/SCWM/UI_CANCPICK - Messages Regarding Reversal of Picking

The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/UI_CANCPICK: Messages Regarding Reversal of Picking.
It is part of development package /SCWM/CORE_UI_DE in software component SCM-EWM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Core User Interface".
Message Nr
Message Text
003No stock exists
004Warehouse process type for WT creation is missing for delivery &1 item &2
005TCD HU &1: Cancel picking is not allowed
006No picked HU found
007No picked delivery items found
008Entered quantity &1 &2 is too large; Maximum quantity &3 &4
009Select the serial numbers to be cancelled for delivery &1 item &2
010Delivery &1 item &2 is loaded; Not possible to cancel picking
011HU &1 is loaded; Not possible to cancel picking
012Selected stock has no serial numbers
014Outbound delivery distribution - Unable to cancel delivery &1 item &2
015Extend selection by HU &1
016Del. &1, item &2: outb. del. &3 created; picking cancellation not poss.
017No warehouse tasks exist for cancellation
020Warehouse process type &1 is not defined for transfer postings with WT
021Stock in HU &1; Change to HU view and release stock
022&1 delivery items and &2 HUs selected
023Quantity &1 item &2: number of serial numbers does not match reversal qty
024Delivery &1 item &2: catch weight quantity of picked stock is negative
025Delivery &1 item &2: enter a reversal quantity
026HU &1: Number of serial numbers that do not match packing quantity
027Doc. &1, Item &2: goods are still on resource. Cancellation not possible
030Locking conflict: Selected HUs are already locked by another process
032Packing object not found
033Error saving the packing object
034HU &1: Cancel the open warehouse task first by the 'Cancel WT' button
035Specify stock for picking cancellation (fields GUID_STOCK & GUID_PARENT)
036Error in releasing stock for outbound delivery order item &1/&2
037Delivery &1 is ready for shipping; not possible to cancel picking
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