/SCWM/PUT_BIN_DET - Messages: Bin Determination: Putaway
The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/PUT_BIN_DET: Messages: Bin Determination: Putaway.
It is part of development package /SCWM/CORE in software component SCM-EWM-WOP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Core Functions of WME".
It is part of development package /SCWM/CORE in software component SCM-EWM-WOP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Core Functions of WME".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Stor.type: &1, stor.area: &2, bin type: &3, stock mvmt: &4 being examined |
002 | Examining storage type &1 (storage type group &2) |
003 | Search sequence &1, entry &2 contains no storage type (group) |
004 | Check for storage type &1 failed |
005 | No destination storage bin to be found in storage type & |
006 | Storage bin & not found (enter storage type) |
007 | ***** Determine destination data - start ***** |
008 | Determine destination storage type in warehouse number &1 |
009 | Search sequence &1 &2 contains no value |
010 | No st. section search seq. found (st.tpe:&1,st.sec.ID:&2,Fnd1:&3,Fnd2:&4) |
011 | Destination storage section check is not active in storage type &1 |
012 | Destination storage section &1 is entered in storage type: &2 |
013 | Destination storage section check is active for material:&1 stor. type:&2 |
014 | Destination bin type &1 is a default in storage type &2 |
015 | HU type check is not active in storage type &1 |
016 | No valid bin types found (storage type: &1, HU type: &2) |
017 | Destination HU &1 is a default (storage type: &2, storage bin: &3) |
018 | Destination HU &1 is blocked |
019 | Destination HU &1 does not exist as an active/planned HU |
020 | Destination HU &1 does not exist |
021 | HU data is inconsistent (source HU: &1 destination HU: &2) |
022 | HU type check (storage type &1): HU type is initial |
023 | Hu type &1 checked successfully |
024 | HU type &1 is not permitted in storage type &2 |
025 | Destination storage type &1 was changed to ID-point-storage-type &2 |
026 | Destination storage type &1 checked successfully |
027 | Destination storage section &1 was checked successfully |
028 | Destination resource not predefined |
029 | Destination resource &1 does not exist |
030 | There is a HU requirement |
031 | Dest. QTY &1 &4 was determined (storage type: &2, storage bin:&3) |
032 | Quant &1 is blocked for putaway due to physical inventory |
033 | Destination transportation unit &1 does not exist |
034 | You have not specified a HU in the warehouse task |
035 | HU & does not exist |
036 | HU &1 was checked successfully |
037 | Storage type search with full keys: No entry found |
038 | Storage type search with full keys: Search sequence &1, rule &2 found |
039 | Storage type search with wildcard: No entry found for item &1 |
040 | Storage type search with wildcard: Search sequence &1, rule &2 found |
041 | Storage bin & is blocked for putaway |
042 | Storage bin & is blocked for putaway due to physical inventory |
043 | Defaults for destination data: &1 |
044 | ***** Determine destination data - end ***** |
045 | Storage type search sequence &1 found |
046 | Standard putaway behavior (storage type &1) |
047 | 'Pallet' putaway behavior (storage type &1) |
048 | 'Bulk' putaway behavior (storage type &1) |
049 | Storage position valuations are used for bin determination |
050 | Alternatives during bin search: 1st alt. &3, 2nd alt. &2, 3rd alt. &1 |
051 | Storage bin &1 was found (storage type &2) |
052 | Putaway rule 'Distribution Group' is not configured in storage type &1 |
053 | Putaway rule 'Distribution Group': no storage bin found (storage type:&1) |
054 | Could not fully determine the destination data |
055 | HU type &1 is not permitted for storage bin type &2 |
056 | Error while finding destination bin in bulk storage type |
057 | Storage bin & not sectioned correctly |
058 | Bin item & in storage bin & already occupied |
059 | An internal error has occurred |
060 | Control data missing for "Near Fixed Bin" for whse no. &1 storage type &2 |
061 | Storage bin &2 not found in fixed bin storage type &1 |
062 | The capacity check failed for bin type &1 |
063 | Storage type search with template: no entries found (details 2) |
064 | Storage type search with template: no entries found (details 3) |
065 | The check for the given destination bin &1 failed |
066 | Determining a fixed bin (storage type &1) |
067 | Storage bin &1 found and assigned as fixed bin (storage type &2) |
068 | Stor. bin &1 found and assigned to product &2 as a fixed bin |
069 | No suitable empty bins found in stor. type &1 (section: &2, bin type: &3) |
070 | Maximum storage type quantity in storage type &1 (&2) is being checked |
071 | Storage type &1: No putaway - max. storage type qty exceeded (current:&2) |
072 | No dest. bin determination. No valid stor.type/sec./bin type combinations |
073 | Sort rule "Near to Fixed Bin" active f. finding empty bins (stor.type:&1) |
074 | Addition to existing stock performed into storage bin &1 |
075 | No bin search possible. Storage types/sections/bin types incomplete |
076 | Putaway not possible in bulk storage &1 - No packaging spec. available |
077 | Goods receipt not yet posted - nevertheless, source bin = destination bin |
078 | Dest. location is TU and stock type is temporary storage - no WT possible |
079 | Split during putaway active for storage type &1 |
080 | Split during putaway active - product &1 in storage type &2 |
081 | No split during putaway in storage type &1 (product: &2, bin: &3) |
082 | No split during putaway - Detailed information |
083 | Partial qty &1 is put away in storage bin &2 (product:&4,storage type:&3) |
084 | Split Occurred - Detailed information |
085 | Can only put away &1 &2 due to maximum storage type quantity (&3) |
086 | Free capacity of bin &1 taking into account open WTs |
087 | Transport CD HU &1 must not be put away in final storage type &2 |
088 | Storage bin &1 already being used in internal WT items |
089 | Destination transportation unit &1 does not exist |
090 | Maximum number of fixed bins (&1) reached in storage type &2 |
091 | Max. no. opt. fixed bins (&1) reached for rearrangement in stor. type &2 |
092 | Maximum number of dynamic bins (&1) reached in storage type &2 |
093 | Maximum no. of bins maintained (&1) - Check not active in stor. type &2 |
094 | Maximum storage type quantity in storage type group &1 is being checked |
095 | Access table for bin search: |
096 | Storage type: &1 storage section: &2 bin type: &3 whse pos. eval.: &4 |
097 | Start of destination bin search |
098 | Goods receipt not yet posted and HU is in GR zone: WT forbidden |
099 | Destination storage bin &1(storage type:&3) determined from predef. HU &2 |
100 | Destination storage bin &1 (storage type:&2) checked successfully |
101 | Storage type &1: HU requirement |
102 | Storage type &1: HUs not allowed |
103 | Storage type &1: HUs allowed but not required |
104 | Existing fixed bin &1 found (storage type &2) |
105 | Check slotting status: Putaway WT for prod. &1 not allowed in whse no. &2 |
106 | Storage bin &1 found and assigned as fixed bin to consolidation group &2 |
107 | Storage bin &1 is already being used as a fixed bin |
108 | &1 fixed bins have been assigned to products (failed: &2) |
109 | &1 fixed bin assignments were deleted (failed: &2) |
110 | Determining bin type search sequence using BAdI |
111 | Bin type &1 was defined successfully (BAdI) |
112 | Bin type &1 invalid according to bin type determination rule (BAdI) |
113 | Bin type &1 assigned to search sequence (BAdI) |
114 | Fixed bin cannot be defined. Party entitled to dispose unknown. |
115 | Max. no. bins (&1) for (reserve) storage type &2, product &3 reached |
116 | Goods receipt not posted yet - nonetheless source TU = destination TU |
117 | Specified destination bin &1 is not in specified destination bin type &2 |
118 | Specified destination bin &1 is not in specified destination section &2 |
119 | Only bins from it_bins_nfb are allowed to be returned in et_bins_nfb |
120 | Putaway rule distr. group only allowed for storage type role E and I |
121 | For Flow-Through WT's to final storage type &1 are not allowed |
122 | Bin &1 not assigned to a distribution group because no dist.grp. given |
123 | Fixed bin cannot be defined. Product unknown. |
124 | No existing fixed storage bins found in storage type &1 |
125 | No matching reserve bins found |
126 | Putaway rule distr. group not allowed for storage type role "Normal" |
127 | Destination Bin determination was aborted in BAdI Implementation |
128 | Product &1 on bin &2 is blocked for putaway due to physical inventory |
129 | Storage bin &1 given in access table row |
130 | Stor. Type &1 could not be locked to check max. Quantity and no. of Bins |
131 | Bin type &1 not allowed for product &2 and storage type &3 |
132 | Sub-bin must be entered; storage bin &1 is already sectioned |
133 | Incorrect sub-bin &1 entered |
134 | Storage bin &1 found for consolidation group &2 |
135 | Fixed bins assigned to consolidation group &1 found |
136 | 'Flexible Storage' putaway behavior (storage type &1) |
137 | Storage type search with wildcard: Sequence no. &1 used successfully |
200 | Determine rough destination storage bin for handling unit &1 |
201 | Determined destination bin &1 can not be used. |
202 | Configuration for resource/communication channel/point incorrect |
203 | HU: &1, Storage bin: &2, Data Source: &3 |
204 | No valid storage sections and/or storage bin types found |
205 | Determine putaway strategy variant: |
206 | No special putaway strategy variant determined; find empty bin |
207 | Decided for putaway strategy variant "single-product HU" |
208 | Decided for putaway strategy variant "pre-picked HU" |
209 | Bin: &1/remaining bin depth: &2/maximum bin depth: &3 |
210 | Determine accessible storage type/aisle/level for comm. point &1 (&2) |
211 | Determine reachable aisles for resource &1 |
212 | There are exceptions for the following locations: |
213 | Storage type &1/aisle &2/level &3 |
214 | Data for handling unit &1 could not be read |
215 | No stock found for addition to bin |
216 | Handling unit &1 has no relevant handling unit items |
217 | Addition of handling unit to bin not allowed for storage type &1 |
218 | All resources and resource pick-up points are blocked |
219 | No clarification bin maintained for CP &1 (&2) |
220 | Storage type &1/aisle &2/level &3 |
221 | No check for equal distribution as there is only one aisle available |
222 | No stock for consolidation group found for addition to bin |
223 | Required bin depth not maintained for handling unit type &1 |
224 | Storage bin &1 found |
225 | No storage bin found to add current handling unit to |
226 | Search for empty bins for storage type/aisles/levels: |
227 | Storage type &1/aisle &2/level &3 considered |
228 | &1 determination with the following storage section and storage bin types |
229 | Storage section &1/storage bin type &2 |
230 | No empty storage bin found for this combination |
231 | Determination with: storage section &1/bin type &2 |
232 | No putaway strategy variant determined, no special bin search possible |
233 | No special putaway strategy variant determined, find empty bin |
234 | Destination storage type determination for MFS (source storage type &1) |
235 | Destination storage type determination for MFS (source resource &1) |
236 | No dest. storage type for MFS found, try Storage Type Search Sequence |
237 | No feasible bin found for this combination |
238 | No storage bin data found for bin &1 CP: &2 (&3) |
239 | No aisles/levels reachable from current location (CP/Resource) |
240 | Input parameter for rough bin determination not correctly provided |
241 | Input parameter for bin determination not correctly provided |
242 | No CP data found for storage bin &1 |
243 | No WPT maintained for CP&1 (&2) or for PLC &2 |
244 | &1 relevant HU(s) on stock found |
245 | &1 relevant HU Movement(s) found |
246 | &1 relevant open Warehouse Task(s) (in WT memory) found |
247 | StoType &1/aisle &2/level &3 not considered, because of putaway rule &4 |
248 | No destination storage type determined for CP &1 &2 |
249 | Input parameter for bin determination not correctly provided |
250 | Dest. storage type(s) for MFS found, no determination via Search Seq. |
251 | Delete empty bin buffer |
252 | Storage type &1 role is "&2" and storage type is multi-depth |
253 | Search for empty bins using cross-line stock putaway sortation |
254 | &1 relevant open put away Warehouse Task(s) found |
255 | - Exception Code on Resource &1: &2 |
256 | - Exccode on CP &1(&2): &3 |
257 | No rough destination storage bin found |
258 | No empty storage bin found |
259 | - Communication channel for resource &1 is not up and running |
260 | Bin determination for "adding HU to bin" performed in BAdI |
261 | - No free capacity for communication point &1 (&2) |
262 | Internal empty bin buffer cleared due to BAdI decision |
263 | Bin determination for "empty bin" performed in BAdI |
264 | List of empty bins determined in BAdI |
265 | Storage type &1/aisle &2/level &3 |
266 | Consolidation group: &1 |
267 | Product/Batch |
268 | &1/&2 |
269 | Storage type/aisle/level sorted by number of HUs and free CP capacity |
270 | Storage type &1/aisle &2/level &3/number of handling units &4 |
271 | Empty bins found for this combination |
272 | Determine reachable storage types/aisles/levels for stock transfer |
273 | Addition to bin checked for HU type &1 with reqd bin depth &2 in: |
274 | Required bin depth not maintained for handling unit type &1 |
275 | Resource pick-up point &1 (&2): max. no. of HUs &3/moving no. of HUs &4 |
276 | Resource pick-up point &1(&2): no max. capacity defined |
277 | There is not enough free capacity for the following locations: |
278 | StoType/Aisle/Level are sorted by number of HUs |
279 | No free capacity on any reachable resource pick-up point |
280 | No fixed bin assignment found for product &1 and bin &2 |
281 | Empty bin search aborted due to loss of Database Cursor |