/SCWM/VAS - Value-Added Service

The following messages are stored in message class /SCWM/VAS: Value-Added Service.
It is part of development package /SCWM/VAS in software component SCM-EWM-VAS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Value-Added Services".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Warehouse number must be identical for all warehouse requests
002VAS identification &1 is not in interval &2 of warehouse &3
003Warehouse &2 has internal interval &1. External numbers are not allowed
004Interval &1 for warehouse &2 is external. Specify VAS doc. no. as mand.
005Interval &1 for warehouse &2 in number range object &3 not found
006Reference to warehouse request item &1 is not complete
007You cannot use packaging specification &1 for product &2
008No VAS exists for warehouse request &1 item &2
009VAS order does not exist
010VAS order &1 contains no activity with process step &2
011No work center determined for VAS order &1 activ. &2 with process step &3
012VAS &3 already exists for warehouse request &1 item &2
013Work center cannot be changed because activity already started
014You do not have the authorization to create VAS order &1
015You do not have the authorization to change VAS order &1
016You do not have the authorization to read VAS order &1
017You do not have the authorization to delete VAS order &1
018VAS order &1 comes from the archive and cannot be processed
019From VAS order &1 act. &2, dest. data &3 and whse proc.type &4 determined
020Activity &2 cannot be changed for VAS order &1 due to a customs block
021VAS order &1 activity &2 could not be changed
022Packaging specification level &1 &2 has another processing entity
023VAS order creation canceled: No activities for packspec &1 and entity &2
024No planned time found for warehouse number &1 and process step &2
025No planned time found for warehouse number &1 and document type &2
026Comsumption postings for VAS order &1 already exist
027You can only enter a quantity for a complete kit
028Whse req. &1 item &2 has status Whse act. = Complete, no VAS order poss.
029No VAS work center determined, since source storage type does not exist
030Confirmed quantity &1 &3 must not be larger than target quantity &2 &3
031Unable to create/delete VAS &1. Warehouse tasks already exist
032Schema &1 is used to determine the packaging specification (&2)
033Packaging specification must be valid on &1 (&2)
034Route &1 transferred to packaging specification determination
035Consolidation group &1 transferred to pack. specification determination
036C/R of origin &1 transferred to packaging specification determination
037&3 &4 pf product &1 or ref. product &2 transf. to packspec. determination
038Supply Chain Unit &1 transferred to packaging specification determination
039Ship-from party &1 (role &2) transferred to packspec. determination
040Ship-to party &1 transferred to packaging specification determination
041Carrier &1 transferred to packaging specification determination
042Ordering party &1 transferred to packaging specification determination
043Delivery item has gross volume &1 &2 and gross weight &3 &4
044VAS &1 was created
045Warehouse request &1 does not exist in warehouse &2
046VAS &1, &2, &3
047Process step &1 cannot be completed at work center &2
048Error in method &1
049Insufficient components available for backflush
050VAS document type &1 for warehouse number &2 not found
051Posting is only possible after you have saved previous changes
052HU contains items that are not assigned to the VAS
053Unable to find a matching VAS order type
054Delivery item is inconsistent. Changing not possible
055Quantity change is not allowed
056Completed quantity of item &1 (activity &2) larger than planned quantity
057No goods movements were posted. Canceling not possible
058Activity is not relevant for entering a workload
059Planned quantity can only be changed for the kitting activity
060Switching to delivery only possible after saving
061Unable to find a VAS order matching this selection
062VAS document type &1 is not of type &2
063Batch does not exist
064Error while determining VAS order type
065You must enter a workload to change the completed quantity
066Workload was not confirmed completely
067A workload was reported; unable to change step
068No packaging specification was found that matches the selection
069Warehouse tasks exist for VAS; deleting is not allowed
070Workload was confirmed; deleting not allowed
071Pack spec with more than one kitting level. Creation not possible.
072Pack spec with kitting level. Creation not possible
073VAS order was changed
074VAS order is not relevant anymore; stock category has changed
075Open Warehouse Task &1 for VAS Order &2 exists.
076Confirmed Warehouse Task &1 for VAS Order &2 exists.
077Show Previous Data?
100-----------Messages for Integration VAS - Warehouse Request--------------
101Schema for determining packaging specification is missing
102Inconsistent settings for VAS relevance
104No packaging specification found for item &1 and product &2
105Error (&1) while determining packaging specification for item &2
106Data for checking VAS/packaging specification relevance is incomplete
107Error while determining data for checking VAS/packaging spec. relevance
108No packaging specification found for VAS order &1
109No VAS order created for item &1
110Error while creating VAS order
111Warehouse number is missing (warehouse request: &1)
112Change not allowed as VAS order &1 exists
113Error updating the VAS status
114VAS status has been updated
115Error while determining the packaging specification
116Error while reading VAS order &1
117Error while deleting VAS order &1
118Error while locking VAS order &1
119Error while writing document flow entry for the VAS order
120No packaging specification found
121Header status and activity status are not consistent
122Error during automatic generation of a VAS order (&1)
123Unable to read product data
124Correlation between activity and item is fixed
125Data for finding Packaging specification not transfered
126Schema for determining packaging specification is missing
127Document type is not suitable for VAS order type (&1 &2 &3 &4)
128Order is not in change mode
129Warehouse request items with quantity 0 are not allowed
130Specify values for mandatory parameters
131Inbound delivery without batch. Please enter batch in delivery-UI
132Ship-from party could not be determined for disposal party &1.
133Ship-to party could not be determined for disposal party &1.
200************* Messages UI *****************
201VAS orders saved
202VAS orders could not be saved
203Reference document &1, item &2 (category &3) could not be found
204VAS order &1 has been read from the archive; processing is not possible
205&1 VAS orders found
206Quantity reduction does not update the dependent quantities
207Outbound delivery order could not be generated due to following errors:
208Inbound delivery could not be generated due to following errors:
209No item was selected for posting
210No HU selected for posting
211Messages for the inbound delivery
212Messages for the outbound delivery order
213Outbound delivery order &1 was generated
214Inbound delivery &1 was generated
215Error while generating or updating the delivery
216Error while writing error messages
217Quantity entered is greater than the available quantity
218VAS order cannot be saved due to incorrect Customizing
219Error while saving deliveries, unable to save VAS order
220Unable to delete VAS order &1
221Product does not exist
222Items without product exist
223Error during availability check of kit component (error code &1)
224Error during quantity correlation for kits
225Error during availability check of kit
226Kit component &1: requested quantity: &2 confirmed quantity: &3
227Packaging specification contains no kitting activity
228Deleting is only possible after you have saved your changes
229Selected item does not have any available quantity
230No items to be posted were selected
231A space does not describe a valid status
232ASN reference for Inbound delivery could not be created
233VAS order &1 cannot be deleted; order not found; Refresh order
299A serious error has occurred; contact your system administrator
300****** DB - ODM *****************
301VAS order &1 was deleted
302VAS order &1 does not exist
303VAS order &2 is currently locked by user &1
305Specified auxiliary packaging prod. with seq. no. &1 could not be found
306Specified item with sequence number &1 could not be found
307VAS order &1 cannot be changed; order is archived
308VAS order &1 has been changed; refresh display
309Activity &2 for VAS order &1 has been changed; refresh display
310A VAS order is currently locked by user &1
311An activity is currently locked by user &1
397ODM was not activated - notify system admistrator
398No suitable access path found in ODM; contact system administration
399Serious error has occurred in ODM; contact system administrator
400------------------ Messages for Printing VAS, PPF -----------------------
401Error during automatic print of VAS order
402Error during manual print of VAS order
403Print VAS order: Data could not be determined
404Print VAS order: Delivery data is incomplete
405Print VAS order: Delivery data could not be determined
406Print VAS order: Error determining packaging specification data
407Print VAS order: Address for warehouse no. &1 does not contain a language
408The VAS order is printed out with the logon language &1
409Print VAS order: Error determining SC unit object for warehouse no. &1
410Print material labels: Data could not be determined
411No printer found; printing of material labels terminated
412Error deleting the PPF trigger for the VAS order &1
413No suitable entry in Customizing for time of printing VAS order
500------------------ UI ------------------------
501Enter a VAS order first
502Enter an activity first
503There is no item with this product
504Enter a product first
505Enter a quantity first
506You do not have the authorization to call transaction &1
507You have missing authorizations for this action
508Select a VAS order
509Auxiliary product not available in VAS order. Create a new item?
510Action only allowed for a VAS order
511No VAS labels to print for order &1
512VAS labels printed for order &1
513There is no activity that has the sequence number &1
514Auxiliary product not available in VAS
515A VAS can only be created for exactly one stock line
516Enter a quantity in a row
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