/SCWM/LM_EWRKL - Message Class for Executed Workload

The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/LM_EWRKL: Message Class for Executed Workload.
It is part of development package /SCWM/LM_BASICS_APPL in software component SCM-EWM-LM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Labor Management Basics Application".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error opening the archive file
001No authorization to display EWL of processor &1
002Error while performing a DB search query for the EWL
003Error while reading supply chain unit with internal key &1
004Error while calculating the actual execution duration
005Validity end date lies before the start date
007Reference object type &1 does not exist
008Processor &1 does not exist
009Time unit of the EWL must be filled when this call is made
010Incorrect service call
011A perf. doc. is processed by user &1 for the processing end of the EWL
012Performance document &1 already exists for processing end of EWL
013Executed workload is already being processed by user &1
014Invalid or canceled executed workloads cannot be processed
015EWL was already corrected manually
016EWL cannot be created unless you enter a processor and end of processing
017EWL cannot be changed unless you enter a processor and processing end
018No EWL with internal key &1 exists in the database
020EWL not displayed completely due to insufficient authorization
022Error while reading the supply chain unit
023No executed workload found that matches your selection
030The system could not find an EWL that matches your selections
031Entries for a fast archive access via SAP AS are missing
032Activate info structures in order to read archived data via SAP AS
033Database access is not implemented. Only archive can be read
034Complete EWL not displayed due to missing display authorization
040EWL &1 is archived successfully
041Enter start time
042Enter end time
043No executed workload has been opened
044Enter external process step
045Completion of executed workloads performed in simulation mode
046Reference object type and context not provided
047No open executed workload found
048Context for reference document not found
049No incomplete executed workload found
050&1 incomplete executed workloads found
051&1 executed workloads completed
052&1 executed workloads not completed
053Processor: &1, End Time: &2, Reference: &3, Trace: &4
054No executed workload can be changed
055&1 of &2 executed workloads can be changed
056Set the context of the executed workload before closing it
057Only complete executed workloads can be changed
058Provide the key of the executed workload
059Enter the warehouse number
060No executed workload canceled
061Only manually created executed workloads can be canceled
062Only incomplete executed workloads can be completed
063Enter a processor
064You cannot change ad hoc indirect labor manually
065Start time must be before end time
066Enter a valid time
067Enter a valid external process step
068Executed workload can be maintained up to 30 days in the future only
069End time must not be equal to start time
070&1 of &2 executed workloads canceled
071&1 executed workloads created
072Executed workload to be created for &1 selected processors
073No executed workload changed
074&1 of &2 executed workloads changed
075Creation of indirect labor activities performed in simulation mode
076No common data to be changed
077No executed workloads selected to be created; check your input
078Create break EWL based either on attendance or on RF; no EWL created
079No event reason given for creating preparation EWL; no EWL created
080No event reason given for creating break EWL; no EWL created
081No reason given for creating break EWL; no EWL created
082No event reason given for creating end-of-shift EWL; no EWL created
083Cannot create executed workload; check your input
084Simulated executed workloads have been saved
085Break time event &1 &2 &3 with unknown direction ignored
086Executed workloads for preparation to be created
087Executed workloads for end of shift to be created
088Executed workloads for breaks based on Time and Attendance to be created
089Executed workloads for breaks based on RF Logon times to be created
090Time range for date and time is not valid
091External step &1 cannot be used for preparation EWLs; no EWL created
092External step &1 cannot be used for break EWLs; no EWL created
093External step &1 cannot be used for end-of-shift EWLs; no EWL created
094--- Start checking EWLs for processor &1
095Max. duration exceeded for EWL with processor &1 for step &2 at &3 &4
096EWL already exists for processor &1 at &3 &4 for step &2
097Number of time and attendance data records selected: &1
098Number of RF logon information records selected: &1
099Total number of executed workloads selected: &1
100--- Start query of records to be processed
101No relevant data selected for the creation of executed workloads
102No executed workload to be created
103EWL created for processor &1 with step &2 at &3 &4
104Cannot create EWL for processor &1 with step &2 at &3 &4
105No relevant data found for the selected time period
106--- Start preparing executed workloads for processor &1
107&1 &2 is start time of preparation EWL ending at &3 &4
108&1 &2 is start time of break EWL ending at &3 &4
109&1 &2 is start time of end-of-shift EWL ending at &3 &4
110--- Start creation of EWLs
111Number of existing executed workloads considered: &1
112&1 complete executed workloads found
113&1 executed workloads updated
114&1 executed workloads could not be updated
115No complete executed workloads found
116You are not authorized to run the transaction for warehouse &1
117Reason &1 and external step &2 used for creation of preparation EWL
118Reason &1 and external step &2 used for creation of end-of-shift EWL
119Reason &1 and external step &2 used for creation of break EWLs
120Error with Processor: &1, End Time: &2, Reference: &3
121Units for checks of maximum duration will be changed
122Processing for preparation with max. duration check for duration &1 &2
123Processing for breaks with max. duration check for duration &1 &2
124Processing for end-of-shift with max. duration check for duration &1 &2
125No max. duration entered for checking end-of-shift EWL, no checks done
126No max. duration entered for checking preparation EWL, no checks done
127No max. duration entered for checking break EWL, no checks done
128--- Start checking processing parameters
129You are not authorized to create or change EWLs for processor &1
130You are not authorized to display EWLs for processor &1
131Error during executed workload completion: &1 &2
132Processor &1 started executed workload at &2 &3 for step &4
133Processor &1 finished executed workload at &2 &3 for step &4
134Processor &1 clocked out at &2 &3 with reason &4
135Processor &1 logged off RF at &2 &3 with reason &4
136Processor &1 clocked in at &2 &3 with reason &4
137Processor &1 has recorded time event at &2 &3 with reason &4
138You are not authorized to use external process step &1
139Reason &1 is not valid for break EWLs; no EWL created
140Time range relevant for the creation of EWLs is from &1 &2 to &3 &4
141Enter a time period
142Only complete executed workloads can be updated
143Open executed workloads cannot be updated
144Master data of processor &1 has not been changed
145No data to be changed
146Update of executed workloads performed in simulation mode
147Shift master data of processor &1 has not been changed
148No data changed by redetermination; update of EWL not necessary
149&1 executed workloads skipped because no update was necessary
150You cannot perform a mass change for EWLs with decreased actual duration
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