/SCWM/POHU - Messages related to Planned Shipping HUs
The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/POHU: Messages related to Planned Shipping HUs.
It is part of development package /SCWM/PACKING in software component SCM-EWM-WC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Packing Station".
It is part of development package /SCWM/PACKING in software component SCM-EWM-WC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Packing Station".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Program error in &1 |
002 | No proposal for a destination HU or packaging material possible |
003 | Could not find delivery item to be packed |
004 | HU & is not a planned shipping HU; you cannot make changes |
005 | Program error; check usage of method parameter CREATE_CAP_INSTANCE |
006 | &1 delivery items not processed due to locking errors |
007 | Process still running (or terminated) |
008 | General error while selecting delivery items in planned shipping HU |
009 | General error while creating planned shipping HUs |
010 | General error while deleting planned shipping HUs |
011 | Delivery item grouping failed |
012 | Delivery items grouped by wave number |
013 | Processing of cartonization planning algorithm completed |
014 | Planned shipping HUs created |
015 | Planned shipping HUs saved |
016 | At least one delivery item is already packed into planned shipping HU |
017 | No delivery item packed into planned shipping HU; no item filtered out |
018 | Cartonization planning algorithm could pack all delivery items |
019 | Cartonization planning algorithm could not pack at least 1 delivery item |
020 | Could not find any planned shipping HUs; nothing to be deleted |
021 | General error while saving planned shipping HUs |
022 | Packaging is done; &1 packages with &2 PSHUs in a package are used |
023 | General error while reading planned shipping HUs |
025 | Error while reading CAP process profile &1 of warehouse number &2 |
027 | For aux.pack.mat. of PSHU &1 no related PSHU header entry could be found |
028 | For PSHU header number &1 a PSHU tree or item entry is missing |
029 | For PSHU ident. &1 with PSHU number &2 no PSHU header could be found |
030 | For PSHU number &1 a PSHU ident. entry exists but its value is initial |
031 | Multiple entries of the same PSHU ident. &1 were found |
032 | For item of PSHU number &1 no related PSHU header entry could be found |
033 | For tree of PSHU number &1 no related PSHU header entry could be found |
034 | Not all wave items could be packed by the algorithm |
035 | PSHU report &1 in mode &2 within whse.number &3 started |
036 | Error during updating identification of PSHU (ident. &1, ident. type &2) |
037 | Requested qty. is higher than open qty. for split item with PSHU data |
038 | Report successfully executed |
039 | You have selected &1 delivery items. Do you want to continue? |
040 | Processing canceled by user |
041 | &1 delivery items in &2 outbound delivery orders match the selection |
042 | Doc. category and warehouse number are mandatory selection parameters |
043 | Combination of selection parameters is not valid |
044 | The layout must have the transaction type PSHU |
045 | Delivery item selection requires a single outbound delivery order number |
046 | At least one delivery item is removed due to missing CAP process profile |
047 | Do not enter negative value for time horizon in hours |
048 | Do not enter negative value for time horizon in minutes |
049 | Planned shipping HU &1 not found |
050 | Destination planned shipping HU contains stock from hierarchy |
051 | Source planned shipping HU contains stock from hierarchy |
052 | Item &1 of outb.del.ord. &2 can only be unpacked due to dlv. hierarchy |
053 | Delivery item cannot be packed since delivery hierachy is already packed |
054 | Activity &1 is not defined for authorization object /SCWM/POHU |
055 | You are not authorized to change planned shipping HUs |
056 | You are not authorized to read planned shipping HUs |
057 | You are not authorized to delete planned shipping HUs |
058 | You are not authorized to create planned shipping HUs |
059 | &1 delivery items filtered out due to process profile |
060 | &1 delivery items filtered out due to existing planned shipping HU |
061 | &1 items filtered out as no algorithm profile could be determined |
062 | &1 items filtered out due to your own logic |
063 | Start of cartonization planning |
064 | End of cartonization planning |
065 | Grouping done; &1 delivery items grouped into &2 groups |
066 | &1 planned shipping HUs created |
067 | &1 items packed into planned shipping HUs |
068 | Rollback done; no data has been changed |
069 | &1 planned shipping HUs (highest level HUs) deleted |
070 | &1 planned shipping HUs match the selection |
071 | |
072 | &1 waves match the selection |
073 | &1 delivery items returned from selection |
074 | &1 delivery items where process profile does not exist |
075 | Item &1 of outbound delivery order &2 could not be locked |
076 | Start of deletion of planned shipping HUs |
077 | End of deletion of planned shipping HUs |
078 | &1 planned shipping HUs selected where assigned deliveries do not exist |
079 | &1 items exist with planned shipping HUs assigned |
080 | &1 planned shipping HUs selected. Do you want to continue? |
082 | At least one selection parameter is required |
083 | |
084 | Enter a date range (from and to date) |
085 | &1 planned shipping HUs match the selection |
086 | &1 planned shipping HUs not processed (due to errors in package) |
087 | &1 messages occured during reading/locking of planned shipping HUs |
088 | &1 messages occured during reading of outbound delivery orders |
090 | Combination of selection parameters is not valid |
091 | An error occured when trying to pack stock into planned shipping HU &1 |
092 | Part of the Hus are Transit warehouse HUs. Changing not possible |