243Determine putaway search sequence for storage type group &1
244Storage type &2: Putaway search sequence &1 was determined
245Storage type &1: "Skip During Putaway" will be set
246Bin type &1: No. of req. bins (&2) greater than no. of allowed bins (&3)
247Minimum replenishment quantity &1 &2 was redefined in the Business Add-In
248Storage section ID &1 was redefined in the Business Add-In
249Maximum quantity in storage type unknown; Determ. only partially possible
250Fixed putaway control indicator &1 will not be overwritten
251Fixed stock removal control indicator &1 will not be overwritten
252Fixed weight indicator &1 will not be overwritten
253Fixed volume indicator &1 will not be overwritten
254Fixed length indicator &1 will not be overwritten
255Fixed width indicator &1 will not be overwritten
256Fixed height indicator &1 will not be overwritten
257Fixed storage area indicator &1 will not be overwritten
258Fixed storage bin type &1 will not be overwritten
259Fixed maximum quantity in storage type &1 &2 will not be overwritten
260Fixed minimum quantity in storage type &1 &2 will not be overwritten
261Fixed minimum replenishment quantity &1 &2 will not be overwritten
262Fixed number of bins &1 will not be overwritten
263Fixed stock data (&1 &2) will not be overwritten
264Fixed number of sales order items (&1 &2) will not be overwritten
265Fixed target stock &1 &2 will not be overwritten
266Fixed putaway search sequence &1 for stor.type &2 will not be overwritten
267Fixed skip of storage type &1 will not be overwritten
268No bin found with a smaller slotting index
269Storage type &1 not considered for fixed bin determination
270Determined APO/SPP Demand data using BAdI
271Demand data changed using BAdI
272Requirement type &1 does not exist
280Slotting of &1 products in warehouse number &2
281Slotting: &1 products with status Green
282Slotting: &1 products with status Yellow
283Slotting: &1 products with status Red
284User: &1
285Creation Date: &1
286Creation Time: &1
287No changes made; check the update mode settings
288Check details in log &1
300*** Messages for condition technique in slotting
301Specified putaway ctrl indicator &1 does not exist in warehouse number &2
302"Putaway control indicator" field is initial
303Warehouse number &1 does not exist
304The warehouse number field is empty
305Handling indicator &1 does not exist
306The handling indicator field is empty
307Weight indicator &1 does not exist
308"Weight Indicator" field is initial
309Volume indicator &1 does not exist
310"Volume Indicator" field is initial
311Length indicator &1 does not exist
312"Length Indicator" field is initial
313Width indicator &1 does not exist
314"Width Indicator" field is initial
315Height indicator &1 does not exist
316"Height Indicator" field is initial
317HU type group &1 does not exist in warehouse number &2
318The HU type group field is empty
319Order item indicator &1 does not exist in warehouse number &2
320"Order Item Indicator" field is initial
321Requirement quantity indicator &1 does not exist in warehouse number &2
322"Requirement Quantity Indicator" field is initial
323Target stock indicator &1 does not exist in warehouse number &2
324"Target Stock Indicator" field is initial
325Warehouse storage condition &1 does not exist
326The warehouse storage condition field &1 is empty
327Specified stock rmvl ctrl indicator &1 does not exist in whse number &2
328"Stock removal control indicator" field is initial
329Storage bin type &1 does not exist in warehouse number &2
330The storage bin type field is empty
331Storage section indicator &1 does not exist in warehouse number &2
332The storage section indicator field is empty
333'Application' field is initial
334'Step' field is initial
335No bin type determination rule defined for storage bin type &1
336Target stock &1 &2 determined in BAdI
400*** Messages RFC Modules for APO Access
401No entry found for fiscal year variant &1
402Start of time interval: &1.&2.&3
403End of time interval: &1.&2.&3
404The product(s) has been already activated
405Error deleting storage types
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