/SCWM/PS_BASICS - Packaging Specification: Basic Functions
The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/PS_BASICS: Packaging Specification: Basic Functions.
It is part of development package /SCWM/PACKSPEC_BASICS in software component SCM-BAS-PAK-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Packaging Specification Basics".
It is part of development package /SCWM/PACKSPEC_BASICS in software component SCM-BAS-PAK-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Packaging Specification Basics".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | File processing details are listed below |
001 | Messages generated by individual objects follow: |
002 | Packaging specification group &1 has internal numbering. |
003 | Internal error: Function: &1 Exception: &2 |
004 | Packaging specification ID &1 is not in interval &2 |
005 | Group of packaging specifications missing |
006 | Number interval missing for packaging specification group &1 |
007 | Packaging specification &1 exists already |
008 | Packaging specification &1 not found |
009 | You have no authorization to display pack. specification &1 of group &2 |
010 | You have no authorization to change pack. specification &1 of group &2 |
011 | No authorization to create a packaging specification for group &1 |
012 | Product &1 not found |
013 | Target quantity &1 must be greater than minimum quantity &2 |
014 | Target quantity &1 should be a multiple of the minimum quantity &2 |
015 | No authorization to delete packaging specification &1 |
016 | Packaging specification &1 has been deleted |
017 | No physical file could be determined for logical file &1 |
018 | Physical file determined: &1 |
019 | PC files cannot be uploaded in batch; use op.syst. "TRANSFER" to read |
020 | GUI_UPLOAD failed; return code: &1 |
021 | PC file successfully uploaded |
022 | File &1 could not be opened |
023 | File &1 has been successfully transferred |
024 | Unexpected character &1 in first position of record |
025 | File COMMENT: &1 &2 |
026 | Records for PS_SEQ &1 and PS_SEQ &2 are in incorrect order |
027 | Record of type &1 PS_SEQ &2 among entries for PS_SEQ &3 |
028 | Content insert: Level &1 not defined for PS_SEQ &2 |
029 | Physical file name could not be determined |
030 | If 'Display log only' set, 'Display all logs (history)' must also be set |
031 | A file name (physical or logical) must be entered |
032 | Processing completed: &1 objects processed in &2 sec; average = &3 sec |
033 | File record &1: &2 |
034 | Function module &1 has not generated any messages |
035 | The input file contains errors and cannot be processed |
036 | If 'Display log only' is set, then 'Resubmit input file' is invalid |
037 | If 'Display log only' is set, then 'List objects' is invalid |
038 | Previous log for &1 could not be found |
039 | No. of records in previous log &1 is not equal to no. in current log &2 |
040 | There are no records to process |
041 | All previously logged items for file &1 have been processed |
042 | File entry with PS_SEQ = &1 has generated an error |
043 | File entry with PS_SEQ = &1 was created as packaging specification &2 |
044 | Warning: No internal record for PS_SEQ = &1 |
045 | Warning: Unexpected PARVALUE = &1 |
046 | PS_SEQ &1: Product GUID conversion failed |
047 | PS_SEQ &1: Product &2 not found |
048 | &1 packaging specifications have been upgraded |
049 | Error: Log could not be saved to database |
050 | Packaging specification ID changed from &1 to &2 |
051 | Packaging specification group changed from &1 to &2 |
052 | Level &1 has been changed |
053 | Element &1 has been changed |
054 | Content &1 has been changed |
055 | Packaging specification &1 has been changed |
056 | Packaging specification &1 has been created |
057 | No work step types have been defined in Customizing |
058 | No entries found in table /SCWM/TPSWSTYP for work step type &1 |
059 | Selected function not possible. Create a packaging specification first |
060 | Rounding quantity &1 must be smaller than target quantity &2 |
061 | Level set &1 could not be used for packaging specification &2 |
062 | No packaging specifications found |
063 | Number range for work steps not maintained in general packaging Cust. |
064 | Number &1 is not valid in interval &2 |
065 | Element group &1 not found |
066 | Number range for element grps not maintained in general pack. Cust. |
067 | Pack.Mat.Type &1 not allowed with element type &2 and work step &3 |
068 | Packaging material invalid for element type &1 |
069 | No matching work steps have been found |
070 | Work step &1 is not valid in this context |
071 | No work steps are valid in this context |
072 | Internal error when selecting products; contact system administrator |
073 | There are no valid packaging material types for element type &1 |
074 | No packaging materials assigned to work step type &1 (from work step &2) |
075 | Internal error: Search parameter &1 is unknown |
076 | There is no input help available for search type &1 |
077 | Max.rows is not maintained in Customizing; Max.rows = &1 will be used |
078 | General packaging specification parameters are not maintained |
079 | Alert category is not maintained in Customizing |
080 | Form name is not maintained in Customizing |
081 | Document management system parameters are not maintained in Customizing |
082 | Enter document type, number, version, and part |
083 | No entries found in Customizing table /SCWM/TPSWSTYP for key &1 |
084 | No descriptions in language &1 found for work step types |
085 | No valid pairs of packaging material type / work step type for PM type &1 |
086 | No valid pairs of packaging material type / work step type for WS type &1 |
087 | No valid pairs of packaging material type / lev.elem. type for PM type &1 |
088 | No valid pairs of pack. mat. type / lev.elem. type for lev. elem. type &1 |
089 | Invalid combination &1 of lev.elem. type / packaging material type |
090 | Requested work step type is blank |
091 | Invalid combination &1 of work step type / packaging material type |
092 | No work step type descriptions have been maintained in Customizing |
093 | No combinations of work step type and packaging material type maintained |
094 | No combinations of lev. elem. type and packaging material type maintained |
095 | Level of level type &1 cannot be deleted |
096 | Element of element type &1 cannot be deleted |
097 | No authorization to (de)activate a packaging specification of group &1 |
098 | Selected function not possible; create an element group first |
099 | &1: Requested function cannot be executed; contact system administration |
100 | *** Pack. spec. user interface ***************************** |
101 | Select one row |
102 | Interval &2 in number range object &1 not found |
103 | Number range &1 &2 is external; value must be entered |
104 | Number range object &1 not found |
105 | Select exactly one node |
106 | Internal error: Removal of work step &2 from element &1 failed |
107 | Work step &1 does not exist |
108 | Internal error: Work step &2 could not be related to element &1 |
109 | Work step &1 is locked; it is available for display only |
110 | Element Type is blank |
111 | Product &1 is not defined as a packaging material (no PM type assigned) |
112 | No work steps were found for the given selection criteria |
113 | Internal error when reading work step |
114 | Level &1 has no main packaging material |
115 | No matching product records found |
116 | Packaging specification(s) successfully saved |
117 | No matching condition technique records found |
118 | More than one condition record (for creating with reference) found |
119 | Specified condition record (for creating with reference) not found |
120 | An internal error occurred on automatic creation of a condition record |
121 | Element Type &1 is not valid |
122 | Data selection was terminated at a maximum of &1 lines |
123 | Packaging Material Type &1 not allowed with element type &2 |
124 | Element group &1 is used in multiple packaging specifications |
125 | Packaging Material &1 might get replaced |
126 | Internal error: Blank screen reference values; contact system admin |
127 | Internal error: Complete screen info not supplied: contact system admin |
128 | Internal error: Screen not found for SCREEN_ID &1; contact system admin |
129 | Internal error: No selection report specified for search ID &1 |
130 | Internal error: Archiving not supported for struct. &1; contact admin |
131 | &1 items have been loaded from archive &2 |
132 | &1 items have been stored in archive &2 |
133 | Internal error: No search has been implemented for &1; contact admin |
134 | No weight or volume maintained for product &1 |
135 | Packaging specification &1 is activated |
136 | Packaging specification &1 is inactive |
137 | New version of pack spec &1 not allowed, use exist. version 2 for editing |
138 | 2nd version has been created for packaging specification &1 |
139 | Work step &1 cannot be deleted because it is used by &2 element groups |
140 | The long text can only be saved if a work step ID is assigned |
141 | No active version of packaging specification &1 found. |
142 | GUID value must be supplied |
143 | Internal Error: Writing Workstep to IPPE Buffer |
144 | Internal Error: Writing IPPE Buffer to Database |
145 | Work step &1 was successfully replicated |
146 | Select a level, element or content. |
147 | Weight, volume and capacity has been calculated successfully |
148 | No elementgroups found |
149 | Packspec &1 is valid |
150 | There are no change documents available for this packaging specification |
151 | There are no change documents available for this level element group |
152 | There are no change documents available for this workstep |
153 | GUID_PS Value must be supplied |
154 | Packspec &1 cannot be deleted because dependent objects exist |
155 | Changes in Element Group will reflect globally. |
156 | &1 Packaging Specifications Found |
157 | loading volume does not fit the closed packaging material at level &1 |
158 | There are superior packspecs to packspec &1. Please check them |
159 | Packaging specification &1 was successfully replicated |
160 | Element group &1 was successfully replicated |
161 | Determination analysis switched on for pack. spec. determination |
162 | Determination analysis switched off for pack. spec. determination |
163 | Pack. spec. &1 not activated, because no condition record exists |
164 | You are not authorized to display work steps of work step type &1 |
165 | You are not authorized to change work steps of work step type &1 |
166 | You are not authorized to create work steps of work step type &1 |
167 | You are not authorized to delete work steps of work step type &1 |
168 | There is no fitting packaging material |
169 | Minimum Volume &1 &2 must be less than Maximum Volume &3 &4 |
170 | Minimum Weight &1 &2 must be less than Maximum Weight &3 &4 |
171 | Minimum Capacity &1 must be less than Maximum Capacity &2 |
172 | Navigation to product master not possible |
173 | &1 condition record(s) created from template pack. spec. &2 |
174 | Conditions have not been replicated |
175 | Condition records have been successfully replicated |
176 | Internal error: Exactly one application is expected |
177 | Internal error: could not determine condition fields |
178 | Internal error updating condition records |
179 | Pack. spec. &1 activated, but at least one condition record is invalid |
180 | Element Group of Level &1 (level-type &2) not found. EG-Guid = &3 |
181 | Deletion flag set for product &1 |
182 | Loading and gross weights/volumes/capacities are not correct. |
183 | HU-Check failed, Packspec &1 cannot be activated |
184 | You must maintain a main pack. mat. for level &1 &2 |
185 | Level &2: Level type &1 must not be used twice |
186 | Element group key must not be changed. Choose assign mode |
187 | External Product Identifier &1 not found |
188 | External Location Identifier &1 not found |
189 | Packspec &1 can contain only one subordinate packspec |
190 | A packspec can either contain a subordinate packspec or products |
191 | No authorization for transaction /SCWM/PACKSPEC |
192 | Level type &1 not found |
193 | Document &1 can not be displayed, please check in DMS |
194 | Deactivation of packspec &1 not allowed, superior packspec &2 is active |
195 | Maximum volume may not exceed net volume for a closed packaging material |
196 | HU-Type is mandatory as the quantity classification &1 is maintained |
197 | Process Step &1 is not a VAS step |
198 | Level &3: Unit of measure &1 does not exist for product &2 |
199 | Level &3: Target quantity &1 is expected for operative UoM &2 |
200 | *** Pack. spec. iPPE class ***************************** |
201 | No content found for the specified criteria (&1) |
202 | No level found for the specified criteria (&1) |
203 | Relationship type &1 is not valid |
204 | Specify at least one import parameter |
205 | &1 &2 not found |
206 | Node type &1 is not valid |
207 | Variant type &1 is not valid |
208 | Required alternatives could not be found |
209 | Required packspecs could not be found |
210 | Required variants could not be found |
211 | Required relationships could not be found |
212 | Content with sequence number &1 already exists; delete it first |
213 | Error in creating a new relationship, this relationship already exists |
214 | &2 with ID &1 already exists; delete it first |
215 | Internal error: &2 with GUID &1 does not exist |
216 | Subordinate packaging specification cannot be the pack. spec. itself |
217 | Packaging specification &1 cannot reference itself |
218 | Error while reading subordinate packaging specification |
219 | The recursion with subordinate pack. specs results in an endless loop |
220 | Recursion with subord. pack. specs results in a loop; saving canceled |
221 | Status &1 must not be changed into &2 in this screen |
222 | Element group &1 is still in use by other packspecs. No deletion possible |
223 | &3 &1 cannot be changed; original exists in log. system &2 |
224 | Pack spec. &1 is deactivated. Create a new version for editing |
225 | Pack. spec. &1 is nested into pack. spec. &2 as a subordinate pack. spec. |
226 | Element group does not exist |
227 | Element Group &1 cannot be deleted. The indicator 'Non-deletable' is set. |
228 | Required element groups could not be found |
229 | Required worksteps could not be found |
230 | &2 &1 already exists with logical system &3 |
231 | Packaging specification &1 must not be changed |
232 | Data has been successfully saved |
233 | &2 &1 has logical system &3, can not be replicated to original system |
234 | Quantity is not equal 1, this is not recommended |
235 | Elementgroup &1 is already assigned to level &2 |
236 | Elementgroup for level &1 is not available, please check distribution |
237 | Row &1 not found |
238 | Error processing element group &1 |
239 | Redistribute packaging specification range: &1 to &2 |
240 | Redistribute element group range: &1 to &2 |
241 | Redistribute work step range: &1 to &2 |
242 | Read error occurred |
243 | Lock error occurred |
244 | Processing error: Rollback changes have been applied |
245 | Product is empty; HU check cannot be carried out |
246 | Changes in work step will be applied globally |
247 | The .csv file could not be converted |
248 | Condition records could not be read |
249 | Could not download .csv file |
250 | No data to download |
251 | Packspec file downloaded successfully |
252 | PS_SEQ &1 skipped because of conversion error |
253 | PS_SEQ &1 &2: |
254 | Condition record for PS_SEQ &1 skipped: &2 |
255 | Could not read condition: &1 |
256 | Record type &1 is not supported (PS_SEQ &2) |
257 | &1: &2 |
258 | Action canceled by user |
259 | Processing canceled due to inconsistent file |
260 | No authorization for transaction /SCWM/PSWORKSTEP |
261 | No authorization for transaction /SCWM/PSEG |
266 | Error in condition record for Packaging Specification &1 |
281 | Packaging specification &1 contains no products; change not possible |
282 | Additional packaging specification &1 exists; change not possible |
283 | Packaging specification &1 contains multiple products or additional spec. |
284 | Packaging specification &1 doesn't contain level &2; change not possible |
285 | Changes made to &1 packaging specifications |
286 | Changes made to packaging specification &1 |
300 | |
301 | Upgrade was completed |
302 | Conversion not required |
303 | Error when reading the upgrade information |
304 | Language switch to &1 is not possible |
305 | Product in packaging specification &1 not found |
306 | Cannot convert unit &3 into unit &4 of product &2 in packspec &1 |
307 | Error when converting content quantity for packspec &1 |
308 | No internal number range for packspecs available in client &2 |
309 | No new number available for number range object &1 in client &3 |
310 | Client &1 has no logical system. Upgrade for this client canceled |
311 | Client &1 has no logical system. No upgrade for this client necessary |
320 | No RFC connection to target systems customized for distribution |
321 | The outbound queues were set to 'STOP', manually processing necessary |
322 | &1 packaging specifications were distributed |
323 | &1 element groups were distributed |
324 | &1 worksteps were distributed |
325 | &1 condition records were distributed |
326 | Appl.Log &1 in system &2 |
327 | Try to delete &2 &1 |
401 | Level &1: Quantity classification &2 should only be set once per packspec |
402 | Process step &1 does not exist |
403 | Minimum quantity &1 should be a multiple of the Layer quantity &2 |
404 | For transferring data select the option 'Logical file name' |
450 | & & & & |