/SCWM/PI_CUST - Messages for WM PI Customizing

The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/PI_CUST: Messages for WM PI Customizing.
It is part of development package /SCWM/PI_CUST in software component SCM-EWM-PI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Physical Inventory: Customizing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No values maintained for EWM Customizing table &1
002Make settings for physical inventory area &1 warehouse number &2
003Make settings for warehouse number &1 tolerance group &2
004Parameter not transferred correctly
005Create physical inventory area &1 in Customizing
006No assignment maintained for physical inventory area &1
007Physical inventory area &1 is already assigned
008You have not assigned a physical inventory area to an activity area
009Assignment of physical inventory to activity area could not be deleted
010A physical inventory document still exists for activity area &1
011No physical inventory area assignment for whse number &1 activity area &2
012Storage bin &1 is not assigned to any physical inventory area
013Periodicity of phys. inv. proced. not maintained for phys. inv. area &1
014Entry already exists
015No priority found for warehouse number &1 and language &2
016No entry found for warehouse number &1 and reason &2
017Enter the missing values in the key fields
018Reason already exists, specify a different reason
019No entry found for warehouse number &1 and process &2
020No entry found for warehouse number &1 and procedure &2
021Period variant CC of phys. inv. for warehouse number &1 not maintained
022Activity area &1 is not defined for physical inventory
023Physical inventory area &1 is assigned more than once
024Physical inventory area &1 already exists; Settings are overwritten
025You do not have authorization in warehouse &1
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