/SCWM/L3 -

The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/L3: .
It is part of development package /SCWM/CORE in software component SCM-EWM-WOP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Core Functions of WME".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Warehouse process type &1 is not allowed (check your entry)
002An internal error is being processed
003Enter batch in the delivery for product & item &
004Storage bin &1 is not assigned to warehouse number &2
005Enter a warehouse process type
006Control data for storage type & is missing
007Data for storage type search is not defined (& & & &)
008System could not determine source storage bin
009Queue &1 has not been defined
010Storage bin &1 is not assigned to storage type &2
011Allowed handling unit types not defined for storage type &
012Handling unit type is not allowed in storage type &
013Error determining the location of the stock
014Could not create subsequent WT for WT &1
015Description of warehouse process type &1 in language &2 is not supported
016Warehouse task &1 created
017Start: Subsequent WT creation for WT &1
018End: Subsequent WT creation for WT &1
019Available quantity in bin is zero
020Unprocessed queues still exist for HU &1; HU WT not possible
021Destination storage bin has no available capacity
022Whse task & does not exist in whse no. & or is already conf. or canceled
023Warehouse task & does not exist (check entry)
024Warehouse task & was already confirmed
025Actual qty plus difference qty do not equal target qty (check entries)
026Difference already posted. Difference only possible to source bin
027You should only confirm differences with the appropriate exception code
028Automatic HU WT creation started for tRFC queue &1
029Automatic product WT creation started for tRFC queue &1
030WT &1 for whse request &2 &3 could not be fulfilled due to qty shortfall
031Could not create subsequent WT. Start tRFC queue &1
032None of the warehouse tasks contains an exception code
033No alerts found for the selected WTs
034Warehouse task &1 is inactive and therefore cannot be confirmed
035Addition to stock of product & in storage type & is not allowed
036Mixed storage is not allowed in storage type &
037Storage type & does not allow negative stock figures
038Putaway in storage section & is not allowed
039Warehouse task &1 was changed
040Maintain the number range interval &1 for warehouse tasks
041Check number range interval &1 for warehouse tasks (nearly finished)
042Only one exception code allowed for differences per confirmation item
043Only one exception code allowed for changing dest. data per conf. item
044Changing the destination data would lead to a split of warehouse task &1
045Process-oriented storage ctrl changed by BAdI to &1 &2 &3 with &4
046Whse process control must not be deactivated acc. to whse proc. cat. &1
047Layout-oriented storage ctrl changed through BAdI after &1 &2 &3 with &4
048Layout-oriented storage control deactivated through BAdI
049Process-oriented storage ctrl for step &1 skipped through BAdI
050You do not have authorization for warehouse process type &1 &2
051You do not have authorization for warehouse number &1
052Missing authorization for Stor.Type, WhsePrcTpe, Ent.toDisp &1 &2 &3 &4
053You do not have authorization for activity area &1 &2
054No warehouse task created
055Warehouse tasks created for only a part of the requested quantity
056An internal error has occurred
057No exception codes for differences allowed for cancellation
058No exception codes for changing destination bin allowed for cancellation
059No exception codes for changing batch allowed for cancellation
060No bin sectioning defined for storage bin &
061Error due to inconsistent database (storage bin &)
062Product WT creation for HU &1 failed
063Only one exception code for Change Batch allowed per confirmation item
064Only one exception code for changing dest. HU allowed per confirmatn item
065Exception code for differences is not provided for HU warehouse task
066Only use exception code for missing HU when canceling the unloading WT
067Enter the valuation quantity
068Record the valuation quantity for the difference quantity
069Entering valuation quantities not planned
070Unit of measure &1 is not a valuation unit of measure
071Difference for val.quantity only allowed for difference for log. quantity
072Signs for difference quantity (val. quantity and log. quantity) different
073Error during batch determination
074Not possible to change the batch
075Changing batch only possible with corresponding exception code
076Batch &1 does not exist for product &2
077Enter the special stock type and number together
078Remove the batch number
079Enter a batch number
080Warehouse number & does not exist (new selection required)
081Storage type & not sufficiently maintained for block storage strategy
082Handling unit &1 is already contained in a HU WT
083Entering valuation quantity for difference for inb. delivery not allowed
084Bin & does not have sufficient space
085No partial quantities can be stored in storage type &
086Handling unit type &1 not maintained for product &2
087Unable to determine handling unit type
088Storage bin &1 is not assigned to storage section &2
089Transportation unit can be moved within the yard only
090Retention quantity only possible for scrapping w. reference to a delivery
091Bin sectioning &1 (warehouse &2, storage type &3) couldn't be read
092HU &1 is already loaded
093No bin sectioning defined for warehouse &1 and storage type &2
094HU WT creation for HU &1 failed
095Parallel processing is not possible because of system load
096Warehouse order &1 cannot be posted due to system errors
097Cannot post warehouse order &1 due to resource errors
098Partial quantity withdrawal - Partial quant. in stor. type &1 not allowed
099Using exc.code &1 requires also the change of the related dest. data
100An internal error has occurred
101Product &1 is released for WT creation with a warning
102Product &1 is blocked for WT creation
103Split items still exist - Undo not possible
104Stock for required data does not exist
105Error while posting warehouse tasks
106Unable to find source stock
107Product &1 released for WT confirmation with a warning
108Product &1 locked for WT confirmation
109Enter a processor for warehouse order &
110&1 is not a valid processor
111Enter the end time for warehouse order &
112Unable to find processor for system user &1
113Low stock check not supported for warehouse task &1
114Function cannot be executed until after restart of transaction
115Valuation Quantity input not possible for nested HUs
116Spool parameters & & not defined
117Printing of WT number & already complete (new selection required)
118Print indicator & & not defined
119Loading not possible; HU &1 is a Sub-HU
120***** Product WT Creation *****
121For wave &1 &2
122For warehouse request &1 &2 &3
123For product &1; quantity &2 &3
124Product has hazard rating &1 &2
125***** HU WT Creation for HU &1 *****
126HU &1 is intended for process oriented storage control for int. movement
127HU &1 is a collecitve HU and must not undergo final putaway
128HU &1 has refernece to a collecitve HU and must not undergo final putaway
130Warehouse tasks created internally for HU &1 will be deleted
131Warehouse task created internally must not be deleted
132*****Preallocation process ended. Normal putaway process starts*****
140Warehouse task &1 already being processed by user &2
141An error occurred during blocking
142Error locking tRFC &1 by user &2
145Location &2 already being processed by user &1
146Delivery document & currently being processed by &
150Exception code &1 not allowed for direct Kanban warehouse tasks
151Partial confirmation not allowed for direct Kanban warehouse tasks
152Action only supported for direct Kanban warehouse tasks
153Exception code required in warehouse task unless actual = target qty
154You are not authorized to display warehouse tasks
155Reversal of the kanban container status not possible
156Can't reverse kanban container status because stock was moved by resource
157Reversal warehouse task &1 has not been confirmed
158New warehouse task for reversal has not been created
159Reversal of the kanban container status not possible for HU movements
160Reversal no longer possible; original HU &1 was moved or deleted
161Quantity to be dispatched doesn't match the quantity in the delivery item
162Destination bin can't be changed. Use bin &1 for the preallocated stock.
163Storage process &1 of WPT &2 must contain deconsolidation step.
164Can't change the WPT for unpacked products in inbound delivery item &1
165Can't change WPT for HU &1. It isn't relevant to preallocated stock.
166***** Starting dispatching quantity for preallocated stock *****
167HU &1 has multiple WPTs. Process-oriented storage control not allowed.
168Process-oriented storage control changed by BAdI to &1 &2 &3
169WPT &1 of HU &2 or delivery item &3 relevant to preallocated stock.
170Product &1 of delivery &2, item &3 isn't relevant to preallocated stock.
171Table is locked. Wharehouse &1, product &2 sent to normal ptwy process.
172No matched preallocated stock found. Product sent to normal ptwy process.
173The number of preallocated stock entries found for product &1 is &2.
174&1 &2 of product &3 allocated to destination bin &4.
175Remaining quantity will be sent to normal putaway process.
176***** Ending dispatching quantity for preallocated stock ******
177Can't change WPT of HU &1 to another WPT with no storage control
178Can't create tasks for matched preallocated stock. Check relevant BAdI.
179Storage bin & blocked for stock removals
180Storage bin & blocked for putaways
181Warehouse process type &1 does not allow immediate confirmation
182You cannot use warehouse process type &1 to create warehouse tasks
183Setting exception codes is only supported during immediate confirmation
184The reason &1 for the movement in the warehouse is not defined
185Manual changes exist. Items are processed based on putaway strategies.
186Changes were made to product &1. It won't be used for preallocated stock.
187Product &1 will be put away based on putaway strategies.
188Use an empty pick-HU for Kanban processing
189Action not supported for asynchronous goods movements
190Change WPT to deconsolidation with nested HU not supported.
191Change WPT from deconsolidation with nested HU not supported.
192Can't change WPT to another WPT with no storage control
196Warehouse process type & not for use with manual warehouse tasks
200Enter a valid product
201Enter the requested quantity, larger than 0
202Enter an owner
203When you enter a batch, you must also enter a product
204HU type & does not exist in warehouse number &2 (check your entry)
205HU type is initial - enter HU type in product master for the pack. matls
207Operative UoM &1 is different to AUoM &2 of selected stock
208Handling unit & is not consistent with other WT data
209Handling unit & does not exist
210HU WT not allowed for dummy HUs
211Handling unit may not be moved within the yard
212Rounding not possible, req. qty. &1 &2 < 1 &3 (AUoM of source Quant)
213You are not authorized to display physical stocks
214You are not authorized to display available stocks
216Enter a handling unit
217Storage type & only allows one handling unit per bin
218Could not determine source quant
222Handling unit &1 does not exist in the system
223Handling unit &1 is in a warehouse task that has not been confirmed
224An internal error has occurred (no quants exist for HU &)
225Active warehouse tasks exist for handling unit &1
227Storage type &1 assigned as an identification point is not an ID point
229Quant data is inconsistent with HU management
230Handling unit &1 does not have any open WTs
232No work center determined for route &1, act. area &2 and cons. group &3
261Only single handling units can be put away in storage type &
295Stock removals from block storage require entry of HU
300Warehouse order has status 'Locked' - Change not possible
302Internal error: Transferred data is not consistent
303Kernel not initialized with warehouse task & &
311Warehouse task &1 requires low stock check
312Either enter quantity or confirm target = actual
313Warehouse task &1 is to be confirmed
314Table parameter T_LTAP_CONF contains double lines
315Not possible to change warehouse taks &1
316For the selected exception code &1, enter a difference quantity
317Processing of negative quantities not allowed
318Putaway physical inventory only possible for product WTs
319Either specify quantities or confirm the full handling unit
320Warehouse task &1 is to be changed
321There are no warehouse tasks for confirmation (check your entry)
322Specify a unit of measure
323Src stor. type &1 contradicts src stor. type &2 for whse process type &3
324Src storage bin &1 contradicts src stor. bin &2 for whse process type &3
325Dest.stor. type &1 contradicts dest.stor. type &2 f. whse process type &3
326Dest.stor. bin &1 contradicts dest.stor. bin &2 for whse process type &3
327Warehouse task &1 requires a putaway physical inventory
328Putaway physical inventory not supported for warehouse task &1
329Set either a source storage type or a source storage type group
330Destination storage bin only allowed if destination storage type is set
331Set either a destination storage type or a destination storage type group
332Requested amount could not be supplied
333Putaway physical inventory not supported for partial confirm. of WT &1
334Destination storage type group &1 does not exist
335Dest.stor.type group &1 contradicts &2 for warehouse process type &3
336Stock category &1 not allowed (check your entry)
337Storage section &2 does not exist in storage type &1 (check your entry)
338Source storage type group &1 does not exist
339Parameter value must be ' ' or 'X'
340Error while reading the lock table
341Specify a correct date
342Source storage type group &1 contradicts &2 for warehouse process type &3
343Bulk storage removals cannot be confirmed using this function module
344Dest. stor. section &1 contradicts storage bin &2 of whse process type &3
345Value &1 not supported for putaway phys. inventory for warehouse task &2
346Value &1 not supported for low stock check for WT &2
347Export parameter in BAdI /SCWM/EX_CORE_CO_IMPORT contains errors
348No value found for warehouse task &1 (item &2)
349Tolerance for replenishment quantity is reached. WT creation is abort.
350Country/region of origin &1 does not exist
352Movements of handling units cannot be cancelled completely
354Warehouse task & already confirmed or canceled, or cancellation sent
357No warehouse task was cancelled
358&1 warehouse tasks cancelled
359LM-relevant warehouse orders selected together with non-LM-relevant WOs
364Cancelation request for warehouse task &1 sent to external system
365Warehouse task &1 was confirmed
366WT &1 should be confirmed by subsystem
367Warehouse task &1 was canceled
368Warehouse task &1 was created and confirmed
369Specify a destination location
370Warehouse task &1 must be canceled before proceeding
371Warehouse task &1 confirmed for warehouse order &2
372Warehouse tasks confirmed for warehouse order &1
373Warehouse tasks confirmed for multiple warehouse orders
375Check your transfer parameters
380AUoM &1 set during confirmation of WT &2
393WT items could not be created
395Stock transfers must be performed for each handling unit
400Storage bin description including storage bin item is too long
401Storage bin item in storage bin is too long (check your entry!)
402No bin item coded in the storage bin
423For handling unit shipments, no remaining quantity is allowed in bin
424Low stock check is not supported during partial confirmation
425Handling unit type & is not compatible with current block definition
426No HUs may be putaway in storage type &1
427HU WT cannot be confirmed due to open product WTs for HU
428HU WT cannot be confirmed immediately due to open product WTs for HU
429LM is active for step &1; direct confirmation not possible
430Low Stock Check in combination with Difference to Warehouse not allowed
431Low Stock Check is not supported when unit of measure was changed
432HU WT cannot be confirmed due to open WTs for HU
450Storage control active for HU &1 with storage process &2
451***** Putaway Warehouse Task Creation for HU &1 - Start
452***** Putaway Warehouse Task Creation for HU &1 - End
453'Deconsolidate' is not required for HU &1
454Storage process step &1 determined for HU &2
455Warehouse process type set to &1 due to storage control
456Destination data set to &1 &2 &3 &4 due to storage control
457WTs activated
458No product WT creation due to missing deconsolidation group
459No HU WT required for HU &1 and storage process step &2
460Additional HU WT required for storage process step &1
461Storage control active: Specifying the destination HU is not supported
500Storage bin &1 &2 does not exist
501Error occurred while adding warehouse tasks
502Transportation unit &1 does not exist
503Resource &1 &2 does not exist
504No exception code req. if data are entered initially at task confirmation
505Error occurred while changing warehouse task
506Error occurred while changing warehouse task &1
507Specify one source location only
508Specify one destination location only
509Source transportation unit is not unique
510Destination transportation unit is not unique
511Only enter a dest. logical position in combination with a storage bin
512Dest. logical position &1 is bigger than maximum bin depth &2 of bin &3
513Specifying a dest. logical position is not allowed for storage type &1
514Remaining bin depth &2 of bin &3 is bigger than dest. logical position &1
522&1 warehouse tasks created
529Warehouse task &1 &2 does not exist
532Error occurred while changing storage bin
533Error occurred while deleting storage bin & & &
534Error occurred while changing resources
550Error ocurred while deleting warehouse task
561Difference on source loc. not possible if source loc. same as target loc.
568Warehouse task &1 has been transferred more than once
569Destination bin cannot be changed at this time
570New handling unit &1 cannot currently be changed
571Changing destination data only allowed with corresponding exception code
572Changing destination HU only allowed with corresponding exception code
580No Goods Movement bin provided for Delivery Item &1 &2
581Product &1 not found
582Did not find enough stock for product &1 on bin &2
601Warehouse task created
602Unable to create warehouse task
603Error while canceling warehouse tasks
604Unable to determine new destination storage bin
605Exception invalid
606Unable to change warehouse task
607Warehouse task changed
624Cannot find stock determination group &1
625No entries maintained for stock determination
626No data records found for any of the warehouse numbers
627Request either a stock GUID or a stock attribute
628The requested stock GUID does not exist
629Handling unit &1 references inbound delivery. Whse process type &2 set
630Wave &1 in warehouse number &2 does not exist
631No records found in database to match selection criteria
636'Pallet' behavior: bin &1 found (subdivision:&2, max.HUs:&3, bin type:&4)
637Wave &1 item &2 for warehouse number &3 does not exist
638'Pallet' behavior: No item found in bin &1
639Bin &1 in storage type &2 could not be blocked due to an external block
647No product putaway profile found (whse no. &1, stor.type &2, put.str. &3)
648Warehouse task was archived
649Errors during additional checks prevent archiving
650Missing authorization for warehouse number &1
651Cannot read HU &1 for warehouse task &2
652Incomplete document (&1 &2) found for warehouse task &3
653Warehouse task &1 has stock reference in the difference analyzer
656Hazard rating 1 &1 is not supported in storage type &2
657Hazard rating 2 &1 is not supported in storage type &2
658Storage type &1 is blocked for putaway of materials with haz. rating 1 &2
659Storage type &1 is blocked for putaway of materials with haz. rating 2 &2
660No fixed bins found for product &1 in whse no. &2 storage type &3
661Error writing fixed bin &1 into table &2
662Error creating fixed bins: update of storage bin failed
663Error deleting fixed bin &1
664Error deleting fixed bins: Update of storage bin &1 failed
665Fixed storage bin &1 for product &2, warehouse number &3 does not exist
666No fixed bin for consolidation group &1 in whse no. &2, storage type &3
667No fixed storage bin found for product &1 whse no. &2 party entitled &3
668No fixed storage bin found for consolidation group &1 in warehouse no. &2
669Handling unit references inbound delivery. Whse process type &1 set
670No consolidation group in warehouse task (warehouse no. &1).
671Source HU does not match the source location
672Destination HU does not match destination location
673Do not change the source bin and source resource at the same time
674Do not change the destination bin and destination resource at same time
675Source data could not be changed
676Available qty is not sufficient for HU WT: Results in negative quantities
677No entitled in warehouse task (warehouse no. &1).
678Transaction blocked for fixed bin assignment in warehouse &1
681Storage type &1 not found
682Available quantity for prod. &1 is not sufficient
683HU &1 is already being moved
684HU &1 has a negative available quantity
685Enter a source HU
686Available quantity is not sufficient for HU WT
687Problems reading stocks from LIME
688Problems reading the lock table
689You did not enter a handling unit
690Enter a destination HU
691No HU withdrawal possible for mixed HUs
692HU withdrawal only possible when you withdraw the entire quantity
693Quantity in source bin will be negative
694Error while importing HU stocks for HU &1
695Stock in HU &1 does not correspond to WT stock
696Specify the correct lower-level HU
697Available quantity in the source bin will be negative
698No stock at this level. Enter the correct lower-level HUs
699Storage bin &1 is already assigned a to different product as fixed bin
700Unit of measure & not allowed according to product master
701Default values are not defined for warehouse number &
702No conversion factor maintained for unit of measure &
703An internal error has occurred (transaction &)
704An internal error has occurred (transaction &)
705An internal error has occurred (& & & &)
706Storage bin &1 is not empty
707Internal error while deleting a row (&)
708Internal error occurred while inserting a row (&)
709Changes were saved
710No changes have been made
711Storage bin & is currently blocked for processing
712Assignment table for fixed bins is currently being processed by user &1
713Field for Party Entitled to Dispose / Storage Bin / Product is not filled
714A documentary batch must be entered for warehouse task &1
715No documentary batch can be entered for warehouse task &1
716Some entries of assignment table of fixed bins are locked by user &1
717Select at least one entry
718Entered quantity is too large. Enter a smaller value.
724You can only select one possibility for the quantity default
725There are only &1 &2 of product &3 available
752Only posting and clearing allowed for differences
754Differences during partial confirmations only possible to difference acct
755Error when reading stock data for HU
756Errors occurred when posting the differences
757Difference posting charged to delivery only for inbound del. reference
758Enter the inbound delivery
759Correction posting to inbound delivery failed. Process canceled
760Select only one confirmed warehouse task
761Difference to your own benefit is not possible for inbound delivery stock
762Unable to confirm quantity surplus for customs blocked stock scrapping
763Warehouse task creation aborted in BAdI
764Quantity increase not allowed for Bin Denial Exception
770Creation of nested handling unit is not allowed
777HU &1 is being moved - HU withdrawal not possible
778HU &1 is a CD HU and must not undergo final putaway
790You don't have authorization to make changes in warehouse &1
792Can't create ad-hoc warehouse tasks for stock with a delivery reference
793Can't create ad-hoc HU warehouse tasks for stock with delivery reference
801Handling unit & is blocked
802Handling unit &1 contains stocks that are blocked for physical inventory
803HU &1: Status prohibits HU change
810Passed serial numbers and quantity (&1 &2) do not correspond
811Enter exception code or assign code to internal exception &1
827HU WT not intended, as HU & is not GR posted and not the highest-level HU
828HU & is blocked
829HU & does not exist
830Error occurred while reading HU data for HU &1
832Internal error occurred while declaring HU packaging data for WT &
833No GR posting completed for SU &
834HU WT not intended, as HU & is not GR posted and a collective HU
835HU WT not intended, as HU & is not GR posted and has unknown content
840Packaging material of PSHU &1 does not fit to HU &2 (&3 versus &4)
841Dimensions of PSHU &1 do not fit to HU &2
842Quantities or UoMs of PSHU &1 do not fit to HU &2
843Planned shipping handling unit &1 processed by user &2
844PSHU &1 added as additional identifier to HU &2
845&1 PSHUs found for delivery reference in warehouse task &2
846&1 PSHUs excluded because they are already assigned to other HUs
847Decision if PSHU &1 fits to HU &2 overruled by BAdI implementation.
848Planned shipping handling unit &1 does not fit to HU &2.
854HU withdrawal with difference quantity is not possible with nested HU
855HU &1 has a reserved quantity; HU withdrawl not possible
856Multiple HU withdrawls for HU &1 not allowed
859Withdrawl from HU & only possible if total amount of HU is withdrawn
860HU Withdrawl is not allowed for Dummy HU
861HU &1 has negative available Stock, withdrawl not possible
869Entered packaging material and HU packaging material are different
870Unit of measure &1 is not stock-specific
871HU with reference to a delivery cannot be changed
872Storage type &1 only allows management of stock in base unit of measure
873Passed value is neither a handling unit nor a storage bin
874HU &1 has open removal warehouse task (WT &2)
875Storage bin &1 has open removal warehouse task (WT &2)
876HU &1 has open putaway warehouse task (WT &2)
877Storage bin &1 has open putaway warehouse task (WT &2)
878Product &1 has no preferred UoM
879Stock has outbound delivery reference; UoM cannot be changed
880Stock has inbound delivery reference; UoM cannot be changed
881Change of alternative UoM not allowed for this product
882HU &1 contains multiple stock-specific UoMs; HU withdrawl not possible
883You cannot change HU&1 because Shipping Readiness is set to Ready
892Destination location of HU does not correspond to the dest.location in WT
893Destination HU same as source HU only allowed for HU takeover
894Consolidation group in HU does not match group in the warehouse task
895Destination HU could not be determined
896No empty Subbins could be determined for Main Bin &1
897Resource &1 does not allow negative stock figures
898TU &1 does not allow negative stock figures
899Split item for delivery could not be determined for batch &1 and UoM &2.
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