/SCWM/HUGENERAL - Handling Units - Packing
The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/HUGENERAL: Handling Units - Packing.
It is part of development package /SCWM/HUBASICS in software component SCM-BAS-PAK-HU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SCM Basis for Handling Units".
It is part of development package /SCWM/HUBASICS in software component SCM-BAS-PAK-HU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SCM Basis for Handling Units".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Impl. for BAdI &1, appl. &2 is missing - critical error |
002 | Inconsistency in HU hierarchy - Contact system administration |
003 | HU main program was not initialized correctly. Technical error |
004 | Quantity to be changed was not serialized completely |
005 | Warehouse number is not unique |
006 | Serial number &1 does not exist in source stock |
007 | Unable to determine a delivery reference |
008 | Exclusive access to HU no longer possible after partial lock |
009 | Stock index locked - Start the posting at a later time |
010 | Unable to determine product |
011 | HU &1 could not be found |
012 | Negative catch weight quantity is not allowed |
017 | Handling unit &1 has the status "goods issue posted", cannot be changed |
018 | Arithmetic surplus(by &1); value does not lie in a valid ABAP value range |
020 | *************** DELETE_HU ******************************* |
022 | HU cannot be deleted because items that cannot be deleted exist |
023 | HU was not found - Input data is incorrect |
026 | Identical item &1 already exists |
027 | HU &1 already contains items - cannot be deleted |
028 | Batch &1 does not exist - choose an existing batch |
031 | Handling unit &1 is inconsistent w/ respect to HU-management charactristc |
032 | WM-managed stocks require the entry of a storage type |
033 | No product specified |
034 | No data specified for allowed packaging materials search |
044 | Handling unit &1 is already packed, meaning that it cannot be packed |
045 | ************* Messages for HU_PACKING_AND_UNPACKING ******************* |
046 | Quantity cannot be rounded off for unit of measure &1 |
047 | Quantity &1 is not allowed in unit of measure &2 |
048 | Item is not HU-relevant. HU should be posted to an HU storage location |
049 | Item and handling unit are not maintained in the same system |
050 | Item cannot be packed in this system |
051 | HU into which you want to pack is missing |
052 | HU into which you want to pack could not be found |
053 | Handling unit &1 has status "cannot be changed" - Process cancelled |
054 | Item category of item to be created/changed is missing - Process canceled |
055 | Quantity specification for HU item change is missing - Process cancelled |
057 | &1 cannot be used as an auxiliary packaging material |
059 | &1 could not be found |
060 | HU &1 to pack/unpack could not be found |
061 | Item to unpack could not be found |
062 | HUs must have identical warehouse numbers. Packing not possible |
064 | Maximum volume (incl. tolerance) for &1 was exceeded by &2 &3 |
065 | Maximum weight (incl. tolerance) for &1 was exceeded by &2 &3 |
066 | Quantity &1 (not packed) is less than requested quantity &2 |
067 | HU item cannot be deleted because of status of serial numbers |
068 | Serial number &1 cannot be deleted from the object list |
069 | HU cannot be assigned because system does not recognize current object |
070 | The number of serial numbers (&1) is greater than HU item quantity &2 &3 |
071 | Process cancelled because allowed weight exceeded |
072 | Process cancelled because allowed volume exceeded |
073 | Weight lies within tolerance for &1 |
074 | HU storage location items cannot be packed into HUs at non-HU stor. locs |
075 | Packing not possible since there is no quantity to be packed |
076 | No addition to existing stock possible with different inspection docs |
077 | Volume lies within tolerance for &1 |
078 | Dimensionless capacity lies within tolerance for &1 |
079 | Source and destination HU must be different |
080 | *********** PACKING_DETRMINATION ********************** |
081 | Packing instructions could not be found |
082 | Error during cancellation of packing instructions |
083 | Packing quantity zero was not processed |
084 | Business add-in refused packing |
085 | Deliveries for this shipment could not be read |
086 | The requested handling unit (&1) was deleted |
087 | Error in status management - process not possible |
088 | HU &1 is already packed in HU &2 |
089 | Handling unit &1 was not locked - action cancelled |
090 | Storage location and post.chge storage location not in the same warehouse |
091 | Storage location specification without plant not allowed |
092 | You can only enter post. change stor. loc after entering currnt stor.loc. |
093 | Plant &1, storage location &2 belong to storage no. &3 (maintd decntrlly) |
094 | Storage location and stock-transfer storage loc. not maintd in same systm |
095 | Partner storage location of stor. loc. &1 is not managed with same system |
096 | HU &4: Tare weight negative (total weight &1 &3 minus load. weight &2 &3) |
097 | HU &4: Tare volume negative (total volume &1 &3 minus load. volume &2 &3) |
098 | HU &1 packed further in shipment. No goods receipt possible |
099 | Requested function cannot be executed - Contact your system administrator |
100 | A serious error occurred during the PACKING_CREATE function |
101 | A serious error occurred in the serial numbers in PACKING_CREATE |
102 | Packing acc. to instructions not possible because of error in instruct. |
103 | Automatic packing not possible - Error in customer function |
104 | Automatic packing contains an error and is therefore not possible |
105 | There is a changed item without a database version |
106 | There are no items to be packed |
107 | In the &1 loop, no packing proposal data could be determined |
108 | You cannot change prepicked handling units that have been put away again |
109 | Difference HUs must not be transfer posted. Only GI allowed |
110 | ************** XVEKP-YVEKP-UPDATE ***************************** |
111 | The table entry to be changed does not exist |
112 | Error (&1) during general object number assignment |
113 | Available capacity &1 not sufficient to pack the item |
114 | Stock cannot be definitely determined. Make a more specific entry |
115 | ************** YVEKP_YVEPO_UPDATE ********************** |
116 | The item to be changed does not exist |
117 | The item to be changed has already been deleted |
118 | The item to be deleted is already deleted |
119 | Handling unit cannot be added, because it already exists |
120 | You cannot change deleted handling units. Contact sytem administrator |
121 | Handling unit to be changed could not be found |
122 | Number range interval 01 does not exist in number range object LE_HU |
123 | Stock change not possible |
124 | *************** VEVW_YVEVW_UPDATE *********************************** |
125 | The history record that is to be changed has already been deleted |
126 | The history record that is to be deleted has already been deleted |
127 | ***************** HU_REPACK_WM ********************************* |
128 | Delivery item &2 in delivery &1 cannot be found |
129 | HU &1 has a different HU-management characteristic than the item |
130 | HU &1 is to be reassigned and contains &2 &4, but only &3 is to be copied |
131 | System must recognize the object so it can be repacked in the delivery |
132 | Quantity to be repacked/reassigned is larger than existing quantity |
133 | The quantity to be repacked/reassigned in HU &1 does not exist |
134 | The HU does not contain any item with object &1 item &2 |
135 | HU &1 is being processed in parallel. No access possible |
136 | The non-assigned volume is not sufficient to repack the entire quantity |
137 | The non-assigned weight is not sufficient to repack the entire quantity |
138 | Repacking instructions &1 to &2 contain no delivery items or TO items |
139 | Picking from HU &1 not possible since it already belongs to delivery |
140 | ******************** FIND_ITEMS ***************************** |
141 | No auxiliary packing materials could be found for HU |
142 | Item for Handling Unit &1 could not be found; case &2 |
143 | No item record belonging to a higher-level HU could be found |
144 | Creating a HU requires a packaging material |
145 | Warehouse number &1 has no storage type &2 |
146 | The handling unit does not contain any items |
147 | Non-assigned volume is not sufficient for repacking the entire item |
148 | Non-assigned weight is not sufficient for repacking the entire item |
149 | Maximum capacity was exceeded by &1 |
150 | ********************** FIND_HEADER ********** |
151 | There is no handling unit for this line |
152 | Handling unit does not exist |
153 | There is no handling unit with identification &1 |
154 | Interim storage bin not found for GR posting |
155 | Handling unit has not been packed into another HU |
156 | Some of the HUs that are to be read could not be found or assigned |
157 | Input parameters are initial. Cannot read any HUs |
158 | HUs can only be packed into HUs with the same physical status |
159 | Planned stocks can only be packed into planned HUs |
160 | ****************** UPDATE_HISTORY ************************ |
161 | History update called up during process that is not allowed |
162 | Stock can only be packed into a HU that physically exists |
163 | HU &1 was possibly changed by other users |
164 | HU &1 is too long |
165 | HU &1 is too wide |
166 | HU &1 is too tall |
167 | Product &1 is too long |
168 | Product &1 is too wide |
169 | Product &1 is too tall |
170 | ************* HU_CONFIRM_PICK_HU ****************** |
171 | Handling unit &1 does not exist |
172 | Handling unit &1 was changed |
173 | Stock already exists |
174 | HU &1 was not changed |
175 | Content of the handling unit cannot be changed |
176 | Serial numbers could not be assigned to the handling unit |
177 | Serial number list could not be read |
178 | Difference between HU quantity &1 and number of serial numbers &2 |
179 | Serial number &1 was not deleted from the HU |
190 | *************** ADD_HUS_TO_OBJECT *********************** |
191 | HUs whose assignment was deleted can no longer be assigned |
200 | One of the HUs to be processed could not be found |
201 | Handling unit item could not be found |
202 | Delivery item could not be found |
203 | Partial quantity to be repacked. You have not entered the source HU |
209 | Global tables can only be set if memory is empty |
210 | ************** CHANGE_ITEM ******************** |
213 | Alternative unit of measure &1 does not exist for product &2 |
214 | Partner storage location is in a different warehouse complex (whse no.) |
220 | ******************* HU_GET_HUMSEG ************************* |
221 | Packing data was not read |
247 | **************** HU_CHANGE_DOCUMENTS ******************************* |
248 | There are no change documents available for this handling unit |
300 | ********** Messages during Goods Movements **********************++++ |
337 | Incorrect AKMNG at quantity conversion. Contact system administrator |
340 | Goods issue has already been posted for handling unit &1 |
400 | Reference buffer for HU appplication is not found |
500 | The stock GUID for HU &1 is initial |