/SCWM/TDC - Travel Distance Calculation

The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/TDC: Travel Distance Calculation.
It is part of development package /SCWM/TDC in software component SCM-EWM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Travel Distance Calculation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Edge IDs need to be unique on warehouse level
001Travel distance calculation started
002Travel distance calculation finished
003Valid network for storage type &1 exists (resource type &2)
004No valid network for storage type &1 exists (resource type &2)
005Valid global network exists (resource type &1)
006No valid global network exists (resource type &1)
007Bin &1 (storage type &2) is assigned to edge &3
008Bin &1 (storage type &2) is assigned to node (x: &3, y: &4)
009Unable to assign bin &1 (storage type &2) to the network directly
010Distance between bin &1 and bin &2 within an aisle: &3
011Direct distance between bin &1 and bin &2: &3
012Euclidean metric is used when calculating the direct distance
013Manhattan metric is used when calculating the direct distance
014Distance between bin &1 and node (x:&2,y:&3) in global network: &4
015Travel distance between bin &1 and bin &2 in network: &3
016Travel distance in Z-direction: &1
017Total travel distance: xy: &1 - z: &2 unit: &3
018Error during travel distance calculation within a network
019Distance between bin &1 and nodes (x:&2,y:&3) in network: &4
020An edge already exists between nodes &1/&2 and &3/&4
021No node found for warehouse number &1 and storage type &2
022No edges found for warehouse number &1 and storage type &2
023No network found for the given data in warehouse number &1
024Error while changing the validity of a network
025By making the change, network &1 for resource type &2 became invalid
026By making the change, global network for resource type &1 became invalid
027Unable to execute travel distance calculation
028Select at least one line
030Adding Default Distance &1 &2
093*** Total Numbers
094*** Movements in the x,y plane
095*** Vertical Movements
096Fallback travel time calculation used (time = distance / speed)
100***** Messages for edge generation
101Edge &1 already exists for storage type &2 aisle &3
102Unable to create edge for aisle &1
103Problems while inserting edges into database table
104Problems while changing edges in database table
105&1 new edges generated, &2 edges changed, and &3 edges deleted
106No edges were generated or changed
107Edge generation canceled by user
108Selection returns no results
109No storage bin found for storage type &1
110*** Start edge generation for storage type &1
111Edge &1 for aisle &2 was created
112Edge &1 for aisle &2 will be overwritten
113Edge &1 was created
114*** Generate edges for aisles
115*** Generate edges for connecting neighboring aisles
116Edge &1 will be overwritten
117No authorization for network maintenance in warehouse number &1
118*** Generate edges for connecting aisle &1 with aisle &2
119Bins for aisle &1 are not in a line
120Bins for aisle &1 are not in two parallel lines
121Unable to determine direction in aisle &1
122Problems while deleting edges in database table
123Error while uploading file
124No separator (',' or ';') found in file. Check the file
125Filtered &1 rows due to incorrect formatting, &2 rows due to selection
126Specified offset leads to invalid edge ID
127Filename is empty
128Incorrect selection parameters entered
129No uploaded data available
130Selection or update settings changed, please reupload file
131Upload object changed, please reupload file
132Edge ID &1 is already in use
133Data successfully downloaded to file &1
134Identical coordinates used for edge &1
135Error during database operation for edge &1
136Empty or invalid edge ID
137Start and end coordinates are the same
138Resource type &1 does not exist in warehouse &2
139Entry for edge &1 and resource type &2 already exists
140The specified edge &1 is not assigned to the specified network
141Empty edge ID or resource type
142No available system data matching selection. No file downloaded
143Error during database operation for edge &1 and resource type &2
144Delete &1 entries for excluded resource types
145Delete &1 entries for edges
146End of database update
147Network Check: No possible errors detected
148Delete &1 entries for network completeness
149&1: Edge &2 has no positive length
150Incomplete network &1
151Incomplete network &1 for resource type &2
152Edges &1 and &2 intersect at x:&3 y:&4
153Edges &1 and &2 are less than &3 &4 apart
154Insert &1 entries for edges
155Insert &1 entries for excluded resource types
156Insert &1 entries for network completeness
157Global Network: Edge &1 has no positive length
158Could not open file
159Unit of measure could not be read for warehouse &1
160Error during unit conversion from &1 to &2
161Cannot display uploaded data
162Error reading number range object
163BRFplus trace could not be saved
164BRFplus function &1 (appl. &2) could not be processed without errors
165BRFplus function &1 (appl. &2) could not be determined
166Download could not be completed
167There is no edge with the specified start/end nodes
168Global network is incomplete for resource type &1
169Global network is incomplete
170Travel from (x:&1,y:&2) to (x:&3,y:&4)
171Section Length: &1 &2
172Total Travel Time: &1 &2
173Bin &1 at z:&2 unit:&3
174Error during turn angle calculation
175Invalid bin &1 in warehouse &2
176Default distance: &1 unit: &2
177Euclid. length &1 is greater than specified length &2 for &3 edge &4
178Invalid resource &1 in warehouse &2
179Invalid warehouse &1
180Specified length &2 is smaller than Euclid. length &1 for global edge &3
181Time Calculation was executed in BRFplus (external trace ID &1)
182BRFplus returned a travel time of 0 although total distance > 0
183Velocity of resource type &1 in xy-direction: &2 &3
184Velocity of resource type &1 in z-direction: &2 &3
185Horizontal travel time: &1 &2
186Vertical travel time: &1 &2
190No Edge defined for aisle &1 in storage type &2 &3
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