The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/MONITOR: .
It is part of development package /SCWM/MONITOR_FRAMEWORK in software component SCM-EWM-MON. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Monitor Framework".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Function module for node profile &1 is not defined
002Select rows
003Function module &1 does not exist
004Position the cursor on a non-total line
005No objects meet selection criteria
006List table type for node profile &1 is not defined
007Monitor &1 does not exist
008You are not authorized to use monitor &1 in warehouse &2
009Select node
010Function is not applicable to the selected node
011Mapping for service &1 of field &2 in structure &3 not defined correctly
012Service &1 is not yet covered
013Select one row only
014All selected lines must have the same document category
015All selected lines must have the same VAS category
016A technical error occurred during selection
017Due to missing authority, some inspection documents are not displayed
018Fields used for navigation are empty; navigation is not possible
019No variant has been selected
020Selection not possible without inspection type
021Fields used for navigation unspecific; navigation is not possible
022Only select WOs that contain either warehouse tasks or PI documents
023All selected lines must have the same object category
025The processor group must be a business partner of type group
026Enter a processor group
027Storage type &1 has batch-neutral available quantities
028Select less lines for drill down
029Selection not specific enough; enter more specific selection criteria
030You must specify a status type when specifying a status value
031Goods Receipt Notification does not supported the Reject functionality
032No row has been selected
033Lower date limit is greater than upper date limit
034Hotspot navigation is not possible in demo display mode
035Method execution is not possible in demo display mode
036You can't choose mixed bins; select fixed or non-fixed bins only.
037Select an entry to copy storage bins.
038Monitor &1 is not in the allowed namespace. Continue?
039Monitor &1 already exists in warehouse &2. Continue?
040Monitor &1 contains nodes inherited from other monitors
041Monitor &1 will lose inheritance from other monitors. Continue?
042Monitor &1 will be deleted completely. Continue?
043New monitor will be cleared completely. Continue?
044Double check copied values for coordinates, aisles, stacks, and levels
045You've duplicate entries for storage bin &1.
046You can't perform this action for HU &1 because it isn't active.
047Errors occurred, please maintain the customizing table
048Can't display messages in different monitor tools of SOAP messages
050-Message numbers between 50 and 70 are reserved for message queue monitor
051Do you really want to restart? System might perform action twice.
053Definitely reset status (double execution possible)?
054Reset status
055No display program registered for this queue
056No entry found in queue state table for selected queue &1
057Resetting status not allowed for queue &1 with status 'Running'
058You are not authorized to execute this queue
059You are not authorized to reset status
060No data container found
061SAP GUI is not available in destination &1 to show application log
062Function module does not exist or exception raised for queue &1
063Target system or gateway not active for queue &1
064Command to tRFC/qRFC: Execute LUW again for queue &1.
065Application aborted for queue &1 due to temporary problems
066Application aborted for queue &1 due to serious problems
067Entry does not exist anymore for queue &1
068LUW is not an LUW of the inbound queue &1
069Cannot stop or restart queue &1
070Queue &1 cannot be activated; it is registered
071You must not delete Root-nodes
072Select the node you want to delete
073The folder, or parts of it, already exists in the new tree
074Unexpected error during data retrieval
075This monitor does not exist
076You must not modify the SAP monitor
077Node is already at highest reachable point
078Node is already at lowest reachable point
080Select only one node on right tree
081Select exactly one node on right tree
082Layout variant is assigned
083Selection variant is assigned
084The dragged object and the target node do not fit
085Category nodes cannot be added below object nodes
086No selection variant exists for this node
087The SAP Monitor must not be changed
088Layout variant is unassigned
089Selection variant is unassigned
090No maintenance authorization for requested data
091Monitor name must not be initial
092Warehouse number must not be initial
093Only valid wildcard for warehouse number is '****'
094Deletion of obsolete report variants triggered...
095Execution of node &1 (&2) started
096Node selection variant &1 (&2) used
097ALV layout variant &1 used
098An error occured during batch execution of node
099Query returned &1 records
102Do you want to continue executing method '&1' for &2 selected line(s)?
103Implementation for custom hotspot navigation not found
104Data stored in spool
105Data stored in database
106Already 99 entries in database for this node; maximum reached
107Either "Residence Time" or "Versions to keep" must be filled
108Selection screen will now be displayed
109Selection screen will no longer be displayed
110Make selection screen visible?
111No selection variant chosen
115Messages of only one application log can be displayed at a time
116Pick denial executed for outbound delivery order &1 item &2
120"Show Selection" can only be set if a selection variant is maintained
121Update of stop/load sequence skipped due to field control check for &1 &2
122Stop/load sequence updated for &1 &2
125No valid category node, variant node creation is not possible
126Variant node is already deleted
130LUW data is temporarily locked for queue &1
131A lock has been set for queue &1
132Restart condition set for queue &1; wait for queues with higher priority
133This LUW of queue &1 has further predecessors
134Generic stop set for queue &1
135Restart condition set for individual queue &1
136Generic restart condition set for queue &1
137The LUW is not an LUW of the outbound queue &1
138LUWs of queue &1 in status NOSEND must be picked up by the application
139LUW update still running for queue &1
140LUW of queue &1 for queue receiver cannot be sent
141Executed LUW of queue &1 is waiting for confirmation from target system
142LUW of queue &1 has the status "sent" and is being executed
143Update terminated for queue &1
144Cannot reset entry for queue &1
145Logical system &1 does not exist
146RFC destination does not exist for logical system &1
147SAP GUI is not available in destination &1 to show queue content
148Action only possible for ERP inbound queues
149Action 'Reject' is not allowed for any of the selected entries
150Automatic refresh executed
151Automatic refresh suspended
152Automatic refresh reactivated
153&1 (&2 - refresh every &3 minutes)
154Automatic refresh skipped as specific lines are selected
155Automatic refresh skipped as form view is displayed
156Action 'Reject' failed for selected queue &1
157Action 'Reject' successful for selected queue &1
160You do not have authorization for transaction &
161Authorization error calling &1 in RFC destination &2
170&1 products saved
171Select warehouse requests with qualified status to create warehouse tasks
172&1 warehouse tasks created for &2 warehouse requests
173&1 items failed to create warehouse tasks in &2 warehouse request items
174Failed to create warehouse task for warehouse request &1 &2
175Warehouse task created for warehouse request &1 &2
176See the below information for more details
177Qty open in WT for warehouse request &1 &2 is less than or equal to 0
178&1 warehouse requests with unqualified status are skipped for WT creation
179Warehouse request &1 is skipped
180&1 qualified items found in warehouse requests. Do you want to continue?
181Enter quantity and unit of measure for minimum replenishment quantity
182Enter quantity and unit of measure for minimum quantity
183Enter quantity and unit of measure for maximum quantity
184Changes will be made to &1 fields and &2 sets of product warehouse data
185Changes will be made to &1 fields and &2 sets of prod. storage type data
186Cannot convert min. replenishment qty from unit &1 to &2 for product &3
187Cannot convert minimum quantity from unit &1 to &2 for product &3
188Cannot convert maximum quantity from uint &1 to &2 for product &3
189Reject Message Queue
190Data not found while playing back for selected queue &1
191Changes will be made to &1 sets of product storage type data
192Product &1 has no warehouse product; create warehouse product first
193Product &1, storage type &2: Storage type already exists
195Save is not possible, restart the transaction
200The report execution was not successful. Restart the report from step 1
201The report execution was not successful. Restart the report from step 2
202The report execution was not successful. Restart the report from step 3
205Bin & is a subbin. Storage Bin can't be copied
210HUs cannot be displayed (too many rows)
220Processor &1: Assignment failed; assgmt already exists in this interval
221Operation failed for some of the processors; see log for details
222Transaction failed (by database table update); no processor changed
223Operation successful
224Processor &1: Operation failed (processor is locked)
225Shift sequence &1: Operation failed (shift sequence is locked)
226Operation failed (by database update); no shift assigned
230Shift sequence &1 does not exist for warehouse &2
232This shift lead is not a processor
233The day number does not exist in this shift sequence
234Shift lead not uniquely assigned; assignment by shift lead not possible
235&1 is not a shift lead in this warehouse
236Shift sequence does not exist
237Enter a valid reference date
238Enter a valid value in the "Workdays (Calendar)" field
239Enter a valid shift sequence
240Use input help to select shift lead; shift lead &1 has several assgmts
241Proc. &1 assigned to &2; cannot assign to multi whses at the same time
242No shift sequence of this warehouse is assigned to shift lead &1
243No entry with shift sequence &1 and shift &2 exists in Shift Lead table
244Enter a start date for the shift assignment
245No entry with shift sequence &1 exists in Shift Lead table
246Enter details in all fields
247No shift takes place on the shift assgmt start date; enter a new value
248Enter a valid date
250Use input help to select a shift
252Product &1: You have no authorization to change; product not changed
253Product &1: You have no authorization to create; product not created
254Product &1 cannot be locked; product not changed
255Error occured: no products changed
256Enter a valid storage type (mandatory for this additional option)
257Enter only one storage type for this additional option
258Definition of node &1 could not be found
259You changed the quantity; you can't select �No Quantity Difference�
260Select stock items with the same product and batch
261Select stock items with the same stock type
262Select stock items with the same stock usage and owner
263Select stock items with the same sales order or proj. assignment
264Inspection-relevant stock items will be ignored for posting change
265Outbound delivery reference needed to cancel picking on HU level
266Picking for HU &1 (outbound delivery order &2) canceled
267Product for &1 stock items changed from &2 to &3
268Batch for &1 stock items changed from &2 to &3
269Stock type for &1 stock items changed from &2 to &3
270Stock usage for &1 stock items changed from &2 to &3
271Disposal party for &1 stock items changed (disposal to &2, owner to &3)
272Sales order or project assgmt for &1 stock items changed from &2 to &3
273Party entitled to dispose for &1 stock items changed from &2 to &3
274&1 stock items imported for stock change
275&1 stock items skipped for stock change (inspection reference)
276No stock changes made
277Enter a destination storage bin
278&1 stock items created with quantity &2 (&3)
279&1 stock items moved to bin &2 (storage type &3)
280Changes allowed from or to consignment stock only (usage = "C").
281Stock item with product &1, quantity &2 (&3) released
282Enter a warehouse process type for the proposed stock movements
283Warehouse process type &1 does not allow movement to another bin
284Source storage type &1 does not allow movement to another bin
285Sub HU &1 is ignored as higher-level HU &2 should be moved too
286Owner is determined and set in background
287Enter a positive value for field &1
288You are not authorized to use node &1 with object class &2
289&1 stock items skipped for stock change (inbound/outbound reference)
290Select stock items with the same disposal party
291Select Only Inspection Lots Without a Usage Decision
292Select Only Inspection Lots with a Usage Decision
293Select a resource
294Select a warehouse order
295Select only one warehouse order
296You can�t create ad-hoc warehouse tasks for negative available quantities
297&1 serialized stock items skipped (change process not allowed)
298The posting change can be done for one serialized stock item only.
310Subbins cannot be changed directly
320You are navigating to an external URL. Are you sure you want to continue?
321No posting change triggered by QM found for the inbound delivery item
322Posting change reversed
323You can't release stock from handling units that haven't any stock.
324Cancel the open warehouse task first
325You can't release stock from handling units that are loaded
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